To do: HB 262-2012 clauses 12 "Site Sequence Number and File naming". This references 13.25 Site sequence number - any assistance on consolidating these?? LEAVE OUT FOR NOW.HB 262-2012 clauses 13.1-13.3. Clause 13 "Information and Concepts"; clause 13.1 "Introduction"; Clause 13.2 "Placer facility of site"; clause 13.3 "Filler facility or site".HB 262-2012 clauses 13.5 "Diagnostic order" (though mainly covered in OBR-2 section), but need to ?? bring together clauses 13.5 to 13.8. 13.5 added to ORC-2.- HB 262-2012 clause 13.9 Order acknowledgement - ? being covered in the discussions held on TC 25/10/2016, but ? was all that discussion captured in the document.
HB 262-2012 clause 13.10 "Non-requested tests (add-on or reflex test)" - query if can be covered as an additional sentence in "Placer group Number" information/section.HB 262-2012 clause 13.11 "Patient Identifiers" - query to be transformed. Add to the section on "Reconciling pathology orders and observation messages".HB 262-2012 clause 13.13 "Result identifiers" - query to be transformed. Add to the section on "Reconciling pathology orders and observation messages".HB 262-2012 clause 13.16 "Image and other advanced data type support" - to be transformed. Query transform to a separate small section.HB 262-2012 clause 13.18 "Escaping/Un-escaping Reserved Characters and Character sets" - mostly covered in the new document section "Dealing with reserved characters and delimiters". ? add content to existing (Dealing with reserved characters and delimiters) information in new document. Added to Conformance section as potential additional CP's.HB 262-2012 clause 13.19 "Common display issues and their solution" - query to be covered in "Appendix 3 Common Errors". Re: Jared/Andrew.HB 262-2012 clause 13.20 "Reports" - query content to be fragmented. Query any volunteers to transform this section?? Added to OBR, OBX, ORU and ORR sections.HB 262-2012 clause 13.22 "Sending results" - to be transformed. Query add to the section on "Reconciling pathology orders and observation messages" HB 262-2012 clause 13.23 "An unavailable result" - to be transformed. Query add to the section on "Reconciling pathology orders and observation messages" - H
B 262-2012 clause 13.25 "Site sequence number" - query incorporate into the specific field as additional info. ?? incorporated into section 12 that is transformed... TO BE DISCUSSED with PATHOLOGISTS (ML) HB 262-2012 clause 13.26 "Doctor references" incorporated into "XCN data type".HB 262-2012 clause 13.27 "Recommended terminology for diagnostics" Add a section on terminology - ie just refer to APUTS or NCTS. Rather than transform section 13.27.. Just made a comment in the relevant section and pointed to the relevant reference eg OBR-4 and pointed to in most cases. .HB 262-2012 clause 13.28 "Universal Service ID" include as part of terminology section... Added to OBR-4HB 262-2012 clause 13.34 "Security, privacy and confidentiality"... covered in PV1-16.HB 262-2012 clause 13.36 "Corrected results". Query add to the section on "Reconciling pathology orders and observation messages"HB 262-2012 clause 13.37 "Result/Report comments" to be transformed. Query as a section under "Reconciling pathology orders and observation messages".HB 262-2012 clause 13.38 "Processing OBX-FT value type" query transform to a formatting section???HB 262-2012 clause 13.39 "Cancelling an order" - a small paragraph to be incorporated into "Reconciling pathology orders and observation messages". Added to Reconciling messaging first table.HB 262-2012 clause 13.40 "Special field formats" transformed to ???- HB 262-2012 clause
13.41 "Special Results formats" - Microbiology done with OBX-4, Histopathology to be done ; Blood bank done as part of OBX-4 HB 262-2012 clause 13.45 "Notifiable conditions" done as part of Observation reportingHB 262-2012 clause 13.46 "Using tables" query transform to a formatting section??? Used for Diagnostic imagingHB 262-2012 clause 13.47 "Parsing negative numbers" query transform to a formatting section???HB 262-2012 clause 13.48 "Report and result delete messages" query transform to a formatting section???
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