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Virtual Medical Record for Clinical Decision Support panel HL7.VMR-CDS


Section Heading or ElementOBX-2 DataTypeOBX-3 Observation Identifier componentOBX-3 Text componentOBX-3 Name of Coding System componentOBX-3 Alternative Code componentOBX-3 Name of Alternative Coding systemOBX-4 Observation sub-ID


OBX-5 Observation value


Value Set or Constraint

OBX-14 Date/time of the observationOCCURENCESVMR DATATYPE
Report template IDRP74028-2Report template IDLN  1HL7V2-VMR.v1^HL7V2 VMR&99A-9AAC5A649D18B6F2&L^TX^Octet-stream 1ENTRY
History of Presenting ComplaintCWE73983-9 LN  1.134046-3^History of Presenting Complaint^LN 0..1SECTION
Chief ComplaintCWE10154-3Chief ComplaintLN33962009SCT1.1.1Constraint (Child of Snomed-CT term 404684003 | Clinical finding (finding)) 0..1CODEDVALUE
Date of OnsetTS11368-8Date of OnsetLN298059007SCT1.1.2  0..1DATETIME
NotesFT8251-1NotesLN  1.1.3  0..1STRING
History of Past IllnessCWE73983-9 LN  1.211348-0^History of Past Illness^LN^417662000^History of Past Illness^SCT 0..1SECTION
Past Illness-     1.2.1.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Past Illness]  0..*STRUCTURAL
Past IllnessCWE11349-8Past IllnessLN404684003SCT1.2.1.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Past Illness].1Constraint (Child of Snomed-CT term 404684003 | Clinical finding (finding)) 0..1CODEDVALUE
Temporal ContextCWE408731000Temporal ContextSCT  1.2.1.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Past Illness].2

Value Set (


410511007^Current or past^SCT

410587003^Past - specified^SCT

410588008^Past - unspecified^SCT

410589000^All times past^SCT




If this field is unvalued, then 410511007^Current or past^SCT is the assumed value.

Illness DatesDR11368-8Illness DatesLN  1.2.1.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Past Illness].3  0..1DATERANGE
Notes on IllnessFT8251-1Notes on IllnessLN  1.2.1.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Past Illness].4  0..1STRING
ProceduresCWE73983-9 LN  1.347519-4^^LN^416940007 0..1SECTION
Procedure-     1.3.1.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Procedure]  0..*STRUCTURAL
Procedure PerformedCWE29300-1Procedure PerformedLN  1.3.1.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Procedure].1Constraint (Child of Snomed-CT term 71388002 | Procedure (procedure) |)Y0..1CODEDVALUE
Notes on ProcedureFT8251-1Notes on ProcedureLN  1.3.1.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Procedure].2  0..1STRING
Family HistoryCWE73983-9 LN  1.410157-6^Family History^LN 0..1SECTION
Patients Family Tree IDST74027-4Patients Family Tree IDLN422549004SCT1.4.1  0..1STRING
Natural Father IDST74026-6Natural Father IDLN  1.4.2  0..1STRING
Natural Mother IDST74025-8Natural Mother IDLN  1.4.3  0..1STRING
RelativesCWE73983-9 LN  1.4.4224086007^Relatives^SCT 0..1SECTION
Relative-[CLUSTER -- Relative]  0..*STRUCTURAL
Relative NameST54138-3Relative NameLN[CLUSTER -- Relative].1  0..1STRING
RelationshipCWE44767-2RelationshipLN[CLUSTER -- Relative].2

Constraint (HL7 v3 FamilyMember Value set = Child of Role Code _PersonalRelationshipRoleType FAMMEMB)

