Appendix 5 Conformance Statements (Normative)
Conformance Statements have been developed to help in formulating conformance testing of pathology messaging implementations in Australia against this Implementation Guide. The list below is not exhaustive. The entries are included here primarily if they:-
- are important from a safety or quality perspective, or
- are commonly not correctly implemented, or
- are at variance with the base HL7 v2.4 specifications.
Conformance of messages to base HL7 2.4 standards is otherwise assumed, and individual conformance tests or test applications may check against the base specification.
The following table indicates whether a conformance statement applies to a message sender, a message receiver, or both. In the case where a conformance statement applies to a message sender, it is expected that automated conformance checking can be carried out on one or more real or sample messages. For testing conformance of receiving implementations, the behaviour of the system must be observed in response to one or more real or sample messages.
The table of conformance statements indicates, for each statement, if it applies to order messages only, result messages only, or both.
Note: For the conformance points, generally the rule is stated first followed by the reason. The reason may also be referenced in other sections.
Note: HL7au Identifiers in () parenthesis are headings/groupers and not conformance points in themselves.
Conformance points which are revised will have their revision number in brackets after their HL7au identifier. For example HL7au:00000x.y.z (r2).
The values of Message Type Applicability column and their meanings are: -
- Orders = ORM messages
- Results = ORU messages
- Referrals = All REF messages (includes all profiles)
- Referrals(L1) = Simplified Referral Profile Level 1
- Referrals(L2) = Simplified Referral Profile Level 2
- Acknowledgement = ACK messages
- Referral Response = RRI messages
HL7au Identifier | Applicable to Senders/Receivers/Both | Message Type Applicability | Conformance point text | Comments |
HL7au:000001 | Senders/Receivers | Orders | Order addressing - Senders and receivers must ensure an order message is addressed using MSH-6 Receiving facility, as per rules in sub points of HD Datatype conformance heading HL7au:00044.2. | |
HL7au:000001.1 | Receivers | Orders | The system must actively reject an order message where the MSH-6 Receiving Facility does not identify their organisation |
HL7au:000001.2 | Senders | Orders | When using SMD refer to HL7au:000044.2 otherwise; senders should address order messages in MSH-6 Receiving facility using the NATA number if available. | |
HL7au:000001.2.1 | Senders | Orders | In MSH-6 the namespace ID should contain the registered NATA name for the laboratory as published by NATA ( ) | |
HL7au:000002 (r2) | Receivers | Results, Referrals | The system receiving messages must ensure that any document identifiers (OBR-3 Filler order number (EI)) in the received message are fully specified, with the authoring organisation's HD qualifying the identifier. This is done by testing that all components of Entity Identifier (EI) are valued, and when not returning error acknowledgement. | Document updating depends on a reliable document identifier and without a namespace for the identifier safe updating/corrections to documents is not possible. |
HL7au:000003 (r2) | Senders | Orders, Results, Referrals | If OBR-2 is valued, then to ensure the uniqueness of the Entity Identifier (EI) in OBR-2 (Placer Order Number) for a request identifier across different organisations, the Entity identifier (first component) in addition to the Namespace ID (second component) and Universal ID (third component) and Universal ID type (4th component) must be populated. | field optionality is still allowed i.e. field may be completely unvalued |
HL7au:000004.1 (r3) | Senders | Orders, Results, Referrals | If OBR-3 is valued, then to ensure the uniqueness of the Entity Identifier (EI) in OBR-3 (Filler Order Number) for a result identifier across different organisations, the Entity identifier (first component) in addition to the Namespace ID (second component) and Universal ID (third component) and Universal ID type (4th component) must be populated. | It is vital that a unique identifier within the authoring facility HD is used in the first component. The ability to issue corrected documents depends on the uniqueness of this document identifier. Future updates to a document will use the same identifier in OBR-3. |
HL7au:000004.2 (r1) | Receivers | Orders, Results, Referral | Older results with identical Entity Identifier (EI) in OBR-3 (Filler Order Number) to that of a newly received result message (by comparing OBR-22 Rpt/Status Change Date/Time field) must be replaced with the new message, and the older marked as deleted/superseded. | This applies independently to each OBR/OBX group |
