2.1 Message Control Segments
The following segments are necessary to support the functionality described in this chapter.
If a value is the usual default for use in Australia it has been highlighted in blue.
Figure 2-1. HL7 message segments
Segment Name | HL7 Section Reference |
BHS | 2.1.2 |
BTS | 2.1.3 |
DSC | 2.1.4 |
ERR | 2.1.5 |
FHS | 2.1.6 |
FTS | 2.1.7 |
MSA | 2.1.8 |
MSH | 2.1.9 |
2.1.2 BHS - batch header segment
The BHS segment defines the start of a batch.
HL7 Attribute Table - BHS – Batch Header
1 | 1 | ST | R | 00081 | Batch Field Separator | ||
2 | 3 | ST | R | 00082 | Batch Encoding Characters | ||
3 | 15 | ST | O | 00083 | Batch Sending Application | ||
4 | 20 | ST | O | 00084 | Batch Sending Facility | ||
5 | 15 | ST | O | 00085 | Batch Receiving Application | ||
6 | 20 | ST | O | 00086 | Batch Receiving Facility | ||
7 | 26 | TS | O | 00087 | Batch Creation Date/Time | ||
8 | 40 | ST | O | 00088 | Batch Security | ||
9 | 20 | ST | O | 00089 | Batch Name/ID/Type | ||
10 | 80 | ST | O | 00090 | Batch Comment | ||
11 | 20 | ST | O | 00091 | Batch Control ID | ||
12 | 20 | ST | O | 00092 | Reference Batch Control ID | BHS field definitions BHS-1 Batch field separator (ST) 00081
Definition: This field contains the separator between the segment ID and the first real field, BHS-2-batch encoding characters. As such it serves as the separator and defines the character to be used as a separator for the rest of the message. Recommended value is |,(ASCII 124). BHS-2 Batch encoding characters (ST) 00082
Definition: This field contains the four characters in the following order: the component separator, repetition separator, escape characters, and subcomponent separator. Australian values are ^~\& (ASCII 94,126, 92, and 38, respectively). BHS-3 Batch sending application (ST) 00083
Definition: This field uniquely identifies the sending application among all other applications within the network enterprise. The network enterprise consists of all those applications that participate in the exchange of HL7 messages within the enterprise. Entirely site-defined. BHS-4 Batch sending facility (ST) 00084
Definition: This field contains the address of one of several occurrences of the same application within the sending system. Absent other considerations, the Medicare Provider ID might be used with an appropriate sub-identifier in the second component. Entirely user-defined. BHS-5 Batch receiving application (ST) 00085
Definition: This field uniquely identifies the receiving applications among all other applications within the network enterprise. The network enterprise consists of all those applications that participate in the exchange of HL7 messages within the enterprise. Entirely site-defined. BHS-6 Batch receiving facility (ST) 00086
Definition: This field identifies the receiving application among multiple identical instances of the application running on behalf of different organizations. See comments BHS-4-batch sending facility. Entirely site-defined. BHS-7 Batch creation date/time (TS) 00087
Definition: This field contains the date/time that the sending system created the message. If the time zone is specified, it will be used throughout the message as the default time zone. BHS-8 Batch security (ST) 00088
Definition: In some applications of HL7, this field is used to implement security features. Its use is not yet further specified. BHS-9 Batch name/ID/type (ST) 00089
Definition: This field can be used by the application processing the batch. It can have extra components if needed. BHS-10 Batch comment (ST) 00090
Definition: This field is a comment field that is not further defined in the HL7 protocol. BHS-11 Batch control ID (ST) 00091
Definition: This field is used to uniquely identify a particular batch. It can be echoed back in BHS-12-reference batch control ID if an answering batch is needed. BHS-12 Reference batch control ID (ST) 00092
Definition: This field contains the value of BHS-11-batch control ID when this batch was originally transmitted.
Not present if this batch is being sent for the first time. See definition for BHS-11-batch control ID.
2.1.3 BTS - batch trailer segment
The BTS segment defines the end of a batch. BTS field definitions
HL7 Attribute Table - BTS – Batch Trailer
1 | 10 | ST | O | 00093 | Batch Message Count | ||
2 | 80 | ST | O | 00090 | Batch Comment | ||
3 | 100 | NM | O | Y | 00095 | Batch Totals | BTS-1 Batch message count (ST) 00093
Definition: This field contains the count of the individual messages contained within the batch. BTS-2 Batch comment (ST) 00090
Definition: This field is a comment field that is not further defined in the HL7 protocol. BTS-3 Batch totals (NM) 00095
Definition: We encourage new users of this field to use the HL7 Version 2.3 data type of NM and to define it as “repeating.” This field contains the batch total. Only a single Batch is allowed in Australia.
This field may be defined as a CM data type for backward compatibility with HL7 Versions 2.2 and 2.1with each total being carried as a separate component. Each component in this case is an NM data type.
2.1.4 DSC - continuation pointer segment
The DSC segment is used in the continuation protocol. DSC field definitions
HL7 Attribute Table - DSC – Continuation Pointer
1 | 180 | ST | O | 00014 | Continuation Pointer | ||
2 | 1 | ID | O | 0398 | 01354 | Continuation Style | DSC-1 Continuation pointer (ST) 00014
Definition: This field contains the continuation pointer. In an initial query, this field is not present. If the responder returns a value of null or not present, then there is no more data to fulfill any future continuation requests. For use with continuations of unsolicited messages, see HL7 International Standard chapter 5 and section 2.15.2, "Continuation messages and segments.” Note that continuation protocols work with both display- and record-oriented messages. DSC-2 Continuation style (ID) 01354
Definition: Indicates whether this is a fragmented message (see HL7 International Standard Section 2.15.2, "Continuation messages and segments"), or if it is part of an interactive continuation message (see HL7 International Standard Section 5.6.3, "Interactive continuation of response messages").
Refer to HL7 Table 0398 – Continuation style code for valid values.
HL7 Table 0398 - Continuation style code
Value | Description |
F | Fragmentation |
I | Interactive Continuation |
2.1.5 ERR - error segment
The ERR segment is used to add error comments to acknowledgment messages.
HL7 Attribute Table - ERR –Error
1 | 80 | CM | R | Y | 00024 | Error Code and Location | ERR field definition ERR-1 Error code and location (CM) 00024
Components: <segment ID (ST)> ^ <sequence (NM)> ^ <field position (NM)> ^ <code identifying error (CE)>
Definition: This field identifies an erroneous segment in another message. The second component is an index if there is more than one segment of type <segment ID>. For systems that do not use the HL7 Encoding Rules, the data item number may be used for the third component. The fourth component (which references HL7 Table 0357 - Message error condition codes, (as a CE data type) is restricted from having any subcomponents as the subcomponent separator is now the CE’s component separator.
2.1.6 FHS - file header segment
The FHS segment is used to head a file as defined in Overview.
HL7 Attribute Table - FHS - File Header
1 | 1 | ST | R | 00067 | File Field Separator | ||
2 | 4 | ST | R | 00068 | File Encoding Characters | ||
3 | 15 | ST | O | 00069 | File Sending Application | ||
4 | 20 | ST | O | 00070 | File Sending Facility | ||
5 | 15 | ST | O | 00071 | File Receiving Application | ||
6 | 20 | ST | O | 00072 | File Receiving Facility | ||
7 | 26 | TS | O | 00073 | File Creation Date/Time | ||
8 | 40 | ST | O | 00074 | File Security | ||
9 | 20 | ST | O | 00075 | File Name/ID | ||
10 | 80 | ST | O | 00076 | File Header Comment | ||
11 | 20 | ST | O | 00077 | File Control ID | ||
12 | 20 | ST | O | 00078 | Reference File Control ID | FHS field definitions FHS-1 File field separator (ST) 00067
Definition: This field has the same definition as the corresponding field in the MSH segment. FHS-2 File encoding characters (ST) 00068
Definition: This field has the same definition as the corresponding field in the MSH segment. FHS-3 File sending application (ST) 00069
Definition: This field has the same definition as the corresponding field in the MSH segment. FHS-4 File sending facility (ST) 00070
Definition: This field has the same definition as the corresponding field in the MSH segment. FHS-5 File receiving application (ST) 00071
Definition: This field has the same definition as the corresponding field in the MSH segment. FHS-6 File receiving facility (ST) 00072
Definition: This field has the same definition as the corresponding field in the MSH segment. FHS-7 File creation date/time (TS) 00073
Definition: This field has the same definition as the corresponding field in the MSH segment. FHS-8 File security (ST) 00074
Definition: This field has the same definition as the corresponding field in the MSH segment. FHS-9 File name/ID (ST) 00075
Definition: This field can be used by the application processing file. Its use is not further specified. FHS-10 File header comment (ST) 00076
Definition: This field contains the free text field, the use of which is not further specified. FHS-11 File control ID (ST) 00077
Definition: This field is used to identify a particular file uniquely. It can be echoed back in FHS-12-reference file control ID. FHS-12 Reference file control ID (ST) 00078
Definition: This field contains the value of FHS-11-file control ID when this file was originally transmitted.
Not present if this file is being transmitted for the first time.
2.1.7 FTS - file trailer segment
The FTS segment defines the end of a file.
HL7 Attribute Table - FTS - File Trailer
1 | 10 | NM | O | 00079 | File Batch Count | ||
2 | 80 | ST | O | 00080 | File Trailer Comment | FTS field definitions FTS-1 File batch count (NM) 00079
Definition: This field contains the number of batches contained in this file. In Australia there is a maximum of 1 batch in a file. FTS-2 File trailer comment (ST) 00080
Definition: The use of this free text field is not further specified.
2.1.8 MSA - message acknowledgment segment
The MSA segment contains information sent while acknowledging another message.
HL7 Attribute Table - MSA - Message Acknowledgment
1 | 2 | ID | R | 0008 | 00018 | Acknowledgment Code | |
2 | 20 | ST | R | 00010 | Message Control ID | ||
3 | 80 | ST | O | 00020 | Text Message | ||
4 | 15 | NM | O | 00021 | Expected Sequence Number | ||
5 | 1 | ID | B | 0102 | 00022 | Delayed Acknowledgment Type | |
6 | 250 | CE | O | 0357 | 00023 | Error Condition |
The sending system must return the Message Control ID from the received message in the MSA segment. MSA field definitions MSA-1 Acknowledgment code (ID) 00018
Definition: This field contains an acknowledgment code, see message processing rules. Refer to HL7 Table 0008 - Acknowledgment code for valid values.