Use "ROLECODE" for Name of Coding System component of CWE

See Table HL7 v3 FamilyMember Value set below

Relative IDST74024-1Relative IDLN[CLUSTER -- Relative].3  0..1STRING
Natural Father IDST74026-6Natural Father IDLN[CLUSTER -- Relative].4  0..1STRING
Natural Mother IDST74025-8Natural Mother IDLN[CLUSTER -- Relative].5  0..1STRING
deceasedEstimatedAgeST39016-1deceasedEstimatedAgeLN[CLUSTER -- Relative].6  0..1REAL
LivingEstimatedAgeST LivingEstimatedAgeLN[CLUSTER -- Relative].7  0..1REAL
Clinical Genomic ChoiceCWE74042-3Clinical Genomic ChoiceLN[CLUSTER -- Relative].8.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Clinical Genomic Choice]  0..*COLLECTION
Clinical ObservationCWE74023-3Clinical ObservationLN[CLUSTER -- Relative].8.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Clinical Genomic Choice].1  1..1CODEDVALUE
Negation IndicatorCWE74022-5Negation IndicatorLN[CLUSTER -- Relative].8.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Clinical Genomic Choice].2  0..1BOOLEAN
Cause of DeathCWE74044-9Cause of DeathLN[CLUSTER -- Relative].8.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Clinical Genomic Choice].3  0..1BOOLEAN
DataEstimatedAgeST21611-9DataEstimatedAgeLN[CLUSTER -- Relative].8.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Clinical Genomic Choice].4  0..1REAL
Genetic LociST48018-6Genetic LociLN[CLUSTER -- Relative].8.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Clinical Genomic Choice].5.RepeatOf[ELEMENT -- Genetic Loci]  0..*STRING
Genetic RisksCWE73983-9 LN  1.4.5106221001^Genetic Risks^SCT 0..1SECTION
Pedigree Analysis Results -[CLUSTER -- Pedigree Analysis Results]  0..*STRUCTURAL
Genetic Disease AssessedCWE51967-8Genetic Disease AssessedLN[CLUSTER -- Pedigree Analysis Results].1  0..1CODEDVALUE
Input ParametersCWE73983-9 LN[CLUSTER -- Pedigree Analysis Results].2^Input Parameters 0..1SECTION
Genetic Algorithm UsedCWE74021-7Genetic Algorithm UsedLN[CLUSTER -- Pedigree Analysis Results].2.1  0..1CODEDVALUE
SensitivityNM74020-9SensitivityLN[CLUSTER -- Pedigree Analysis Results].2.2  0..1PHYSICALQUANTITY
Probability of DiseaseST74019-1Probability of DiseaseLN[CLUSTER -- Pedigree Analysis Results].3.RepeatOf[ELEMENT -- Probability of Disease]  0..*REAL
Pregnancy HistoryCWE73983-9 LN  1.5118185001^Pregnancy History^SCT 0..1SECTION
GravidaNM11996-6GravidaLN161732006SCT1.5.1  0..1INTEGER
ParityNM11977-6ParityLN364325004SCT1.5.2  0..1INTEGER
MiscarriagesNM11614-5MiscarriagesLN248989003SCT1.5.3  0..1INTEGER
TerminationsNM11613-7TerminationsLN252114001SCT1.5.4  0..1INTEGER
Social HistoryCWE73983-9 LN  1.629762-2^Social History^LN^160476009^^SCT 0..1SECTION
Social SituationFT10166-7Social SituationLN  1.6.1  0..1STRING
Substance UseCWE73983-9 LN  1.7409069009^Substance Use^SCT 0..1SECTION
Smoking HistoryCWE73983-9 LN  1.7.1365981007^Smoking History^SCT 0..1SECTION
Tobacco use and exposureCWE63638-1Tobacco use and exposureLN229819007SCT1.7.1.1  0..1CODEDVALUE
Tobacco smoking consumptionNM63858-5Tobacco smoking consumptionLN266918002SCT1.7.1.2  0..1PHYSICALQUANTITY
Lifetime IntakeNM74011-8Lifetime IntakeLN401201003SCT1.7.1.3  0..1PHYSICALQUANTITY
Date CeasedDT74010-0Date CeasedLN  0..1DATETIME
Alcohol IntakeCWE73983-9 LN  1.7.2228273003^Alcohol Intake^SCT 0..1SECTION