HL7au:000005 (r2) | Senders | Orders, Results, Referrals | If ORC-2 is valued, then to ensure the uniqueness of the Entity Identifier (EI) in ORC-2 (Placer Order Number) for a request identifier across different organisations, the Entity identifier (first component) in addition to the Namespace ID (second component) and Universal ID (third component) and Universal ID type (4th component) must be populated. | field optionality is still allowed i.e. field may be completely unvalued |
HL7au:000006 (r3) | Senders | Orders, Results | If ORC-3 is valued, then to ensure the uniqueness of the Entity Identifier (EI) in ORC-3 (Filler Order Number) for a result identifier across different organisations, the Entity identifier (first component) in addition to the Namespace ID (second component) and Universal ID (third component) and Universal ID type (4th component) must be populated. | |
HL7au:000007 (r2) | Senders | Orders, Results, Referrals | If ORC-4 is valued, then to ensure the uniqueness of the Entity Identifier (EI) in ORC-4 (Placer Group Number) for a request identifier across different organisations, the Entity identifier (first component) in addition to the Namespace ID (second component) and Universal ID (third component) and Universal ID type (4th component) must be populated. | field optionality is still allowed i.e. field may be completely unvalued |
(HL7au:000008) | Display Segments | |||
HL7au:000008 | Senders | Results, Referrals | The message must contain at least one OBX display segment per OBR/OBX group. | **wording updated, same intention |
HL7au:000008.1 (r2) | Senders | Results, Referrals | Display segments must use the appropriate valid values within the AUSPDI coding system in OBX-3 for the content that is represented in it:
(Referral Level 1 receivers are only required to support PDF display segments. See HL7au:000008.3.1) | |
HL7au:000008.1.1 (r4) | Receivers | Results, Referrals | For Referrals Level 1 Receivers must be capable of displaying PDF (either via an embedded viewer or an external viewer) For other profiles: Receivers should be capable of displaying all display formats HTML, PDF, RTF, TXT (HL7 FT) (either via an embedded viewer or an external viewer), and must provide users access to all of these in an external viewer application if they are unable to fully display the format. *This conformance point was relaxed 31/10/2017. | Some formats may be viewed with an embedded viewer and external viewer, while other formats may be viewed with just an external viewer e.g. RTF). It is important that all can be accessed and viewed. |
HL7au:000008.1.2 | Senders and Receivers | Results | An OBX display segment is identified using OBX-3 Identifier (CE-1) and Name of Coding System (CE-3) components. The text component of the CE may be blank and only CE1 and CE-3 components need to match. | |
HL7au:000008.1.3 | Senders and Receivers | Results | In an OBX display segment, the OBX-2 Value Type field must match its corresponding display format specified in OBX-3 Identifier (ST) component as per table Display Format codes in Section 4.5 Display Segments. | |
HL7au:000008.1.4 | Senders and Receivers | Results | In an OBX display segment, the OBX-3 <name of coding system (IS)> must be valued "AUSPDI". | |
HL7au:000008.1.5 | Senders | Results, Referrals | The OBX display segment(s) must be the last in a set of OBX segments in each OBR/OBX group, with the exception of digital signature OBX(s) which may be after the display segments OBXs. (Display segments can be identified by having AUSPDI OBX-3 <name of coding system>) | |
HL7au:000008.1.6 | Receivers | Results, Referrals | When a display segment is shown, the earlier atomic OBX segments must not be rendered. | |
HL7au:000008.2 | Senders | Results | There must NOT be conflicting content between the OBX display segment and the preceding OBX atomic data. A compliant rendering of the atomic data (if present) must contain the same clinical information. |
HL7au:000008.2.1 | Senders | Referrals | For OBX within the supporting information OBR/OBX groups. There must NOT be conflicting content between the OBX display segment and the preceding OBX atomic data. A compliant rendering of the atomic data (if present) must contain the same clinical information. | |
HL7au:000008.2.2 | Senders | Referrals | For OBX within the current summary OBR/OBX group as indicated by OBR-4 as per section OBR-4 codes in referral messages. There must NOT be conflicting content between the OBX display segment and the preceding OBX atomic data and the medication and allergy segments of the REF message. | |