HL7 Table 0008 - Acknowledgment code
Value | Description |
AA | Original mode: Application Accept - Enhanced mode: Application acknowledgment: Accept |
AE | Original mode: Application Error - Enhanced mode: Application acknowledgment: Error |
AR | Original mode: Application Reject - Enhanced mode: Application acknowledgment: Reject |
CA | Enhanced mode: Accept acknowledgment: Commit Accept |
CE | Enhanced mode: Accept acknowledgment: Commit Error |
CR | Enhanced mode: Accept acknowledgment: Commit Reject | MSA-2 Message control ID (ST) 00010
Definition: This field contains the message control ID of the message sent by the sending system. It allows the sending system to associate this response with the message for which it is intended. MSA-3 Text message (ST) 00020
Definition: This optional field further describes an error condition. This text may be printed in error logs or presented to an end user.
Use of MSA-3-text message and MSA-6-error condition are deprecated in favor of ERR-1-Error code and location. The ERR segment allows for richer descriptions of the erroneous conditions. MSA-4 Expected sequence number (NM) 00021
Definition: This optional numeric field is used in the sequence number protocol. MSA-5 Delayed acknowledgment type (ID) 00022
Definition: This field has been retained for backward compatibility. This field is used only as described above, in the HL7 International Standard Section 2.13.2, “Application (level 7) processing rules, deferred processing two phase reply (original acknowledgment mode only).” Otherwise this field is not used.
HL7 Table 0102 - Delayed acknowledgment type
Value | Description |
D | Message received, stored for later processing |
F | acknowledgment after processing | MSA-6 Error condition (CE) 00023
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field allows the acknowledging system to use a user-defined error code to further specify AR or AE type acknowledgments. This field is a generalized replacement for MSA-3-text message .
Use of MSA-3-text message and MSA-6-error condition are deprecated in favor of ERR-1 -Error code and location. The ERR segment allows for richer descriptions of the erroneous conditions.
The Message Error Condition codes are defined by HL7 Table 0357 - Message error condition codes.
HL7 Table 0357 - Message error condition codes
Error Condition Code | Error Condition Text | Description/Comment |
Success | ||
0 | Message accepted | Success. Optional, as the AA conveys success. Used for systems that must always return a status code. |
Errors | ||
100 | Segment sequence error | The message segments were not in the proper order, or required segments are missing. |
101 | Required field missing | A required field is missing from a segment |
102 | Data type error | The field contained data of the wrong data type, e.g. an NM field contained "FOO". |
103 | Table value not found | A field of data type ID or IS was compared against the corresponding table, and no match was found. |
Rejection | ||
200 | Unsupported message type | The Message Type is not supported. |
201 | Unsupported event code | The Event Code is not supported. |
202 | Unsupported processing id | The Processing ID is not supported. |
203 | Unsupported version id | The Version ID is not supported. |
204 | Unknown key identifier | The ID of the patient, order, etc., was not found. Used for transactions other than additions, e.g. transfer of a non-existent patient. |
205 | Duplicate key identifier | The ID of the patient, order, etc., already exists. Used in response to addition transactions (Admit, New Order, etc.). |
206 | Application record locked | The transaction could not be performed at the application storage level, e.g. database locked. |
207 | Application internal error | A catchall for internal errors not explicitly covered by other codes. |
2.1.9 MSH - message header segment
The MSH segment defines the intent, source, destination, and some specifics of the syntax of a message.
HL7 Attribute Table - MSH - Message Header
1 | 1 | ST | R | 00001 | Field Separator | ||
2 | 4 | ST | R | 00002 | Encoding Characters | ||
3 | 180 | HD | O | 0361 | 00003 | Sending Application | |
4 | 180 | HD | O | 0362 | 00004 | Sending Facility | |
5 | 180 | HD | O | 0361 | 00005 | Receiving Application | |
6 | 180 | HD | O | 0362 | 00006 | Receiving Facility | |
7 | 26 | TS | R | 00007 | Date/Time Of Message | ||
8 | 40 | ST | O | 00008 | Security | ||
9 | 15† | CM | R | 0076 / 0003 | 00009 | Message Type | |
10 | 199†† | ST | R | 00010 | Message Control ID | ||
11 | 3 | PT | R | 00011 | Processing ID | ||
12 | 250†††† | VID | R | 0104 | 00012 | Version ID | |
13 | 15 | NM | O | 00013 | Sequence Number | ||
14 | 180 | ST | O | 00014 | Continuation Pointer | ||
15 | 2 | ID | R††† | 0155 | 00015 | Accept Acknowledgment Type | |
16 | 2 | ID | R††† | 0155 | 00016 | Application Acknowledgment Type | |
17 | 3 | ID | R††† | 0399 | 00017 | Country Code | |
18 | 16 | ID | O | Y | 0211 | 00692 | Character Set |
19 | 250 | CE | R††† | 00693 | Principal Language Of Message | ||
20 | 20 | ID | O | 0356 | 01317 | Alternate Character Set Handling Scheme | |
21 | 10 | ID | O | Y | 0449 | 01598 | Conformance Statement ID |
22 | Reserved | ||||||
23 | Reserved | ||||||
24 | Reserved | ||||||
25 | Reserved | ||||||
26 | Reserved | ||||||
27 | 250 | CWE | O | Y | 02430 | Security Handling Instructions |
† Australian variation to HL7 V2.4 with the length changed from 13 to 15 characters.
†† Australian variation to HL7 V2.4 with the length changed from 20 to 199 characters to accommodate a globally unique identifier. This has been pre-adopted from HL72.6-2.9.
†††Australian variation to HL7 V2.4, field optionality has been changed to required.
††††Australian variation to HL7 V2.4 with the length changed from 60 to 250 characters.
††††† Australian variation to HL7 V2.4, field is pre-adopted from HL7 International v2.9. Length of 250 has been set consistent with the CWE length specified in section 3.6 CWE – coded with exceptions. MSH field definitions MSH-1 Field separator (ST) 00001
Definition: This field contains the separator between the segment ID and the first real field, MSH-2-encoding characters. As such it serves as the separator and defines the character to be used as a separator for the rest of the message. Recommended value is |, (ASCII 124). MSH-2 Encoding characters (ST) 00002
Definition: This field contains the four characters in the following order: the component separator, repetition separator, escape character, and subcomponent separator. Recommended values are ^~\& (ASCII 94,126, 92, and 38, respectively). In the Australian context the separators are fixed to these values. MSH-3 Sending application (HD) 00003
Components: <namespace ID (IS)> ^ <universal ID (ST)> ^ <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field uniquely identifies the sending application among all other applications within the network enterprise. The network enterprise consists of all those applications that participate in the exchange of HL7 messages within the enterprise. Entirely site-defined.
User-defined Table 0361-Sending/receiving application is used as the user-defined table of values for the first component.
User-defined Table 0361 – Sending/receiving application
Value | Description |
MERIDIAN^MERIDIAN:3.1.4 (Build 6934) [win32-i386]^L | Example application identifier |
Best Practice | Application identifier with only namespace ID valued |
PRSLT^HL7PIT^L | Example Lab Sending application |
Note: By site agreement, implementors may continue to use User-defined Table 0300 - Namespace ID for the first component. MSH-4 Sending facility (HD) 00004
Components: <namespace ID (IS)> ^ <universal ID (ST)> ^ <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field further describes the sending application, MSH-3-sending application . With the promotion of this field to an HD data type, the usage has been broadened to include not just the sending facility but other organizational entities such as a) the organizational entity responsible for sending application; b) the responsible unit; c) a product or vendor’s identifier, etc. Entirely site-defined.
User-defined Table 0362 - Sending/receiving facility is used as the HL7 identifier for the user-defined table of values for the first component.
User-defined Table 0362 – Sending/receiving facility
Value | Description |
Buderim GE Centre^7C3E3681-91F6-11D2-8F2C-444553540000^GUID | Example sending facility identified with GUID |
QML^2184^AUSNATA | Lab example using AUSNATA as coding scheme |
Note: By site agreement, implementers may continue to use User-defined Table 0300 - Namespace ID for the first component. MSH-5 Receiving application (HD) 00005
Components: <namespace ID (IS)> ^ <universal ID (ST)> ^ <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field uniquely identifies the receiving application among all other applications within the network enterprise. The network enterprise consists of all those applications that participate in the exchange of HL7 messages within the enterprise. Entirely site-defined. User-defined Table 0361- Sending/receiving application is used as the HL7 identifier for the user-defined table of values for the first component.
Note: By site agreement, implementers may continue to use User-defined Table 0300 - Namespace ID for the first component. MSH-6 Receiving facility (HD) 00006
Components: <namespace ID (IS)> ^ <universal ID (ST)> ^ <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field identifies the receiving application among multiple identical instances of the application running on behalf of different organizations.
User-defined Table 0362 - Sending/receiving facility is used as the HL7 identifier for the user-defined table of values for the first component. Entirely site-defined.
Note: By site agreement, implementers may continue to use User-defined Table 0300 - Namespace ID for the first component. MSH-7 Date/time of message (TS) 00007
Definition: This field contains the date/time that the sending system created the message. If the time zone is specified, it will be used throughout the message as the default time zone.
Note: This field was made required in version 2.4. Messages with versions prior to 2.4 are not required to value this field. This usage supports backward compatibility. MSH-8 Security (ST) 00008
Definition: In some applications of HL7, this field is used to implement security features. Its use is not yet further specified. MSH-9 Message type (CM) 00009
Components: <message type (ID)> ^ <trigger event (ID)> ^ <message structure (ID)>
Definition: This field contains the message type, trigger event, and the message structure ID for the message.
The first component is the message type code defined by HL7 Table 0076 - Message type. This table contains values such as ACK, ADT, ORM, ORU etc. See HL7 International Standard section 2.17.1 for complete listing.
The second component is the trigger event code defined by HL7 Table 0003 - Event type. This table contains values like A01, O01, R01 etc. See HL7 International Standard section 2.17.2 for a complete listing
The third component is the abstract message structure code defined by HL7 Table 0354 - Message structure.