Alcohol IntakeCWE11331-6Alcohol IntakeLN160573003SCT1.7.2.1  0..1CODEDVALUE
Last Drank AlcoholDT74014-2Last Drank AlcoholLN  0..1DATETIME
30 day quantity and frequencyCWE73983-9 LN^30 day quantity and frequency^PHENX 0..1SECTION
Number of days alcohol consumedNM63597-9Number of days alcohol consumedLN  0..1INTEGER
Standard drinks per day on a drinking day in last 30 daysNM63598-7Standard drinks per day on a drinking day in last 30 daysLN  0..1INTEGER
Average Daily Alcohol IntakeNM74013-4Average Daily Alcohol IntakeLN443315005SCT1.7.2.4  0..1PHYSICALQUANTITY
Maximum Daily Standard DrinksNM63591-2Maximum Daily Standard DrinksLN442547005SCT1.7.2.5  0..1PHYSICALQUANTITY
Years Alcohol ConsumedNM74012-6Years Alcohol ConsumedLN228330005SCT1.7.2.6  0..1PHYSICALQUANTITY
Alcohol abuse or dependence (eg DSM IV)CWE74043-1Alcohol abuse or dependence (eg DSM IV)LN15167005SCT1.7.2.7  0..1BOOLEAN
Other substance UseCWE73983-9 LN  1.7.3363908000^Other substance Use^SCT 0..1SECTION
Drug misuse detailsCWE228366006Drug misuse detailsSCT[ELEMENT -- Drug misuse details]  0..*CODEDVALUE
Exercise HistoryCWE73983-9 LN  1.874008-4^Exercise History^LN^266930008^Exercise History^SCT 0..1SECTION
Currently ExercisingCWE  Currently ExercisingLN  1.8.1  0..1CODEDVALUE
Exercise TypeCWE73986-2Exercise TypeLN  1.8.2  0..1CODEDVALUE
Time Spent ExercisingNM74009-2Time Spent ExercisingLN  1.8.3  0..1PHYSICALQUANTITY
VitalsCWE73983-9 LN  1.946680005^Vitals^SCT 0..1SECTION
Blood PressureCWE73983-9 LN  1.9.1.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Blood Pressure]55417-0^Blood Pressure^LN^75367002^Blood Pressure^SCT 0..*COLLECTION
Systolic PressureNM8480-6Systolic PressureLN  1.9.1.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Blood Pressure].1 Y0..1PHYSICALQUANTITY
Diastolic PressureNM8462-4Diastolic PressureLN  1.9.1.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Blood Pressure].2  0..1PHYSICALQUANTITY
Patient PositionCWE8361-8Patient PositionLN  1.9.1.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Blood Pressure].3  0..1CODEDVALUE
Pulse rateNM8893-0Pulse rateLN  1.9.2.RepeatOf[ELEMENT -- Pulse rate] Y0..*PHYSICALQUANTITY
WeightNM29463-7WeightLN  1.9.3.RepeatOf[ELEMENT -- Weight] Y0..*PHYSICALQUANTITY
Oxygen SaturationNM59408-5Oxygen SaturationLN  1.9.5.RepeatOf[ELEMENT -- Oxygen Saturation] Y0..*PHYSICALQUANTITY
HeightNM8302-2HeightLN  1.9.6.RepeatOf[ELEMENT -- Height] Y0..*PHYSICALQUANTITY
TemperatureNM8310-5TemperatureLN  1.9.7.RepeatOf[ELEMENT -- Temperature] Y0..*PHYSICALQUANTITY
Respiratory rateNM9279-1Respiratory rateLN  1.9.8.RepeatOf[ELEMENT -- Respiratory rate]  0..*PHYSICALQUANTITY
AlertsCWE73983-9 LN  1.1044944-7^Alerts^LN 0..1SECTION
Alert -     1.10.1.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Alert]  0..*STRUCTURAL
Alert TypeCWE74018-3Alert TypeLN  1.10.1.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Alert].1  0..1CODEDVALUE
ActiveCWE74017-5ActiveLN  1.10.1.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Alert].2  0..1BOOLEAN
Specific AlertCWE44944-7Specific AlertLN  1.10.1.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Alert].3  0..1CODEDVALUE
Reported byCWE74015-9Reported byLN  1.10.1.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Alert].4  0..1CODEDVALUE
Recorded dateDT Recorded date   1.10.1.RepeatOf[CLUSTER -- Alert].5  0..1DATETIME


