Message criteria | HL7™ V2 Field | Example/Notes | Required | |
Sending facility | MSH-4 | |8003621566684455^^ISO| or |^^ISO| as per clause 3.6 HB 234-2012. Note: - The HPI-O may be omitted from the Namespace ID field. - Same facility as ORC-21 or |gx_32615492^GOLD^L| as per clause 11.4 HB 262-2012. | Required | |
Receiving facility | MSH-6 (Receiving facility) | |^^ISO| as per Clause 3.6 HB 234-2012. or |QML^2184^AUSNATA| as per clause 11.4 and clause 13.3 HB 262-2012 Or |ACME Diagnostic Imaging^8234^AUSLSPN| as per Clause 13.3 HB 262-2012 or Clause 19.2 HB 234-2012. | Required
Note: Where the message is being sent after the report has been received this field must match the Sending Facility from the original ORU message. | |
Date/time of message | MSH-7 | |20120916220216+1000| | Required | |
IoC Message Unique Identifier | MSH-10 (Message control ID) | |XX05242212123-1061| | Required | |
Patient Identifier (IHI) | PID-3 | |8003608833357361^^^AUSHIC^NI| | Required | |
Patient Name | PID-5 | |SMITH^Jessica^^^Ms^^L| | Required | |
Patient Date of Birth | PID-7 | |19900101| | Required | |
Administrative sex | PID-8 | |F| | Required | |
Authorisation /order released | ORC-1 (Order Control ) | |SC| (for consent being provided after result was complete) |NW| (for consent being provided with the order) | Required | |
Placer order number | ORC-2 | |BGC-00004428-1^Demo Server^1FFA8984-7166-4655-B195-7B4FFFD2F136^GUID|
| Required
Note: Where the message is being sent after the report has been received this field is unique for this IoC message and not the original request. | |
Sending HPI-I | ORC-12 | |8003619900015717^[surname]^[given]^[etc]^^[title]^^^AUSHIC^^^^NPI| | Optional | |
Sending UserID | ORC-12 | |8003619900015717^[surname]^[given]^[etc]^^[title]^^^AUSHIC^^^^NPI| | Conditional
Note: This is mandatory where sending HPI-I is not provided. | |
Sending Individual Provider Name | ORC-12 | |8003619900015717^[surname]^[given]^[etc]^^[title]^^^AUSHIC^^^^NPI| | Required | |
Sending HPI-O | ORC-21 | |XYZ Organisation^L^8003621566684455^^^AUSHIC^NOI| | Required | |
Sending Organisation Name | ORC-21 | |XYZ Organisation^L^8003621566684455^^^AUSHIC^NOI| Note: ORC-21 was introduced in HL7™ V2.3.1 and not present in V2.3 or earlier. | Required | |
Unique result identifier | OBR-3 (Laboratory number (OBR-3) | |AB345678-FBC^EXAMPLE LAB^1234^AUSNATA| | Conditional
Note: Where this message is being sent in response to a report (ORC-1 set to “SC”) this field is required.
Note: Where the message is being sent after the report has been received, All OBR Segments from the original ORU message must be repeated in this Indication of Consent Message. | |
Type of Result | OBR-4 (Universal Service Identifier) | | FBC^FULL BLOOD COUNT^L^26604007^Complete blood count^SCT| This example uses a SNOMED code as an alternate code for a full blood count result to be authorised
|FBC^FULL BLOOD COUNT^L| This example uses a local lab code FBC for the authorisation.
|XYZ^Procedure Desc^LSPN8234| This example uses a diagnostic imaging provider’s LSPN. | Required
Note: Where the message is being sent after the report has been received, All OBR Segments from the original ORU message must be repeated in this Indication of Consent Message.
| |
Repository Consent | OBX | field: OBX-2 | |RP| | Required
Note: This OBX Segment shall appear for each OBR Segment and shall contain the same value for all instances within the message. |
OBX-3 | |60572-5^^LN^ENTRY^^EN 13606| | |||
OBX-4 | |1| | |||
OBX-5 | |CEN-Repository-Consent.v1^Repository Consent&99A-9B6A27841D4552AB&L^TEXT^Octet-stream| | |||
OBX-11 | |O| | |||
IoC Instruction (coded text) | OBX | OBX-2 | |CE| | Required
Note: This OBX Segment shall appear for each OBR Segment. |
OBX-3 | |728301000168101^Patient consent to upload healthcare document^SCT| | |||
OBX-4 | |1.1| | |||
OBX-5 | |728321000168105^Patient consent not withdrawn^SCT| is used when the patient has not withdrawn consent for transmission to the shared repository. |728311000168103^Patient consent withdrawn^SCT| is used when the patient has withdrawn consent for transmission to the shared repository.