HL7au:000008.3.1 | Senders | Referrals | For Referrals Level 1: The single OBR/OBX group of the message must contain an OBX display segment in PDF format. For other profiles: Each OBR/OBX group of the message must contain at least one of the following OBX display segments HTML, PDF, TXT (HL7 FT). | |
HL7au:000008.3.2 | Senders | Referrals(L2) | If an RTF display segment is sent in an OBR/OBX group, then the same content must be sent in one of either HTML, PDF, or TXT (HL7 FT) same OBR/OBX group. | |
(HL7au:000008.2.3) | XHTML Display Segment | |||
(HL7au:000008.2.3.1) | XHTML Display Segment - Sender | |||
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Any OBX HTML display segments must be valid HTML and conform to the Document Type defined in 'XHTML 1.0 Strict' standard. Refer to to validate XHTML content. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | All embedded hyperlinks must be secure hyperlinks i.e. https:// . That is http:// is disallowed. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Sender must not use external style sheets. Internal style sheets are allowed. Note: external stylesheets are a security risk and could affect presentation of content. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Sender must not use scripts e.g. JavaScript etc. Note: active content is not allowed either inline or as external references. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Sender must not use the following elements:
| |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | If there is an image map, senders must have an additional mechanism for communicating that information because there is no obligation on receiving systems to deal with image maps. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Embedded CSS shall conform to the CSS3 specification. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | The core display of the report must be encapsulated in a 'div' element of html class ‘reportDisplay’. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Letter head information should be encapsulated in XHTML elements outside of the scope of the core display of the report identified by 'div' html class 'reportDisplay'. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Letter head images may not be embedded in the html but served externally. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | External letter head image sources must not be used, except when used outside a 'div' 'reportDisplay' class html element and only when that 'div' it is present.
| |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | The core report must display in a readable way with the CSS removed. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Information in the core report data must not be hidden by CSS formatting directives. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Image element "src" attributes must use the value "hl7v2://OBX.<setID>" where the setID reference the OBX in the message containing the Encapsulated Data (ED) image or Reference Pointer (RP) to the data, except for images which are a part of a letterhead as per HL7au:000008. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | External images may be linked from the report body via a clickable link which the user can manually select. | e.g. to access a PACS image |
(HL7au:000008.2.3.2) | XHTML Display segment - Receiver | |||
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | HTML display segments must be displayed using a HTML/CSS component that is compliant for rendering of XHTML and CSS3. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Secure hyperlinks (https://) must be able to be clicked by a user and client application must enable navigation to secure https:// sites . | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receiving software may filter or disable all embedded JavaScript. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receiving software may suppress objects, iframes, forms with base/link/xlink | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receiving software may block access to insecure hyperlinks e.g. file://, http:// | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | It should be possible for users in receiving software to selectively hide content outside of the 'div' element of html class ‘reportDisplay’. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receiving software should not selectively hide any html when no 'div' element of html class ‘reportDisplay’ is not present in XHTML content. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receiver must support embedded images in XHTML that must be proper URLs suitable for browser use directly, or use the HL7 V2: scheme defined in the HTML Appendix. | Receivers may choose to parse the xml and replace the hl7v2 scheme content with a base64 encoded image from the appropriate OBX. eg.