OBX-5 value domains are suggested and recommended. However, systems should use the values that they have available in their systems.


Table HL7 v3 FamilyMember Value set
1(_PersonalRelationshipRoleType) Abstract  
2  FAMMEMBfamily memberA relationship between two people characterizing their "familial" relationship
3    CHILDchildThe player of the role is a child of the scoping entity.
4      CHLDADOPTadopted childThe player of the role is a child taken into a family through legal means and raised by the scoping person (parent) as his or her own child.
5        DAUADOPTadopted daughterThe player of the role is a female child taken into a family through legal means and raised by the scoping person (parent) as his or her own child.
5        SONADOPTadopted sonThe player of the role is a male child taken into a family through legal means and raised by the scoping person (parent) as his or her own child.
4      CHLDFOSTfoster childThe player of the role is a child receiving parental care and nurture from the scoping person (parent) but not related to him or her through legal or blood ties.
5        DAUFOSTfoster daughterThe player of the role is a female child receiving parental care and nurture from the scoping person (parent) but not related to him or her through legal or blood ties.
5        SONFOSTfoster sonThe player of the role is a male child receiving parental care and nurture from the scoping person (parent) but not related to him or her through legal or blood ties.
4      DAUCdaughterDescription: The player of the role is a female child (of any type) of scoping entity (parent)
5        DAUADOPT  
5        DAUFOST  
5        DAUnatural daughterThe player of the role is a female offspring of the scoping entity (parent).
5        STPDAUstepdaughterThe player of the role is a daughter of the scoping person's spouse by a previous union.
4      NCHILDnatural childThe player of the role is an offspring of the scoping entity as determined by birth.
5        DAU  
5        SONnatural sonThe player of the role is a male offspring of the scoping entity (parent).
4      SONCsonDescription: The player of the role is a male child (of any type) of scoping entity (parent)
5        SONADOPT  
5        SONFOST  
5        SON  
5        STPSONstepsonThe player of the role is a son of the scoping person's spouse by a previous union.
4      STPCHLDstep childThe player of the role is a child of the scoping person's spouse by a previous union.
5        STPDAU  
5        STPSON  
3    EXTextended family memberDescription: A family member not having an immediate genetic or legal relationship e.g. Aunt, cousin, great grandparent, grandchild, grandparent, niece, nephew or uncle.
4      AUNTauntThe player of the role is a sister of the scoping person's mother or father.
5        MAUNTmaternal auntDescription:The player of the role is a biological sister of the scoping person's biological mother.
5        PAUNTpaternal auntDescription:The player of the role is a biological sister of the scoping person's biological father.
4      COUSNcousinThe player of the role is a relative of the scoping person descended from a common ancestor, such as a grandparent, by two or more steps in a diverging line.
5        MCOUSNmaternal cousinDescription:The player of the role is a biological relative of the scoping person descended from a common ancestor on the player's mother's side, such as a grandparent, by two or more steps in a diverging line.
5        PCOUSNpaternal cousinDescription:The player of the role is a biological relative of the scoping person descended from a common ancestor on the player's father's side, such as a grandparent, by two or more steps in a diverging line.
4      GGRPRNgreat grandparentThe player of the role is a parent of the scoping person's grandparent.
5        GGRFTHgreat grandfatherThe player of the role is the father of the scoping person's grandparent.
6          MGGRFTHmaternal great-grandfatherDescription:The player of the role is the biological father of the scoping person's biological mother's parent.
6          PGGRFTHpaternal great-grandfatherDescription:The player of the role is the biological father of the scoping person's biological father's parent.
5        GGRMTHgreat grandmotherThe player of the role is the mother of the scoping person's grandparent.
6          MGGRMTHmaternal great-grandmotherDescription:The player of the role is the biological mother of the scoping person's biological mother's parent.
6          PGGRMTHpaternal great-grandmotherDescription:The player of the role is the biological mother of the scoping person's biological father's parent.
5        MGGRPRNmaternal great-grandparentDescription:The player of the role is a biological parent of the scoping person's biological mother's parent.
6          MGGRFTH  
6          MGGRMTH  
5        PGGRPRNpaternal great-grandparentDescription:The player of the role is a biological parent of the scoping person's biological father's parent.
6          PGGRFTH  
6          PGGRMTH  
4      GRNDCHILDgrandchildThe player of the role is a child of the scoping person's son or daughter.
5        GRNDDAUgranddaughterThe player of the role is a daughter of the scoping person's son or daughter.
5        GRNDSONgrandsonThe player of the role is a son of the scoping person's son or daughter.