| |||
OBX-11 | |O| | |||
Record Exists (coded text) | OBX | OBX-2 | |CE| | Optional
Note: This OBX Segment shall appear for each OBR Segment and shall contain the same value for all instances within the message. |
OBX-3 | |728211000168106^eHealth record ownership^SCT| | |||
OBX-4 | |1.2| | |||
OBX-5 | |728221000168104^Patient has eHealth record^SCT| is used when the patient has a record in the repository.
|728231000168101^Patient does not have eHealth record^SCT| is used when the patient does not have a record in the repository.
| |||
OBX-11 | |O| | |||
Shared repository destination | OBX | OBX-2 | |CE| | Required Note: This OBX Segment shall appear for each OBR Segment and shall contain the same value for all instances within the message. |
OBX-4 | |1.3| | |||
OBX-3 | |74835-2^Health Data Repository (Identifier)^LN| | |||
OBX-5 | |8003640002000050^MyEHR Health Repository^GSO| | |||
OBX-11 | |O| |
Using the codes that the diagnostics provider used e.g. laboratory/diagnostic imaging number and report codes will better ensure that the appropriate reports are being authorised for posting to the shared repository.
Table 3
Sample Message Extracts
The following extracts appear as OBX segments in the ORM^O01.
OBX Segments | Definition | Action |
OBX|1|RP|60572-5^^LN^ENTRY^^EN 13606|1|CEN-Repository-Consent.v1^Repository Consent&99A-9B6A27841D4552AB&L^TEXT^Octet-stream||||||F | The Patient has a PCEHR Record and has not withdrawn consent to upload the result to the PCEHR. | The diagnostic services facility may upload the diagnostic services report without performing a does PCEHR Exists call. |
OBX|1|RP|60572-5^^LN^ENTRY^^EN 13606|1|CEN-Repository-Consent.v1^Repository Consent&99A-9B6A27841D4552AB&L^TEXT^Octet-stream||||||F | The Patient has a PCEHR Record however the patient has withdrawn consent for the result to the PCEHR. | The diagnostic services facility must not upload the diagnostic services to the PCEHR System. |
OBX|1|RP|60572-5^^LN^ENTRY^^EN 13606|1|CEN-Repository-Consent.v1^Repository Consent&99A-9B6A27841D4552AB&L^TEXT^Octet-stream||||||F | The Patient has not withdrawn consent to upload the report to the PCEHR. However it has not been indicated whether a patient has a PCEHR record. | The diagnostic services facility must establish whether the patient has a PCEHR record. It is recommended this is done by performing a does PCEHR Exists query to the PCEHR system. If the query returns true the diagnostic services report may be uploaded, otherwise the report is not to be uploaded. |
OBX|1|RP|60572-5^^LN^ENTRY^^EN 13606|1|CEN-Repository-Consent.v1^Repository Consent&99A-9B6A27841D4552AB&L^TEXT^Octet-stream||||||F | The patient has not withdrawn consent however appears not to have a PCEHR record. | The diagnostic services facility may perform a does PCEHR Exists query to check if the patient has a PCEHR. If the query returns true, the diagnostic services report may be uploaded.
Note: Although the sending system has indicated that the patient does not have a PCEHR record, the diagnostic services provider may perform a does PCEHR Exist query to confirm whether or not the patient has a PCEHR. The possible discrepancy between the sending system and does PCEHR Exists query may occur in scenarios where the patient hides their record from the sending organisation but not the diagnostic services provider. |
AS 4700.2-2012 Implementation of Health Level Seven (HL7™) Version 2.4 - Pathology and diagnostic imaging (diagnostics)
HB 262-2012 Guidelines for messaging between diagnostics providers and health service providers
HB 5530-2013 A guide to accessing historical reports from pathology providers
HB 234-2012 Healthcare identifier HL7 implementation guide