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | XHTML containing images with a source referring back to an RP OBX segment using the 'hl7v2://OBX.<setID>' must be resolved so that the images are viewable. | ** Note that regular browsers do not support this feature directly, xhtml preprocessing is required before display with browser |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | XHTML containing images with a source referring back to an ED OBX segment using the 'hl7v2://OBX.<setID>' must be resolved so that the images are viewable. | ** Note that regular browsers do not support this feature directly, xhtml preprocessing is required before display with browser |
(HL7au:000008.2.4) | PDF Display segment | |||
(HL7au:000008.2.4.1) | PDF Display segment - Sender | |||
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Documents must be valid according to the PDF/A-1b profile. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Must embed fonts | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Must not use encryption/password protection | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Must not use PDF Comments | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Must not restrict printing. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Must not restrict copying. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | May use PDF digital signature | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | May use PDF restrict changes | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | May use PDF compression | |
(HL7au:000008.2.4.2) | PDF Display segment - Receiver | |||
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals | Receiver software must display the received PDF with a PDF viewer component. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals | Receiver software must be capable of rendering PDF/A-1b content. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals | Receiver must support embedded fonts. This is because content is laid out based on font metrics. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals | Receiver must support PDF compression. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals | Receivers may validate for PDF digital signatures. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals | Receiver software must not allow changes to documents in all circumstances. This is irrespective of PDF flags to restrict changes. | |
(HL7au:000008.2.4.3) | RTF Display segment | |||
(HL7au:000008. | RTF Display segment - Sender | |||
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | RTF must not contain nested tables (i.e. tables inside tables) | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | RTF must not contain active content such as Objected Linking and Embedding Objects (OLE), except with image rendition subject to site-specific negotiation. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | RTF must not contain embedded fonts | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | RTF must not contain smart shapes/other drawing objects (convert these to PNG images) | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | RTF must not contain smart tags | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | RTF must not contain change tracking markup or comments | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | RTF must not contain section specific page layout | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | RTF must not contain word forms | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Clinical information must not be presented in Header/footer/cross-references. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Branding information may be presented in Header/footer/cross-references. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Watermark must not be required to be viewed. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | All field values are up to date, as fields may not updated, only displayed as text. | |
(HL7au:000008. | RTF Display segment - Receiver | |||
Note: Referral receivers may choose to support the required RTF receiver capability by allowing the user to launching a compliant external RTF viewer application (such as Microsoft Word Viewer / Microsoft Word). It is not a requirement to embed a viewer. | ||||
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must process the \binXXXX control word and skip processing of RTF control words for XXX bytes. | Refer to Word 2007: Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification, version 1.9.1 page 211 where it says "the reader must explicitly check each control word found to see if it is a \binN control, and if found, skip that many bytes before resuming its scanning for braces." |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must support tables, except for nested tables | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must support hyperlinks | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must allow secure https:// hyperlinks to be clickable and navigable into a web browser. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must support display of RTF embedded bmp, gif, png, jpg, and emf. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must support display of RTF columns | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must support Lists including bullet and numbers. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must support display of nested lists with indication of logical nesting. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Display of selected field values. | Editors such as Microsoft Word allow form fields to be created such as combo boxes, radio buttons and check boxes which users can select a value from. This the selected field value refers to the answer which should be present in the RTF field. |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers may support Header/footer/cross-references | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers may support watermarks | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must display field values. | This refers to fields such as page numbers. RTF senders should include the value in the field. |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers may not calculate field values. | |
(HL7au:000008.2.4.4) | FT Display segment | |||
(HL7au:000008. | FT Display segment - Sender | |||