4      GRPRNgrandparentThe player of the role is a parent of the scoping person's mother or father.
5        GRFTHgrandfatherThe player of the role is the father of the scoping person's mother or father.
6          MGRFTHmaternal grandfatherDescription:The player of the role is the biological father of the scoping person's biological mother.
6          PGRFTHpaternal grandfatherDescription:The player of the role is the biological father of the scoping person's biological father.
5        GRMTHgrandmotherThe player of the role is the mother of the scoping person's mother or father.
6          MGRMTHmaternal grandmotherDescription:The player of the role is the biological mother of the scoping person's biological mother.
6          PGRMTHpaternal grandmotherDescription:The player of the role is the biological mother of the scoping person's biological father.
5        MGRPRNmaternal grandparentDescription:The player of the role is the biological parent of the scoping person's biological mother.
6          MGRFTH  
6          MGRMTH  
5        PGRPRNpaternal grandparentDescription:The player of the role is the biological parent of the scoping person's biological father.
6          PGRFTH  
6          PGRMTH  
4      INLAWinlawA relationship between an individual and a member of their spousal partner's immediate family.
5        CHLDINLAWchild-in-lawThe player of the role is the spouse of scoping person's child.
6          DAUINLAWdaughter in-lawThe player of the role is the wife of scoping person's son.
6          SONINLAWson in-lawThe player of the role is the husband of scoping person's daughter.
5        PRNINLAWparent in-lawThe player of the role is the parent of scoping person's husband or wife.
6          FTHINLAWfather-in-lawThe player of the role is the father of the scoping person's husband or wife.
6          MTHINLAWmother-in-lawThe player of the role is the mother of the scoping person's husband or wife.
5        SIBINLAWsibling in-lawThe player of the role is: (1) a sibling of the scoping person's spouse, or (2) the spouse of the scoping person's sibling, or (3) the spouse of a sibling of the scoping person's spouse.
6          BROINLAWbrother-in-lawThe player of the role is: (1) a brother of the scoping person's spouse, or (2) the husband of the scoping person's sister, or (3) the husband of a sister of the scoping person's spouse.
6          SISINLAWsister-in-lawThe player of the role is: (1) a sister of the scoping person's spouse, or (2) the wife of the scoping person's brother, or (3) the wife of a brother of the scoping person's spouse.
4      NIENEPHniece/nephewThe player of the role is a child of scoping person's brother or sister or of the brother or sister of the scoping person's spouse.
5        NEPHEWnephewThe player of the role is a son of the scoping person's brother or sister or of the brother or sister of the scoping person's spouse.
5        NIECEnieceThe player of the role is a daughter of the scoping person's brother or sister or of the brother or sister of the scoping person's spouse.
4      UNCLEuncleThe player of the role is a brother of the scoping person's mother or father.
5        MUNCLEmaternal uncleDescription:The player of the role is a biological brother of the scoping person's biological mother.
5        PUNCLEpaternal uncleDescription:The player of the role is a biological brother of the scoping person's biological father.
3    PRNparentThe player of the role is one who begets, gives birth to, or nurtures and raises the scoping entity (child).
4      ADOPTPadoptive parentThe player of the role (parent) has taken the scoper (child) into their family through legal means and raises them as his or her own child.
5        ADOPTFadoptive fatherThe player of the role (father) is a male who has taken the scoper (child) into their family through legal means and raises them as his own child.
5        ADOPTMadoptive motherThe player of the role (father) is a female who has taken the scoper (child) into their family through legal means and raises them as her own child.
4      FTHfatherThe player of the role is a male who begets or raises or nurtures the scoping entity (child).
5        ADOPTF  
5        FTHFOSTfoster fatherThe player of the role (parent) who is a male state-certified caregiver responsible for the scoper (child) who has been placed in the parent's care. The placement of the child is usually arranged through the government or a social-service agency, and temporary.
The state, via a jurisdiction recognized child protection agency, stands as in loco parentis to the child, making all legal decisions while the foster parent is responsible for the day-to-day care of the specified child.
5        NFTHnatural fatherThe player of the role is a male who begets the scoping entity (child).
6          NFTHFnatural father of fetusIndicates the biologic male parent of a fetus.
5        STPFTHstepfatherThe player of the role is the husband of scoping person's mother and not the scoping person's natural father.
4      MTHmotherThe player of the role is a female who conceives, gives birth to, or raises and nurtures the scoping entity (child).
5        ADOPTM  
5        GESTMgestational motherThe player is a female whose womb carries the fetus of the scoper. Generally used when the gestational mother and natural mother are not the same.