This table has two columns. The first column contains the value of this code, which describes a particular HL7 “abstract message structure definition” in terms of segments, as defined in HL7 International Standard sections 2.12, “CHAPTER FORMATS FOR DEFINING HL7 MESSAGES” and 2.12.1, “HL7 abstract message syntax example”. The second column of table 0354 lists the various HL7 trigger events that use the particular abstract message definition. For example, the message structure code ADT_A01 describes the single abstract message structure used by the trigger events A01, A04, A05, A08, A13, A14, A28 and A31. See HL7 International Standard section 2.17.3 for a complete listing.
Note: Australian variation to HL7 V2.4 with the length changed from 13 to 15 characters. MSH-10 Message control ID (ST) 00010
Definition: This field contains a number or other identifier that uniquely identifies the message. The receiving system echoes this ID back to the sending system in the Message acknowledgment segment (MSA).
The Message Control ID is not an order number for the request nor is it a specimen identifier used by the pathology provider. It is a unique internal identifier for one specific message originating from a particular site. This internal field in the message will not conflict when messages from different placers/fillers with the same Message Control ID are received. All systems should ensure that their data tables are not keyed uniquely using the value from Message Control ID.
If a patient has one MSH with multiple OBR segments and if there is an error in one result then all results in the message are rejected, not just the OBR with the error. However, when one MSH is sent for each OBR then only the result with the error is rejected.
The recommended format for Message Control ID is a combination of two or three components, including:
1) The first component is to identify the sending facility.
2) The second (optional) component is a date in YYYYMMDD format.
3) The third component is an incremental counter starting at number 1.
The generalised format is:
<sending facility>_<date>.n{nnnnnnn..}
Note: It is not intended for the full AUSNATA form to be used, only the first component of the AUSNATA code.
For placers, they could use their <site code> or <site code>_<date> e.g. px_45678912.25
Note: Australian variation to HL7 V2.4 with the length changed from 20 to 36 characters to accommodate a globally unique identifier (GUID). MSH-11 Processing ID (PT) 00011
Components: <processing ID (ID)> ^ <processing mode (ID)>
Definition: This field is used to decide whether to process the message as defined in HL7 Application (level 7) Processing rules. The first component defines whether the message is part of a production, training, or debugging system (refer to HL7 Table 0103 - Processing ID for valid values). The second component defines whether the message is part of an archival process or an initial load (refer to HL7 Table 0207 - Processing mode for valid values). This allows different priorities to be given to different processing modes. The value used in normal usage is highlighted in blue.
HL7 Table 0103 - Processing ID
Value | Description |
D | Debugging |
P | Production |
T | Training |
HL7 Table 0207 - Processing mode
Value | Description |
A | Archive |
R | Restore from archive |
I | Initial load |
T | Current processing, transmitted at intervals (scheduled or on demand) |
Not present | Not present (the default, meaning current processing) | MSH-12 Version ID (VID) 00012
Components: <version ID (ID)> ^ <internationalization code (CE)> ^ <internal version ID (CE)>
Definition: This field is matched by the receiving system to its own version to be sure the message will be interpreted correctly. Beginning with Version 2.3.1, it has two additional “internationalization” components, for use by HL7 international affiliates. The <internationalization code> is CE data type (using the ISO country codes where appropriate) which represents the HL7 affiliate. The <internal version ID> is used if the HL7 Affiliate has more than a single ‘local’ version associated with a single US version. The <internal version ID> has a CE data type, since the table values vary for each HL7 Affiliate.
HL7 Table 0104 —Version ID
Value | Description | |
2.4 | Release 2.4 | November 2000 |
To indicate compliance with this localisation the <internationalization code (CE)> must be "AUS&Australia&ISO3166_1".
The <internal version ID (CE)> component must be valued as follows to indicate the profile that is being adhered by the sender.
When the profile is referenced in AU FHIR Provider Directory Endpoint resource payloadType attribute, append the internal version ID identifier component to the following base URL http://ns.hl7.org.au/hl7v2/profiles/. The allowed values in the following table should be maintained into the Australian Endpoint Payload Types value set FHIR resource.
The year and serial number component YYYYXX (where YYYY is a 4 digit year, and XX is a 2 digit serial number) of the internal version ID may change on publication of this specification to align with the version numbering. e.g. "HL7AUSD-STD-OO-ADRM-2018.1" an ID becomes: HL7AU-OO-REF-SIMPLIFIED-201801 where there is a substantive change to the profile otherwise it will remain unchanged and reflect the time of the last substantial change. (A serial number XX is used instead of a date as often the date of publication is unknown, this allows for advance drafting prior to release)
These are identifiers and they are not intended to be parsed.
HL7 Table 01043—Internal Version ID
Internal version ID value | Description of use | Profile URI for use in FHIR Provider Directory |
HL7AU-OO-ORM-201701 | ORM Order messages based on this specification | http://ns.hl7.org.au/hl7v2/profiles/HL7AU-OO-ORM-201701 |
HL7AU-OO-ORU-201701 | ORU messages based on this specification | http://ns.hl7.org.au/hl7v2/profiles/HL7AU-OO-ORU-201701 |
HL7AU-OO-ACK-201701 | ACK^R01, ACK^O01 acknowledgement messages ACK messages where the message type is ACK and structure is a generic ACK. The trigger event may vary. | http://ns.hl7.org.au/hl7v2/profiles/HL7AU-OO-ACK-201701 |
HL7AU-OO-ORR-201701 | Order Response messages | http://ns.hl7.org.au/hl7v2/profiles/HL7AU-OO-ORR-201701 |
HL7AU-OO-ACK-READ-202001 | Application read acknowledgements (subject to Chapter 8 Acknowledgements content finalisation) | http://ns.hl7.org.au/hl7v2/profiles/HL7AU-OO-ACK-READ-202001 |
HL7AU-OO-REF-SIMPLIFIED-201706-L1 | Simplified Referral Level 1 REF messages (See A8.2.1.1 Referral Level 1) | http://ns.hl7.org.au/hl7v2/profiles/HL7AU-OO-REF-SIMPLIFIED- 201706 -L1 |
HL7AU-OO-REF-SIMPLIFIED-201706 | *Simplified Referral Level 2 REF messages (See A8.2.1.2 Referral Level 2) | http://ns.hl7.org.au/hl7v2/profiles/HL7AU-OO-REF-SIMPLIFIED- 201706 |
HL7AU-OO-REF-SIMPLIFIED-201706 | *For RRI message application acknowledgements | http://ns.hl7.org.au/hl7v2/profiles/HL7AU-OO-REF-SIMPLIFIED-201706/RRI |
HL7AU-OO-OSQ-202001 | Query for order status. See Section 5.3. | http://ns.hl7.org.au/hl7v2/profiles/HL7AU-OO-OSQ-202001 |
HL7AU-OO-OSR-202001 | Query response for order status. See Section 5.3. | http://ns.hl7.org.au/hl7v2/profiles/HL7AU-OO-OSQ-202001 |
*Note that the internal version ID value is shared between multiple message types e.g. REF / RRI.
To indicate compliance with Simplified Referral profile see Appendix 8 Simplified REF profile A8.3 Sender Conformance.
To indicate compliance with other profiles, refer to the profile specification. MSH-13 Sequence number (NM) 00013
Definition: A non-null value in this field implies that the sequence number protocol is in use. This numeric field is incremented by one for each subsequent value. MSH-14 Continuation pointer (ST) 00014
Definition: This field is used to define continuations in application-specific ways.
Only the sender of a fragmented message values this field. MSH-15 Accept acknowledgment type (ID) 00015
Definition: This field identifies the conditions under which accept acknowledgments are required to be returned in response to this message. Required for enhanced acknowledgment mode. Refer to HL7 Table 0155 - Accept/application acknowledgment conditions for valid values.
Note: In the Australian context acknowledgements must always be used and the value must be "AL". MSH-16 Application acknowledgment type (ID) 00016
Definition: This field contains the conditions under which application acknowledgments are required to be returned in response to this message. Required for enhanced acknowledgment mode.
The following table contains the possible values for MSH-15-accept acknowledgment type and MSH-16- application acknowledgment type:
HL7 Table 0155 - Accept/application acknowledgment conditions
Value | Description |
AL | Always |
NE | Never |
ER | Error/reject conditions only |
SU | Successful completion only |
Note: In the Australian context application acknowledgements should be used and the value must be "AL". MSH-17 Country code (ID) 00017
Definition: This field contains the country of origin for the message. It will be used primarily to specify default elements, such as currency denominations. The values to be used are those of ISO 3166, which are reprinted here upon written approval from ANSI.2. The ISO 3166 table has three separate forms of the country code: HL7 specifies that the 3-character (alphabetic) form be used for the country code.
2 Available from ISO 1 Rue de Varembe, Case Postale 56, CH 1211, Geneve, Switzerland
Refer to HL7 Table 0399 - Country code for the 3-character codes as defined by ISO 3166 table.
HL7 Table 0399 – Country code
Value | Description |
ZWE | ZIMBABWE | MSH-18 Character set (ID) 00692
Definition: This field contains the character set for the entire message. Refer to HL7 Table 0211 - Alternate character sets for valid values.
In Australian usage only "ASCII" must be used (unvalued implies "ASCII"). "UNICODE UTF-8" and "8859/1" messages should only be used by specific agreement.
HL7 Table 0211 - Alternate character sets
Value | Description | Comment |
ASCII | The printable 7-bit ASCII character set. | (This is the default if this field is omitted) |
8859/1 | The printable characters from the ISO 8859/1 Character set | |
Deprecated in HL7v2.6. Retained for backward compatibility only as v 2.5. Replaced by specific Unicode encoding codes. | ||
UNICODE UTF-8 | †UCS Transformation Format, 8-bit form. | UTF-8 is a variable-length encoding, each code value is represented by 1,2 or 3 bytes, depending on the code value. 7 bit ASCII is a proper subset of UTF but not before and after the hyphen. |
† "UNICODE UTF-8" was introduced in HL7v2.6 and has been back ported into this HL7v2.4 localisation to allow use of UTF-8 character encoding.
Note: The field separator character must still be chosen from the printable 7-bit ASCII character set.
The repetitions of this field to specify different character sets apply only to fields of the, FT, ST, and TX data types.
