International ORU Structure

By way of comparison the International HL7 2.4 standard has the following message structure which is varied by the Australian localisation (See section 1.7).

International ORU Message Structure
ORU^R01           Unsolicited Observation Message
MSH               Message Header
    PID           Patient Identification
    [PD1]         Additional Demographics
    [{NK1}]       Next of Kin/Associated Parties
    [{NTE}]       Notes and Comments
    PV1           Patient Visit
    [PV2]         Patient Visit - Additional Info
    [ORC]         Order common
    OBR           Observations Report ID
    {[NTE]}       Notes and comments
    [CTD]         Contact Data
    [OBX]         Observation/Result
    {[NTE]}       Notes and comments
  [{FT1}]         Financial Transaction
  {[CTI]}         Clinical Trial Identification
[DSC]             Continuation Pointer