5        MTHFOSTfoster motherThe player of the role (parent) who is a female state-certified caregiver responsible for the scoper (child) who has been placed in the parent's care. The placement of the child is usually arranged through the government or a social-service agency, and temporary.
The state, via a jurisdiction recognized child protection agency, stands as in loco parentis to the child, making all legal decisions while the foster parent is responsible for the day-to-day care of the specified child.
5        NMTHnatural motherThe player of the role is a female who conceives or gives birth to the scoping entity (child).
6          NMTHFnatural mother of fetusThe player is the biologic female parent of the scoping fetus.
5        STPMTHstepmotherThe player of the role is the wife of scoping person's father and not the scoping person's natural mother.
4      NPRNnatural parent 
5        NFTH  
5        NMTH  
4      PRNFOSTfoster parentThe player of the role (parent) who is a state-certified caregiver responsible for the scoper (child) who has been placed in the parent's care. The placement of the child is usually arranged through the government or a social-service agency, and temporary.
The state, via a jurisdiction recognized child protection agency, stands as in loco parentis to the child, making all legal decisions while the foster parent is responsible for the day-to-day care of the specified child.
5        FTHFOST  
5        MTHFOST  
4      STPPRNstep parentThe player of the role is the spouse of the scoping person's parent and not the scoping person's natural parent.
5        STPFTH  
5        STPMTH  
3    SIBsiblingThe player of the role shares one or both parents in common with the scoping entity.
4      BRObrotherThe player of the role is a male sharing one or both parents in common with the scoping entity.
5        HBROhalf-brotherThe player of the role is a male related to the scoping entity by sharing only one biological parent.
5        NBROnatural brotherThe player of the role is a male having the same biological parents as the scoping entity.
6          TWINBROtwin brotherThe scoper was carried in the same womb as the male player and shares common biological parents.
7            FTWINBROfraternal twin brotherThe scoper was carried in the same womb as the male player and shares common biological parents but is the product of a distinct egg/sperm pair.
7            ITWINBROidentical twin brotherThe male scoper is an offspring of the same egg-sperm pair as the male player.
5        STPBROstepbrotherThe player of the role is a son of the scoping person's stepparent.
4      HSIBhalf-siblingThe player of the role is related to the scoping entity by sharing only one biological parent.
5        HBRO  
5        HSIShalf-sisterThe player of the role is a female related to the scoping entity by sharing only one biological parent.
4      NSIBnatural siblingThe player of the role has both biological parents in common with the scoping entity.
5        NBRO  
5        NSISnatural sisterThe player of the role is a female having the same biological parents as the scoping entity.
6          TWINSIStwin sisterThe scoper was carried in the same womb as the female player and shares common biological parents.
7            FTWINSISfraternal twin sisterThe scoper was carried in the same womb as the female player and shares common biological parents but is the product of a distinct egg/sperm pair.
7            ITWINSISidentical twin sisterThe female scoper is an offspring of the same egg-sperm pair as the female player.
5        TWINtwinThe scoper and player were carried in the same womb and shared common biological parents.
6          TWINBRO  
6          TWINSIS  
6          FTWINfraternal twinThe scoper and player were carried in the same womb and share common biological parents but are the product of distinct egg/sperm pairs.
7            FTWINBRO  
7            FTWINSIS  
6          ITWINidentical twinThe scoper and player are offspring of the same egg-sperm pair.
7            ITWINBRO  
7            ITWINSIS  
4      SISsisterThe player of the role is a female sharing one or both parents in common with the scoping entity.
5        HSIS  
5        NSIS  
5        STPSISstepsisterThe player of the role is a daughter of the scoping person's stepparent.
4      STPSIBstep siblingThe player of the role is a child of the scoping person's stepparent.
5        STPBRO  
5        STPSIS  
3    SIGOTHRsignificant otherA person who is important to one's well being; especially a spouse or one in a similar relationship. (The player is the one who is important)
4      DOMPARTdomestic partnerThe player of the role cohabits with the scoping person but is not the scoping person's spouse.
4      FMRSPSformer spousePlayer of the role was previously joined to the scoping person in marriage and this marriage is now dissolved and inactive.
Usage Note: This is significant to indicate as some jurisdictions have different legal requirements for former spouse to access the patient's record, from a general friend.
4      SPSspouseThe player of the role is a marriage partner of the scoping person.
5        HUSBhusbandThe player of the role is a man joined to a woman (scoping person) in marriage.
5        WIFEwifeThe player of the role is a woman joined to a man (scoping person) in marriage.