The field MSH-18-character set is an optional, repeating field of data type ID, using IDs outlined in HL7 Table 0211 - Alternate character sets (or equivalents from "ISO 2375").
- if the field is not valued, the default single-byte character set (ASCII ("ISO IR6")) should be assumed. No other character sets are allowed in the message.
- if the field repeats, but the first element is NULL (i.e., present but unvalued), the single-byte ASCII ("ISO IR6") is assumed as the default character set.
- if the sequence is present and the first element is specified, this character set is regarded as the default character set for the message. This must be a single-byte character set (i.e., "ISO IR6", "ISO IR13", "ISO IR14", "ISO IR100", etc.).
- elements in the remainder of the sequence (i.e., elements 2..n) are alternate character sets that may be used. These may include multi-byte character sets (i.e., JIS X 0208).
- the default character set should always be a single-byte character set. It should always have "ISO IR6" (ISO 646) or "ISO IR14" (JIS X 0201-1976) in the G0 area. MSH-19 Principal language of message (CE) 00693
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field contains the principal language of the message. Codes come from ISO 639.
Note: In the Australian context use "en" for English. MSH-20 Alternate character set handling scheme (ID) 01317
Alternative Character Sets are not used in Australia and this field is null. The information below is what appears in the international standard.
Definition: When any alternative character sets are used (as specified in the second or later components of MSH-18 character sets), and if any special handling scheme is needed, this component is to specify the scheme used, according to HL7 Table 0356- Alternate character set handling scheme as defined below:
HL7 Table 0356 - Alternate character set handling scheme
Value | Description |
<null> | This is the default, indicating that there is no character set switching occurring in this message. | MSH-21 Conformance statement ID (ID) 01598
Definition: Sites may use this field to assert adherence to a Conformance Statement published by HL7 or by a site. Conformance Statements contain detailed explanations of grammar, syntax, and usage for a particular message or set of messages. Examples of the use of Conformance Statements appear in HL7 International Standard Chapter 5, "Query."
Repetition of this field allows more flexibility in creating and naming conformance statements. For example, the first repetition could reference a standard conformance statement, and the second, just some changes to it.
Values for HL7-standard conformance statements appear in HL7 Table 0449 - Conformance statements as defined below.
HL7 Table 0449 - Conformance statements
Value | Description |
HL7AUSD-STD-OO-ADRM-2018.1 | Australian Diagnostics and Referral Messaging Localisation of HL7 Version 2.4 (2018.1) |
HL7AUSD-STD-OO-ADRM-2017.1 | Australian Pathology Messaging Localisation of HL7 Version 2.4 Standard (2017.1) |
Values here are by site negotiation. |
Note: As HL7 technical committees ballot conformance statements, table 449 will be populated with their identifiers. No identifiers have been issued as of v 2.4. As with any HL7 table, this table may be extended with site-defined identifiers.
The sender should specify in this field the appropriate version of this specification that the message is compliant with. This field may become a requirement in future versions. MSH-27 Security Handling Instructions (CWE) 2430
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)> ^ <coding system version ID (ST)> ^ alternate coding system version ID (ST)> ^ <original text (ST)>
Definition: This field is repeatable and conveys instructions to users and receivers for secure distribution, transmission, and storage; dictate obligations or mandated actions; specify any action prohibited by refrain policy such as dissemination controls; and stipulate the permissible purpose of use of an IT resource.
This field is pre-adopted from HL7 International v2.9.
In addition to the above definition, in the context of messages that will be submitted to a repository where they will be accessed subsequently by an unknown party using a retrieval token such as printed on a barcode, then that retrieval token can be stored in the Identifier <ST> component while the Name of Coding System <IS> must indicate the scheme for the retrieval repository.
2.2 Other segments used in pathology messaging
This section covers the following segments that are often included in pathology messaging. Important order and observation segments are not included here, but are covered in detail in Chapters 4 and 5 of this guide.
Quick links:
2.2.1 PID - patient identification segment
The PID segment is used by all applications as the primary means of communicating patient identification information. This segment contains permanent patient identifying and demographic information that, for the most part, is not likely to change frequently.
It should be noted that from V2.4 onwards the demographics of animals can also be sent in the PID segment (see PID-35 to PID-38).
The assigning authority, the fourth component of the patient identifiers, is a HD data type that is uniquely associated with the assigning authority that originally assigned the number. A given institution, or group of intercommunicating institutions, should establish a list of assigning authorities that may be potential assignors of patient identification (and other important identification) numbers. The list will be one of the institution’s master dictionary lists. Since third parties (other than the assignors of patient identification numbers) may send or receive HL7 messages containing patient identification numbers, the assigning authority in the patient identification numbers may not be the same as the sending and receiving systems identified in the MSH. The assigning authority must be unique across applications at a given site. This field is required in HL7 implementations that have more than a single Patient Administration application assigning such numbers. The assigning authority and identifier type codes are strongly recommended for all CX data types.
With HL7 V2.3, the nomenclature for the fourth component of the patient identifiers was changed from "assigning facility ID" to "assigning authority". While the identifier may be unique to a given healthcare facility (for example, a medical record assigned by facility A in Hospital XYZ), the identifier might also be assigned at a system level (for example a corporate person index or enterprise number spanning multiple facilities) or by a government entity, for example a nationally assigned unique individual identifier. While a facility is usually an assigning authority, not all assigning authorities are facilities. Therefore, the fourth component is referred to as an assigning authority, but retains backward compatibility using the construct of the HD data type (see the note in section 2.8.18). Additionally, CX data types support the use of assigning facility (HD) as the sixth component.
HL7 Attribute Table – PID – Patient identification
1 | 4 | SI | R ††† |
| 00104 | Set ID - PID | |
2 | 20 | CX | B |
| 00105 | Patient ID |
3 | 250 | CX | R | Y |
| 00106 | Patient Identifier List |
4 | 20 | CX | B | Y |
| 00107 | Alternate Patient ID - PID |
5 | 250 | XPN | R | Y |
| 00108 | Patient Name |
6 | 250 | XPN | O | † |
| 00109 | Mother’s Maiden Name |
7 | 26 | TS | O |
| 00110 | Date/Time of Birth |
8 | 1 | IS | O |
| 00111 | Administrative Sex | |
9 | 250 | XPN | B | Y |
| 00112 | Patient Alias |
10 | 250 | CE | O | † | 0005 | 00113 | Race |
11 | 250 | XAD | O | Y |
| 00114 | Patient Address |
12 | 4 | IS | B |
| 00115 | County Code | |
13 | 250 | XTN | O | Y |
| 00116 | Phone Number - Home |
14 | 250 | XTN | O | Y |
| 00117 | Phone Number - Business |
15 | 250 | CE | O |
| 00118 | Primary Language | |
16 | 250 | CE | O |
| 00119 | Marital Status | |
17 | 250 | CE | O |
| 0006 | 00120 | Religion |
18 | 250 | CX | O |
| 00121 | Patient Account Number |
19 | 16 | ST | B |
| 00122 | SSN Number - Patient |
20 | 25 | DLN | O |
| 00123 | Driver's License Number - Patient |
21 | 250 | CX | O | Y |
| 00124 | Mother's Identifier |
22†† | 250 | CE | O | Y | 0189 | 00125 | Ethnic Group |
23 | 250 | ST | O |
| 00126 | Birth Place |
24‡ | 1 | ID | O |
| 00127 | Multiple Birth Indicator | |
25 | 2 | NM | O |
| 00128 | Birth Order |
26 | 250 | CE | O | Y | 00129 | Citizenship | |
27φ | 250 | CE | O |
| 0172 | 00130 | Veterans Military Status |
28 | 250 | CE | B |
| 0212 | 00739 | Nationality |
29 | 26 | TS | O |
| 00740 | Patient Death Date and Time |
30 | 1 | ID | O |
| 00741 | Patient Death Indicator | |
31 | 1 | ID | O |
| 01535 | Identity Unknown Indicator | |
32 | 20 | IS | O | Y | 01536 | Identity Reliability Code | |
33 | 26 | TS | O |
| 01537 | Last Update Date/Time |
34 | 40 | HD | O |
| 01538 | Last Update Facility |
35 | 250 | CE | C |
| 01539 | Species Code | |
36 | 250 | CE | C |
| 01540 | Breed Code | |
37 | 80 | ST | O |
| 01541 | Strain |
38 | 250 | CE | O | 2 | 01542 | Production Class Code |
† PID-6 and PID-10: component repeatability has been removed in the Australian context. Variance to HL7 International.
†† PID-22: Not to be used for indigenous status or country of birth in Australia. Variance to HL7 International.
‡ PID-24: HL7 table 0136 has options of 'Yes/No', whereas METeOR 668881 is the number of live births arising from a single pregnancy. Use HL7 Table 0136.
φ PID-27: DVA file number is sent in PID-3.1. The DVA card colour is no longer sent in this field (refer to PID-3.5). Variance to HL7 International.
††† PID-1 is mandatory in the Australian context. Variance to HL7 International. PID field definition PID-1 Set ID PID (SI) 00104
Definition: This field contains the number that identifies this transaction. For the first occurrence of the segment, the sequence number shall be one, for the second occurrence, the sequence number shall be two, etc. PID-2 Patient ID (CX) 00105
Components: <ID (ST)> ^ <check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)> ^ < assigning authority (HD)> ^ <identifier type code (ID)> ^ < assigning facility (HD) ^ <effective date (DT)> ^ <expiration date (DT)>
Subcomponents of assigning authority: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Subcomponents of assigning facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field has been retained for backward compatibility only. The arbitrary term of "external ID" has been removed from the name of this field. The repetition, assigning authority, healthcare facility, and identifier type code attributes of PID-3 - patient identifier list allow for distinctive identifier representation. This field remains for systems with a negotiated understanding of "external." It is recommended to use PID-3 - patient identifier list for all patient identifiers.