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Senders must escape '|' character to the field separator character escape sequence "\F\" | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Senders must escape '^' character to the component separator character escape sequence "\S\" | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Senders must escape '&' character to the sub-component separator character escape sequence "\T\" | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Senders must escape '~' character to the repeat character escape sequence "\R\" | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Senders must escape '\' character to the escape character escape sequence "\E\" | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Senders must escape new line character(s) to the escape sequence "\.br\" | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Senders must design FT content for presentation with a monospaced font | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Senders must not use "\Xdddd...\" hexadecimal data escape sequences | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Senders must not use "\Zdddd..\" locally defined escape sequences | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Senders must not use "\.ce\" escape sequences. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Senders must not break FT content into multiple components or repeats. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Senders must limit intended display line lengths to 80 characters. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Senders must not use "\M" escape sequences. | |
HL7au:000008. | Senders | Results, Referrals | Senders must not use "\C" escape sequences. | |
(HL7au:000008. | FT Display segment - Receiver | |||
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | FT datatype content SHALL be displayed using monospaced font | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must de-escape "\F\" to the field separator character '|' |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must de-escape "\S\" to the component separator character '^' | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must de-escape "\T\" to the sub-component separator character '&' | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must de-escape "\R\" to the repetition character '~' | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must de-escape "\E\" to the escape character '\' | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must start highlighting text whenever "\H\" escape sequence is encountered | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must end highlighting text whenever "\N\" escape sequence is encountered. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must support "\.sp <number>\" escape sequences, and must maintain horizontal position while skipping positive <number> vertical spaces. (If <number> is not specified 1 must be assumed). | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must support "\.br\" escape sequence and must begin a new left justified line. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must support the fill mode (word wrap) "\.fi\" escape sequence. This means that after this sequence is encountered a soft line break must be introduced when horizontal space runs out. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must support the no fill mode (no word wrap) "\.nf\" escape sequence. This means after this sequence is encountered a soft line break must not be introduced when horizontal space runs out. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must support indent "\.in <number>\" escape sequences. This means that on encountering this sequence each subsequent new line should be indented by positive <number> characters until the end of the document or another indent escape sequence sets the indent state. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must support temporary indent "\.ti <number>\" escape sequences. This means that on encountering this sequence the first character of the each line in the paragraph (i.e. until \.br\ is encountered) will be indented to the absolute <number> value of fixed-width characters from the left hand side (not relative to the current .in value). | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must support skip "\.sk <number>\" escape sequences. This means that on encountering a skip sequence that the next character position will be advanced by <number> spaces to the right. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results, Referrals(L2) | Receivers must ensure that 80 characters of text (using a non-proportional font) can be displayed without word wrapping the line of text. | |
HL7au:000008. | Receivers | Results | Receivers must support 8859/1 character encoding when specified in MSH-18. | |
(HL7au:000010) | Digital signatures | |||
HL7au:000010 | Receivers | Orders, Results, Referrals(L2) | If a digital signature is received in an OBX segment, receiving systems must recognise the digital signature and not inadvertently process it as data for display. | Refer to Standards Australia publication HB 308HB 308 - Location of Digital Signatures in HL7v2 Digital signature OBX can identified by OBX-3 (CE) identifier component starting with "AUSETAV", and OBX-3 name of code system component "L") |
HL7au:000010.1 | Receivers | Orders, Results, Referrals(L2) | If a digital signature is received in an OBX segment, then the signature and report content should if possible be verified and the results presented to the user on the display with the report. | |
HL7au:000019 | Senders and Receivers | Orders, Results, Referrals(L2) | A single message of up to 16 MB (16,777,216 bytes) must be able to be received by both the transmitters and receivers of messages. Note: Larger sized messages are feasible, but only under specific trading partner agreements. | |
HL7au:000020 | Senders | Orders, Results, Referrals(L2) | All message types and trigger event codes beginning with the letter “Z” are reserved for locally-defined messages and must NOT be used. |
HL7au:000021 | Senders | Results, Referrals(L2) | Data type TX must NOT be used as a value in the OBX-2 Value Type field. |
(HL7au:000022) | File and Batch Segments | |||
HL7au:000022.1 | Senders | Orders, Results, Referrals | If the batch header is used it must specify individual message acknowledgement. No information from the file header/footer or batch segments must be used. | |
HL7au:000022.2 | Receivers | Orders, Results | All messages between the batch header (BHS) and the file trailer (FTS) must be acknowledged individually. The batch itself is not acknowledged. |
HL7au:000022.3 | Senders | Referrals | Senders must generate batches conta |