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This specification covers the specifics of the referral message but the details of the segments containing the actual Observation data are specified in Chapter 4 - Observation Reporting of this Orders and Observations standard. The structure and display rules of the Orders and Observations standard apply to the Referral Standard observations and Patient summary and the clinical content of ORU messages can be inserted directly in a referral message. In fact a referral message should be considered a Referral header (the RF1 segment), details of providers (PRD segments), a collection of ORU message content (ORC,OBR,OBX segments) (Clinical, laboratory, radiology etc), a medication summary message and patient care messages covering problems, goals and pathways. Together this content provides for the transmission of a comprehensive patient summary for the purposes of referral, discharge summary and transfer of care etc.


The field allows for multiple identifiers (in repeats of the field), for the same provider, but at least the first must be populated (HL7au:00104.7.0). Each identifier must be a qualified provider identifier (meaning that the identifier is specific to a location or indicates what organisation the provider is part of). The field must not be populated with non-location/organisation specific identifiers such as Medicare HPI-I (see HL7au:00104.7.1.3). 


<ID number (ST)> is the location or organisationally scoped provider identifier and must be valued. (see HL7au:00104.7.1.2)

<type of ID number (IS)> must be valued from User-defined Table 0363 - Assigning Authority. (see HL7au:00104.7.2.1). Table 0363 values may be extended to allow for secure messaging vendor assigning authorities.

... ORC-1 Order control (ID) 00215

HL7 Table 0119 - Order control codes applicable to REF^I12


Event/Message Type



Field Note3

REREF^I12Observations Performed  


  • For MIMS decision support, it's recommended to use the VirtualEntities mapping file to map MIMS pack code to the FastTrack GUID. This file is included in MIMS monthly updates.
  • MIMS ASCII data model has no analog for the AMT MPP concepts.
  • There are some stability concerns with use of MIMS codes:
    1. MIMS pack codes are not guaranteed to be 100% immutable.
    2. Product code may change when the manufacturer elects to split the brand by formulation. In such cases, the old code will be marked as 'off-market' and new codes being issued.
    3. Form code and pack codes are currently 2 digits each. In the event, that more than 99 packs have to be created due to the PBS changes, a new form will be created. The old packs will be marked as 'off market'. This could introduce an issue when trying to re-prescribe a pack.