When used for backward compatibility, this field is valued when the patient is from another institution, outside office, etc., and the identifier used by that institution can be shown in this field. This may be a number that multiple disparate corporations or facilities share. Refer to HL7 Table 0061 - Check digit scheme. PID-3 Patient identifier list (CX) 00106
Components: <ID (ST)> ^ <check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)> ^ < assigning authority (HD)> ^ <identifier type code (ID)> ^ < assigning facility (HD) ^ <effective date (DT)> ^ <expiration date (DT)>
Subcomponents of assigning authority: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Subcomponents of assigning facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field contains the list of identifiers (one or more) used by the healthcare facility to uniquely identify a patient (e.g., medical record number, billing number, birth registry, national unique individual identifier, etc.). The Australian individual healthcare identifier (IHI) should be sent in this field. Refer to HL7 Table 0061 - Check digit scheme for valid values. The arbitrary term of "internal ID" has been removed from the name of this field for clarity. Refer also to HL7 Table 0203 - Identifier Type and User-defined Table 0363 - Assigning authority for valid values.
Only the sender's identifier(s) and the receiver's identifier(s) should be transmitted to avoid inappropriate use and disclosure of patient information. Other organizations' identifiers should not be used by organisations or providers as their own identifiers. The Privacy Act 1998 (commonwealth) has the relevant state and territory legislation regarding person identifiers.
Patient identifiers are not always unique. PID-4 Alternate patient ID - PID (CX) 00107
Components: <ID (ST)> ^ <check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)> ^ < assigning authority (HD)> ^ <identifier type code (ID)> ^ < assigning facility (HD) ^ <effective date (DT)> ^ <expiration date (DT)>
Subcomponents of assigning authority: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Subcomponents of assigning facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field has been retained for backward compatibility only. It is recommended to use PID-3 - patient identifier list for all patient identifiers. When used for backward compatibility, this field contains the alternate, temporary, or pending optional patient identifier to be used if needed - or additional numbers that may be required to identify a patient. This field may be used to convey multiple patient IDs when more than one exist for a patient. Possible contents might include a visit number, a visit date, or a Social Security Number. PID-5 Patient name (XPN) 00108
Components: In Version 2.3, replaces the PN data type. <family name (FN)> ^ <given name (ST)> ^ <second and further given names or initials thereof (ST)> ^ <suffix (e.g., JR or III) (ST)> ^ <prefix (e.g., DR) (ST)> ^ <degree (e.g., MD) (IS)> ^ <name type code (ID) > ^ <name representation code (ID)> ^ <name context (CE)> ^ <name validity range (DR)> ^ <name assembly order (ID)>
Subcomponents of family name: <family name (ST)> & <own family name prefix (ST)> & <own family name (ST)> & <family name prefix from partner/spouse (ST)> & <family name from partner/spouse (ST)>
Definition: This field contains the names of the patient, the primary or legal name of the patient is reported first. Therefore, the name type code in this field should be "L - Legal". Refer to HL7 Table 0200 - Name type for valid values. Repetition of this field is allowed for representing the same name in different character sets. Note that "last name prefix" is synonymous to "own family name prefix" of previous versions of HL7, as is "second and further given names or initials thereof" to "middle initial or name". Multiple given names and/or initials are separated by spaces.
HL7 Table 0200 - Name type
Value | Description |
A | Alias Name |
B | Name at Birth |
C | Adopted Name |
D | Display Name |
I | Licensing Name |
L | Legal Name |
M | Maiden Name |
N | Nickname /"Call me" Name/Street Name |
P | Name of Partner/Spouse (retained for backward compatibility only) |
R | Registered Name (animals only) |
S | Coded Pseudo-Name to ensure anonymity |
T | Indigenous/Tribal/Community Name |
U | Unspecified |
For animals, if a Name Type of "R" is used, use "Name Context" to identify the authority with which the animal’s name is registered. PID-6 Mother's maiden name (XPN) 00109
Components: In Version 2.3, replaces the PN data type. <family name (FN)> ^ <given name (ST)> ^ <second and further given names or initials thereof (ST)> ^ <suffix (e.g., JR or III) (ST)> ^ <prefix (e.g., DR) (ST)> ^ <degree (e.g., MD) (IS)> ^ <name type code (ID) > ^ <name representation code (ID)> ^ <name context (CE)> ^ <name validity range (DR)> ^ <name assembly order (ID)>
Subcomponents of family name: <family name (ST)> & <own family name prefix (ST)> & <own family name (ST)> & <family name prefix from partner/spouse (ST)> & <family name from partner/spouse (ST)>
Definition: This field contains the family name under which the mother was born (i.e., before marriage). It is used to distinguish between patients with the same last name. PID-7 Date/time of birth (TS) 00110
Definition: This field contains the patient’s date and time of birth.
This field allows for variable precision of the date/time of birth. Refer to 3.26 TS - time stamp for details how to encode date/time in this field.
Refer to METeOR 287007, ‘Date of birth’ and AS 4846-2014 Clause 5.2.3 'Date of Birth Accuracy Indicator', Clause 5.2.2 'Date of Birth'. PID-8 Administrative sex (IS) 00111
Definition: This field contains the patient’s sex.
HL7 code values (User-defined Table 0001 - Administrative sex) need to be used for messages whereas METeOR values are required for data collection and statistics. The following mapping should be used:
User-defined Table 0001 Administrative sex | METeOR (287316 Sex) | ||
Code | Description | Code | Description |
M | Male | 1 | Male |
F | Female | 2 | Female |
A | Ambiguous | 3 | Indeterminate or Intersex |
O | Other | 9 | Not stated/Inadequately described |
U | Unknown | 9 | Not stated/Inadequately described |
N | Not Applicable | 9 | Not stated/Inadequately described |
Also refer to AS 4846-2014 Clause 5.5 'Sex'. PID-9 Patient alias (XPN) 00112
Components: In Version 2.3, replaces the PN data type. <family name (FN)> ^ <given name (ST)> ^ <second and further given names or initials thereof (ST)> ^ <suffix (e.g., JR or III) (ST)> ^ <prefix (e.g., DR) (ST)> ^ <degree (e.g., MD) (IS)> ^ <name type code (ID) > ^ <name representation code (ID)> ^ <name context (CE)> ^ <name validity range (DR)> ^ <name assembly order (ID)>
Subcomponents of family name: <family name (ST)> & <own family name prefix (ST)> & <own family name (ST)> & <family name prefix from partner/spouse (ST)> & <family name from partner/spouse (ST)>
Definition: This field has been retained for backward compatibility only. It is recommended to use PID-5 - patient name for all patient names. This field contained the name(s) by which the patient has been known at some time. Refer to HL7 Table 0200 - Name type for valid values. PID-10 Race (CE) 00113
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This element is used for Indigenous status - refer to METeOR 602543 'Indigenous status'. The second triplet of the CE data type for race (alternate identifier, alternate text, and name of alternate coding system) is reserved for governmentally assigned codes.
Note: In the Australian context the component repeatability has been removed. A variance to HL7 International. PID-11 Patient address (XAD) 00114
Components: In Version 2.3 and later, replaces the AD data type. <street address (ST)> ^ <other designation (ST)> ^ <city (ST)> ^ <state or province (ST)> ^ <zip or postal code (ST)> ^ <country (ID)> ^ < address type (ID)> ^ <other geographic designation (ST)> ^ <county/parish code (IS)> ^ <census tract (IS)> ^ <address representation code (ID)> ^ <address validity range (DR)>
Subcomponents of street address: <street address (ST)> & <street name (ST)> & <dwelling number (ST)>
Definition: This field contains the mailing address of the patient. Address type codes are defined by HL7 Table 0190 - Address type. Multiple addresses for the same person may be sent in the following sequence: The primary mailing address must be sent first in the sequence (for backward compatibility); if the mailing address is not sent, then a repeat delimiter must be sent in the first sequence.
HL7 Table 0190 - Address Type
Example field: PID-11 Patient address
Value | Description |
C | Current address |
H | Home address |
M | Mailing address |
Refer to AS 4846-2014 Clause 6. PID-12 County code (IS) 00115
Definition: This field has been retained for backward compatibility. This field contains the patient’s county code. The county can now be supported in the county/parish code component of the XAD data type (PID-11 - Patient Address). Refer to User-defined Table 0289 - County/parish for suggested values PID-13 Phone number - home (XTN) 00116
Components: [NNN] [(999)]999-9999 [X99999] [B99999] [C any text] ^ <telecommunication use code (ID)> ^ <telecommunication equipment type (ID)> ^ <e-mail address (ST)> ^ <country code (NM)> ^ <area/city code (NM)> ^ <phone number (NM)> ^ <extension (NM)> ^ <any text (ST)>
Definition: This field contains the patient’s personal phone numbers. All personal phone numbers for the patient are sent in the following sequence. The first sequence is considered the primary number (for backward compatibility). If the primary number is not sent, then a repeat delimiter is sent in the first sequence. Refer to HL7 Table 0201 - Telecommunication use code and HL7 Table 0202 - Telecommunication equipment type for valid values.
Refer to AS 4846-2014 Clause 7 Electronic Address Group. PID-14 Phone number - business (XTN) 00117
Components: [NNN] [(999)]999-9999 [X99999] [B99999] [C any text] ^ <telecommunication use code (ID)> ^ <telecommunication equipment type (ID)> ^ <e-mail address (ST)> ^ <country code (NM)> ^ <area/city code (NM)> ^ <phone number (NM)> ^ <extension (NM)> ^ <any text (ST)>
Definition: This field contains the patient’s business telephone numbers. All business numbers for the patient are sent in the following sequence. The first sequence is considered the patient’s primary business phone number (for backward compatibility). If the primary business phone number is not sent, then a repeat delimiter must be sent in the first sequence. Refer to HL7 Table 0201 - Telecommunication use code and HL7 Table 0202 - Telecommunication equipment type for valid values.
Refer to AS 4846-2014 Clause 7 Electronic Address Group. PID-15 Primary language (CE) 00118
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field contains the patient’s primary language. HL7 recommends using ISO table 639 as the suggested values in User-defined Table 0296 - Primary Language.
User-defined Table 0296 - Primary language
Value | Description |
No suggested values defined |
Refer to METeOR 659407, ‘Preferred language’. PID-16 Marital status (CE) 00119
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field contains the patient’s marital (civil) status.
Refer to User-defined Table 0002 - Marital status for the HL7 values that are to be used in this data field.
If METeOR values are required for data collection or statistical purposes, the values should be mapped using the following mapping:
HL7 Table 0002 | METeOR (291045 'Martial Status') | ||
S | Single | 1 | Never married |
W | Widowed | 2 | Widowed |
D | Divorced | 3 | Divorced |
A | Separated | 4 | Separated |
M | Married | 5 | Married (incl. defacto) |
U | Unknown | 6 | Not stated/Inadequately described | PID-17 Religion (CE) 00120
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field contains the patient’s religion, for example, Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, etc. Refer to User-defined Table 0006 - Religion for suggested values. PID-18 Patient account number (CX) 00121
Components: <ID (ST)> ^ <check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)> ^ < assigning authority (HD)> ^ <identifier type code (ID)> ^ < assigning facility (HD) ^ <effective date (DT)> ^ <expiration date (DT)>
Subcomponents of assigning authority: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Subcomponents of assigning facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field contains the patient account number assigned by accounting to which all charges, payments, etc., are recorded. It is used to identify the patient’s account. Refer to HL7 Table 0061 - Check digit scheme for valid values.
Note: If an account number is used for patient identification, report in PID-3 with a patient identifier type code of 'AN'. PID-19 SSN number patient (ST) 00122
Definition: This field has been retained for backward compatibility only. It is recommended to use PID-3 - Patient Identifier List for all patient identifiers. However, in order to maintain backward compatibility, this field should also be populated. When used for backward compatibility, this field contains the patient’s social security number. This number may also be a RR retirement number. PID-20 Driver's license number - Patient (DLN) 00123
Components: <license number (ST)> ^ <issuing state, province, country (IS)> ^ <expiration date (DT)>
Definition: This field contains the patient’s driver’s license number. Some sites may use this number as a unique identifier of the patient. The default of the second component is the state in which the patient’s license is registered.
Note: In the Australian context this field has been superseded; hence use PID-3 Patient Identifier List. PID-21 Mother's identifier (CX) 00124
Components: <ID (ST)> ^ <check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)> ^ < assigning authority (HD)> ^ <identifier type code (ID)> ^ < assigning facility (HD) ^ <effective date (DT)> ^ <expiration date (DT)>
Subcomponents of assigning authority: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Subcomponents of assigning facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field is used, for example, as a link field for newborns. Typically a patient ID or account number may be used. This field can contain multiple identifiers for the same mother. Refer to HL7 Table 0061 - Check digit scheme for valid values. PID-22 Ethnic group (CE) 00125
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field further defines the patient’s ancestry.
Note: In the Australian context, this field is retained for backwards compatibility and hence is a variance to HL7 International. In the Australian context this field is not to be used for indigenous status or country of birth - refer to PID-10. PID-23 Birth place (ST) 00126
Definition: This field indicates the location of the patient’s birth, for example "St. Francis Community Hospital of Lower South Side". The actual address is reported in PID-11 with an identifier of "N".
Note: In the Australian context this field is used for the patient's country of birth. Refer to METeOR 659454 'Country of birth' and AS 4846-2014 Clause 5.8.4 'Country of birth'. PID-24 Multiple birth indicator (ID) 00127
Definition: This field indicates whether the patient was part of a multiple birth. Refer to HL7 Table 0136 - Yes/No Indicator for valid values.
In the Australian context METeOR 482409 Birth plurality indicates the total number of births from a single pregnancy.
Note: Note that HL7 table 0136 is a 'Yes/No' valued table, where as METeOR 668881 'Birth Plurality' is the number of live births resulting from a single pregnancy. Use HL7 table 0136. PID-25 Birth order (NM) 00128
Definition: When a patient was part of a multiple birth, a value (number) indicating the patient’s birth order is entered in this field.
Refer to METeOR 669962 'Birth order' and AS 4846-2014 Clause 5.3.2. PID-26 Citizenship (CE) 00129
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field contains the patient’s country of citizenship. HL7 recommends using ISO table 3166 as the suggested values in User-defined Table 0171 - Citizenship.
In the Netherlands, this field is used for "Nationaliteit".
User-defined Table 0171 - Citizenship
Value | Description |
No suggested values defined | PID-27 Veterans military status (CE) 00130 PID-28 Nationality (CE) 00739
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: From V2.4 onward, this field has been retained for backward compatibility only. It is recommended to refer to PID-10 - Race, PID-22 - Ethnic group and PID-26 - Citizenship. This field contains a code that identifies the nation or national grouping to which the person belongs. This information may be different from a person’s citizenship in countries in which multiple nationalities are recognized (for example, Spain: Basque, Catalan, etc.). PID-29 Patient death date and time (TS) 00740
Definition: This field contains the date and time at which the patient death occurred.
Refer to AS 4846-2014 Clause 5.4.2 'Date of Death' and Clause 5.4.3 'Date of Death Accuracy Indicator'. Note: HL7 V2.4 does not accommodate AS 4846-2014 Clause 5.4.4 'Source of Death Notification'. PID-30 Patient death indicator (ID) 00741
Definition: This field indicates whether the patient is deceased. Suggested valid values:
Y the patient is deceased
N the patient is not deceased PID-31 Identity unknown indicator (ID) 01535
Definition: This field indicates whether or not the patient’s/person’s identity is known. Suggested valid values:
Y the patient’s/person’s identity is unknown
N the patient’s/person’s identity is known PID-32 Identity reliability code (IS) 01536
Definition: This field contains a coded value used to communicate information regarding the reliability of patient/person identifying data transmitted via a transaction. Values could indicate that certain fields on a PID segment for a given patient/person are known to be false (e.g., use of default or system-generated values for Date of Birth or Social Security Number. Refer to User-defined Table 0445 - Identity reliability code for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0445 - Identity Reliability Code
Value | Description |
US | Unknown/Default Social Security Number |
UD | Unknown/Default Date of Birth |
UA | Unknown/Default Address |
AL | Patient/Person Name is an Alias | PID-33 Last update date/time (TS) 01537
Definition: This field contains the last update date and time for the patient’s/person’s identifying and demographic data, as defined in the PID segment. Receiving systems will use this field to determine how to apply the transaction to their systems. If the receiving system (such as an enterprise master patient index) already has a record for the person with a later last update date/time, then the EMPI could decide not to apply the patient’s/person’s demographic and identifying data from this transaction. PID-34 Last update facility (HD) 01538
Definition: This field identifies the facility of the last update to a patient’s/person’s identifying and demographic data, as defined in the PID segment. Receiving systems or users will use this field to determine how to apply the transaction to their systems. If the receiving system (such as a hospital’s patient management system) already has a record for the patient/person, then it may decide to only update its data if the source is a "trusted" source. A hospital might consider other hospitals trusted sources, but not "trust" updates from non-acute care facilities. For example:
...|Metro Hospital|... PID-35 Species code (CE) 01539
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: The species of living organism. This may include the common or scientific name, based on the coding system(s) used. SNOMED is the recommended coding system. If this field is not valued, a human is assumed. Refer to User-defined Table 0446 - Species Code for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0446 - Species Code
Value | Description |
No suggested values defined |
Conditionality Rule: This field must be valued if PID-36 - Breed Code or PID-38 - Production Class Code is valued.
For example:
...|L-80700^Canine, NOS^SNM3|...
...|L-80A00^Feline^SNM3|... PID-36 Breed code (CE) 01540
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: The specific breed of animal. This field, unlike Species and Strain is specific to animals and cannot be generally used for all living organisms. SNOMED is the recommended coding system. Refer to User-defined Table 0447 - Breed Code for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0447 - Breed Code
Value | Description |
No suggested values defined |
Conditionality Rule: This field must be valued if PID-37 - Strain is valued.
For example, (showing primary and alternative coding systems, using locally defined "American Kennel Club" nomenclature):
...|L-80733^ Staffordshire bull terrier^SNM3^^American Staffordshire Terrier^99AKC|...
...|L-80439^Peruvian Paso Horse^SNM3|... PID-37 Strain (ST) 01541
Definition: This field contains the specific strain of animal. It can also be expanded to include strain of any living organism and is not restricted to animals.
...|DXL|... PID-38 Production class code (CE) 01542
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field contains the code and/or text indicating the primary use for which the living subject was bred or grown. Refer to User-defined Table 0429 - Production Class Code for suggested values. For example:
User-defined Table 0429 - Production class Code
Value | Description |
BR | Breeding/genetic stock |
DA | Dairy |
DR | Draft |
DU | Dual Purpose |
LY | Layer, Includes Multiplier flocks |
MT | Meat |
OT | Other |
PL | Pleasure |
RA | Racing |
SH | Show |
NA | Not Applicable |
U | Unknown |
2.2.2 PV1 - patient visit segment
The PV1 segment is used by Registration/Patient Administration applications to communicate information on an account or visit-specific basis. The default is to send account level data. To use this segment for visit level data PV1-51 - visit indicator must be valued to "V". The value of PV-51 affects the level of data being sent on the PV1, PV2, and any other segments that are part of the associated PV1 hierarchy (e.g. ROL, DG1, or OBX).
The facility ID, the optional fourth component of each patient location field, is a HD data type that is uniquely associated with the healthcare facility containing the location. A given institution, or group of intercommunicating institutions, should establish a list of facilities that may be potential assignors of patient locations. The list will be one of the institution’s master dictionary lists. Since third parties other than the assignors of patient locations may send or receive HL7 messages containing patient locations, the facility ID in the patient location may not be the same as that implied by the sending and receiving systems identified in the MSH. The facility ID must be unique across facilities at a given site. This field is required for HL7 implementations that have more than a single healthcare facility with bed locations, since the same <point of care> ^ <room> ^ <bed> combination may exist at more than one facility.
HL7 Attribute Table - PV1 – Patient visit
1 | 4 | SI | R †††† | 00131 | Set ID - PV1 | ||
2 | 1 | IS | R | 0004 | 00132 | Patient Class | |
3 | 80 | PL | O | 00133 | Assigned Patient Location | ||
4 | 2 | IS | O | 0007 | 00134 | Admission Type | |
5 | 250 | CX | O | 00135 | Preadmit Number | ||
6 | 80 | PL | O | 00136 | Prior Patient Location | ||
7 | 250 | XCN | O | Y | 0010 | 00137 | Attending Doctor |
8 | 250 | XCN | O | Y | 0010 | 00138 | Referring Doctor |
9 | 250 | XCN | C††† | Y | 0010 | 00139 | Consulting Doctor (only first repeat is used in routing) |
10 | 10† | IS | C‡ | 0069 | 00140 | Hospital Service | |
11 | 80 | PL | O | 00141 | Temporary Location | ||
12 | 2 | IS | O | 0087 | 00142 | Preadmit Test Indicator | |
13 | 2 | IS | O | 0092 | 00143 | Re-admission Indicator | |
14 | 6 | IS | O | 0023 | 00144 | Admit Source | |
15 | 2 | IS | O | Y | 0009 | 00145 | Ambulatory Status |
16 | 2 | IS | O | 0099 | 00146 | VIP Indicator | |
17 | 250 | XCN | O | Y | 0010 | 00147 | Admitting Doctor |
18 | 2 | IS | O | 0018 | 00148 | Patient Type | |
19 | 250 | CX | O | 00149 | Visit Number | ||
20 | 50 | FC | O | Y | 0064 | 00150 | Financial Class |
21 | 13 †† | IS | O | 0032 | 00151 | Charge Price Indicator | |
22 | 2 | IS | O | 0045 | 00152 | Courtesy Code | |
23 | 2 | IS | O | 0046 | 00153 | Credit Rating | |
24 | 2 | IS | O | Y | 0044 | 00154 | Contract Code |
25 | 8 | DT | O | Y | 00155 | Contract Effective Date | |
26 | 12 | NM | O | Y | 00156 | Contract Amount | |
27 | 3 | NM | O | Y | 00157 | Contract Period | |
28 | 2 | IS | O | 0073 | 00158 | Interest Code | |
29 | 1 | IS | O | 0110 | 00159 | Transfer to Bad Debt Code | |
30 | 8 | DT | O | 00160 | Transfer to Bad Debt Date | ||
31 | 10 | IS | O | 0021 | 00161 | Bad Debt Agency Code | |
32 | 12 | NM | O | 00162 | Bad Debt Transfer Amount | ||
33 | 12 | NM | O | 00163 | Bad Debt Recovery Amount | ||
34 | 1 | IS | O | 0111 | 00164 | Delete Account Indicator | |
35 | 8 | DT | O | 00165 | Delete Account Date | ||
36 | 3 | IS | O | 0112 | 00166 | Discharge Disposition | |
37 | 25 | CM | O | 0113 | 00167 | Discharged to Location | |
38 | 250 | CE | O | 0114 | 00168 | Diet Type | |
39 | 2 | IS | O | 0115 | 00169 | Servicing Facility | |
40 | 1 | IS | B | 0116 | 00170 | Bed Status | |
41 | 2 | IS | O | 0117 | 00171 | Account Status | |
42 | 80 | PL | O | 00172 | Pending Location | ||
43 | 80 | PL | O | 00173 | Prior Temporary Location | ||
44 | 26 | TS | O | 00174 | Admit Date/Time | ||
45 | 26 | TS | O | Y | 00175 | Discharge Date/Time | |
46 | 12 | NM | O | 00176 | Current Patient Balance | ||
47 | 12 | NM | O | 00177 | Total Charges | ||
48 | 12 | NM | O | 00178 | Total Adjustments | ||
49 | 12 | NM | O | 00179 | Total Payments | ||
50 | 250 | CX | O | 0203 | 00180 | Alternate Visit ID | |
51 | 1 | IS | O | 0326 | 01226 | Visit Indicator | |
52 | 250 | XCN | B | Y | 0010 | 01274 | Other Healthcare Provider |
† Australian variation to HL7 V2.4 with the length changed from 3 to 10 characters.
‡ The 'O' optionality code in HL7 V2.4 is a typographical error and the optionality should be 'C'.
†† Australian variation to HL7 V2.4 with the length changed from 2 to 13 characters to incorporate rules defined in HL7 Clause 5.4.1.
††† Australian variation to HL7 2.4. Changed to conditional as first repeat is used to identify target of the message for routing purposes. Field is required for addressing when messages are to be sent by a messaging service. Field is optional when message is used internally.
†††† PV1-1 is required in the Australian context. Variance to HL7 International. PV1 field definitions PV1-1 Set ID - PV1 (SI) 00131
Definition: This field contains the number that identifies this transaction. For the first occurrence of the segment, the sequence number shall be one, for the second occurrence, the sequence number shall be two, etc. PV1-2 Patient class (IS) 00132
Definition: This field is used by systems to categorize patients by site. It does not have a consistent industry-wide definition. It is subject to site-specific variations. Refer to User-defined Table 0004 - Patient class for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0004 - Patient class
Value | Description |
E | Emergency |
I | Inpatient |
O | Outpatient |
P | Preadmit |
S† | Same day patient |
Y† | Community client |
R | Recurring patient |
B | Obstetrics |
C | Commercial Account |
N | Not Applicable |
U | Unknown |
Note: Patients from private surgeries are outpatients.
Note: † - "S" and "Y" are Australian additions and a variation to HL7 International.
"Commercial Account" is used by reference labs for specimen processing when the service is billed back to a third party. A registration is processed for the specimen to facilitate the subsequent billing. The identity of the patient may be known or unknown. In either case, for billing and statistical purposes, the patient class is considered a commercial account due to the third party billing responsibility. "Not Applicable" is used only in cases where the PV1 segment itself is not applicable but is retained in the message definitions for backwards compatibility (for example when a managed care system sends A28,A29, or A31 messages to indicate the enrolment of a patient in the system and there is no scheduled "visit" or "encounter" and hence the entire PV1 segment is not applicable).
For further information on:
- Admitted patient (I and S) refer to METeOR 268957.
- Non-admitted patient refer to METeOR 268973.
- Same-day admitted care refer to METeOR 373961.
- Overnight-stay admitted refer to METeOR 374147.
- Non-admitted patient service event—care type refer to METeOR 679528. PV1-3 Assigned patient location (PL) 00133
Components: <point of care (IS)> ^ <room (IS)> ^ <bed (IS)> ^ <facility (HD)> ^ <location status(IS)> ^ <person location type (IS)> ^ <building (IS)> ^ <floor (IS)> ^ <location description (ST)
Subcomponents of facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field contains the patient’s initial assigned location or the location to which the patient is being moved. The first component may be the nursing station for inpatient locations, or clinic or department, for locations other than inpatient. For cancelling a transaction or discharging a patient, the current location (after the cancellation event or before the discharge event) should be in this field. If a value exists in the fifth component (location status), it supersedes the value in PV1-40 - Bed Status. PV1-4 Admission type (IS) 00134
Definition: This field indicates the circumstances under which the patient was or will be admitted. Refer to User-defined Table 0007 - Admission type for suggested values. In the US, it is recommended to report the UB92 FL 19 "Type of Admission" in this field.
User-defined Table 0007 - Admission type
Value | Description |
A | Accident |
C | Elective |
E | Emergency |
G | Geriatric respite admission |
L | Labor and Delivery |
N | Newborn (Birth in healthcare facility) |
R | Routine |
S | Statistical admission |
U | Urgent |
Note: G and S are Australian additions. PV1-5 Preadmit number (CX) 00135
Components: <ID (ST)> ^ <check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)>^ < assigning authority (HD)> ^ <identifier type code (ID)> ^ < assigning facility (HD)^ <effective date (DT)> ^ <expiration date (DT)>
Subcomponents of assigning authority: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type(ID)>
Subcomponents of assigning facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type(ID)>
Definition: This field uniquely identifies the patient’s pre-admit account. Some systems will continue to use the pre-admit number as the billing number after the patient has been admitted. For backward compatibility, a ST data type can be sent; however HL7 recommends use of the CX data type, like the account number, for new implementations. The assigning authority and identifier type code are strongly recommended for all CX data types. PV1-6 Prior patient location (PL) 00136
Components: <point of care (IS)> ^ <room (IS)> ^ <bed (IS)> ^ <facility (HD)> ^ <location status(IS)> ^ <person location type (IS)> ^ <building (IS)> ^ <floor (IS)> ^ <location description (ST)
Subcomponents of facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field contains the prior patient location if the patient is being transferred. The old location is null if the patient is new. If a value exists in the fifth component (location status), it supersedes the value in PV1-40 - bed status. PV1-7 Attending doctor (XCN) 00137
Components: <ID number (ST)> ^ <family name (ST)> ^ <given name (ST)> ^ <second and further given names or initials thereof (ST)> ^ <suffix (e.g., JR or III) (ST)> ^ <prefix (e.g., DR) (ST)> ^ <degree (e.g., MD) (IS)> ^ <source table (IS)> ^ <assigning authority (HD)> ^<name type code (ID)> ^ <identifier check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)> ^ <identifier type code (IS)> ^ <assigning facility (HD)> ^ <name representation code (ID)> ^ <name context (CE)> ^ <name validity range (DR)>
Subcomponents of family name: <family name (ST)> & <own family name prefix (ST)> & <own family name (ST)> & <family name prefix from partner/spouse (ST)> & <family name from partner/spouse (ST)>
Subcomponents of assigning authority: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Subcomponents of assigning facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field contains the attending physician information. Multiple names and identifiers for the same physician may be sent. The field sequences are not used to indicate multiple attending doctors. The legal name must be sent in the first sequence. If the legal name is not sent, then a repeat delimiter must be sent in the first sequence. Depending on local agreements, either ID or the name may be absent in this field. Refer to User-defined Table 0010 - Physician ID for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0010 - Physician ID
Value | Description |
No suggested values defined |
Note: In the Australian context this field should not be used unless the system caters for registrars or residents. PV1-8 Referring doctor (XCN) 00138
Components: <ID number (ST)> ^ <family name (ST)> ^ <given name (ST)> ^ <second and further given names or initials thereof (ST)> ^ <suffix (e.g., JR or III) (ST)> ^ <prefix (e.g., DR) (ST)> ^ <degree (e.g., MD) (IS)> ^ <source table (IS)> ^ <assigning authority (HD)> ^ <name type code (ID)> ^ <identifier check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)> ^ <identifier type code (IS)> ^ <assigning facility (HD)> ^ <name representation code (ID)> ^ <name context (CE)> ^ <name validity range (DR)>
Subcomponents of family name: <family name (ST)> & <own family name prefix (ST)> & <own family name (ST)> & <family name prefix from partner/spouse (ST)> & <family name from partner/spouse (ST)>
Subcomponents of assigning authority: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Subcomponents of assigning facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field contains the referring physician information. Multiple names and identifiers for the same physician may be sent. The field sequences are not used to indicate multiple referring doctors. The legal name must be sent in the first sequence. If the legal name is not sent, then a repeat delimiter must be sent in the first sequence. Depending on local agreements, either the ID or the name may be absent from this field. Refer to User-defined Table 0010 - Physician ID for suggested values. PV1-9 Consulting doctor (XCN) 00139
Components: <ID number (ST)> ^ <family name (ST)> ^ <given name (ST)> ^ <second and further given names or initials thereof (ST)> ^ <suffix (e.g., JR or III) (ST)> ^ <prefix (e.g., DR) (ST)> ^ <degree (e.g., MD) (IS)> ^ <source table (IS)> ^ <assigning authority (HD)> ^ <name type code (ID)> ^ <identifier check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)> ^ <identifier type code (IS)> ^ <assigning facility (HD)> ^ <name representation code (ID)> ^ <name context (CE)> ^ <name validity range (DR)>
Subcomponents of family name: <family name (ST)> & <own family name prefix (ST)> & <own family name (ST)> & <family name prefix from partner/spouse (ST)> & <family name from partner/spouse (ST)>
Subcomponents of assigning authority: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Subcomponents of assigning facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
In the Australian setting this field is used to identify the target provider for this message. A location specific ID is used and the field should not repeat as each message is unique for the target provider. Where available the Medicare provider number is used as this provides for a location specific identifier. Messages should be routed based on this field and only the first repeat is used. PV1-10 Hospital service (IS) 00140
Definition: This field contains the treatment or type of surgery that the patient is scheduled to receive. It is a required field with trigger events A01 (admit/visit notification), A02 (transfer a patient), A14 (pending admit), A15 (pending transfer). Refer to User-defined Table 0069 - Hospital service for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0069 - Hospital service
Values | Description |
MED | Medical Service |
SUR | Surgical Service |
URO | Urology Service |
PUL | Pulmonary Service |
CAR | Cardiac Service |
- Australian variation to HL7 V2.4 with the length changed from 3 to 10 characters.
- The 'O' optionality code in HL7 V2.4 is a typographical error and the optionality should be 'C'.
- In the Australian context this field is required for trigger events A01, A02, A05, A14 and A15. PV1-11 Temporary location (PL) 00141
Components: <point of care (IS)> ^ <room (IS)> ^ <bed (IS)> ^ <facility (HD)> ^ <location status (IS)> ^ <person location type (IS)> ^ <building (IS)> ^ <floor (IS)> ^ <location description (ST)>
Subcomponents of facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field contains a location other than the assigned location required for a temporary period of time (e.g., OR, operating theatre, etc.). If a value exists in the fifth component (location status), it supersedes the value in PV1-40 - bed status. PV1-12 Preadmit test indicator (IS) 00142
Definition: This field indicates whether the patient must have pre-admission testing done in order to be admitted. Refer to User-defined Table 0087 - Pre-admit test indicator for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0087 - Pre-admit test indicator
Value | Description |
No suggested values defined | PV1-13 Re-admission indicator (IS) 00143
Definition: This field indicates that a patient is being re-admitted to the healthcare facility and gives the circumstances. We suggest using "R" for readmission or else null. Refer to User-defined Table 0092 - Re-admission indicator for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0092 - Re-admission indicator
Value | Description |
R | Re-admission | PV1-14 Admit source (IS) 00144
Definition: This field indicates where the patient was admitted. Refer to User-defined Table 0023 - Admit source for suggested values. In the US, this field is used on UB92 FL20 "Source of Admission".
The UB codes listed as examples are not an exhaustive or current list; refer to a UB specification for additional information.
Note: The official title of UB is "National Uniform Billing Data Element Specifications." Most of the codes added came from the UB-92 specification, but some came from the UB-82.
User-defined Table 0023 - Admit source
Value | Description |
1 | Physician referral |
2 | Clinic referral |
3 | HMO referral |
4 | Transfer from a hospital |
5 | Transfer from a skilled nursing facility |
6 | Transfer from another health care facility |
7 | Emergency room |
8 | Court/law enforcement |
9 | Information not available |
In the Australian context refer to METeOR 269976 "Episode of admitted patient care—admission mode", and METeOR 269947 "Episode of admitted patient care—referral source, public psychiatric hospital code". PV1-15 Ambulatory status (IS) 00145
Definition: This field indicates any permanent or transient handicapped conditions. Refer to User defined Table 0009 - Ambulatory status for suggested entries.
User-defined Table 0009 - Ambulatory status
Value | Description |
A0 | No functional limitations |
A1 | Ambulates with assistive device |
A2 | Wheelchair/stretcher bound |
A3 | Comatose; non-responsive |
A4 | Disoriented |
A5 | Vision impaired |
A6 | Hearing impaired |
A7 | Speech impaired |
A8 | Non-English speaking |
A9 | Functional level unknown |
B1 | Oxygen therapy |
B2 | Special equipment (tubes, IVs, catheters) |
B3 | Amputee |
B4 | Mastectomy |
B5 | Paraplegic |
B6 | Pregnant | PV1-16 VIP indicator (IS) 00146
Definition: This field identifies the type of VIP. Refer to User-defined Table 0099 - VIP indicator for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0099 - VIP indicator
Value | Description |
V1 | No suggested values defined |
In the Australian context the recommended values are:
Digit 1 | Digit 2 | ||
N | National leader (President, Prime Minister, | 0 | No special privacy or protection issues |
R | Religious leader | 1 | Special privacy requirement |
B | Senior business leader | 2 | Extreme privacy requirement |
M | Currently focus of media attention. | 3 | Armed protection/security, no special privacy |
H | Hospital staff or near relative | 4 | Armed protection/security, special privacy |
V | Very important person, not otherwise defined | 5 | Armed protection/security, extreme privacy |
6 | Extreme protection/security, no special privacy | ||
7 | Extreme protection/security, special privacy | ||
8 | Extreme protection/security, extreme privacy | ||
9 | Privacy or protection requirement, not |
Codes H and V are the likely to be the most significant codes as hospital staff/near relative have been flagged in studies as the most likely to have inappropriate access to data and therefore H is import for auditing. The code V is used for non-specific flagging. PV1-17 Admitting doctor (XCN) 00147
Components: <ID number (ST)> ^ <family name (ST)> ^ <given name (ST)> ^ <second and further given names or initials thereof (ST)> ^ <suffix (e.g., JR or III) (ST)> ^ <prefix (e.g., DR) (ST)> ^ <degree (e.g., MD) (IS)> ^ <source table (IS)> ^ <assigning authority (HD)> ^ <name type code (ID)> ^ <identifier check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)> ^ <identifier type code (IS)> ^ <assigning facility (HD)> ^ <name representation code (ID)> ^ <name context (CE)> ^ <name validity range (DR)>
Subcomponents of family name: <family name (ST)> & <own family name prefix (ST)> & <own family name (ST)> & <family name prefix from partner/spouse (ST)> & <family name from partner/spouse (ST)>
Subcomponents of assigning authority: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Subcomponents of assigning facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field contains the admitting physician information. Multiple names and identifiers for the same physician may be sent. The field sequences are not used to indicate multiple admitting doctors. The legal name must be sent in the first sequence. If the legal name is not sent, then a repeat delimiter must be sent in the first sequence. By local agreement, the name or ID may be absent in this field. Refer to User-defined Table 0010 - Physician ID for suggested values. PV1-18 Patient type (IS) 00148
Definition: This field contains site-specific values that identify the patient type. Refer to User-defined Table 0018 - Patient type for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0018 - Patient type
Value | Description |
No suggested values defined |
In the Australian context refer to METeOR 584408 "Hospital service—care type". PV1-19 Visit number (CX) 00149
Components: <ID (ST)> ^ <check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)> ^ < assigning authority (HD)> ^ <identifier type code (ID)> ^ < assigning facility (HD) ^ <effective date (DT)> ^ <expiration date (DT)>
Subcomponents of assigning authority: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Subcomponents of assigning facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: For backward compatibility , a NM data type may be sent, but HL7 recommends that new implementations use the CX data type. This field contains the unique number assigned to each patient visit. The assigning authority and identifier type code are strongly recommended for all CX data types. PV1-20 Financial class (FC) 00150
Components: <financial class (IS)> ^ <effective date (TS)>
Definition: This field contains the financial class(es) assigned to the patient for the purpose of identifying sources of reimbursement. Refer to User-defined Table 0064 - Financial class for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0064 - Financial class
METeOR 679815 ‘Funding source for hospital patients’ codes | |
Code | Definition |
01 | Health service budget (not covered elsewhere) |
02 | Health service budget (due to eligibility for Reciprocal Health Care Agreement) |
03 | Health service budget (no charge raised due to hospital decision) |
04 | Department of Veterans' Affairs |
05 | Department of Defence |
06 | Correctional facility |
07 | Medicare Benefits Scheme |
08 | Other hospital or public authority (contracted care) |
09 | Private health insurance |
10 | Worker's compensation |
11 | Motor vehicle third party personal claim |
12 | Other compensation (e.g. public liability, common law, medical negligence) |
13 | Self-funded |
88 | Other funding source |
Supplementary values: | http://meteor.aihw.gov.au/ui/helpWindow.phtml?itemId=tag.helpMeteorItemOtherPermissibleValues |
98 | Not known | PV1-21 Charge price indicator (IS) 00151
Definition: This field contains the code used to determine which price schedule is to be used for room and bed charges. Refer to User-defined Table 0032 - Charge/price indicator.
User-defined Table 0032 - Charge/price indicator
Value | Description |
AUSM85 | 85% of Medicare schedule fee |
AUSM75 | 75% of Medicare schedule fee |
AUSM100 | Medicare schedule fee |
AUSAMA | Australian Medical Association recommended fee |
Note: Australian variation to HL7 V2.4 with the length changed from 2 to 13 characters to incorporate rules defined in HL7 Clause 5.4.1. PV1-22 Courtesy code (IS) 00152
Definition: This field indicates whether the patient will be extended certain special courtesies. Refer to User-defined Table 0045 - Courtesy code for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0045 - Courtesy code
In the Australian context the recommended values are:
Value | Description |
CV | Personal cover (Muslim, etc.) |
ME | Muslim (face bed to east) |
RO | Religious orders | PV1-23 Credit rating (IS) 00153
Definition: This field contains the user-defined code to determine past credit experience. Refer to User defined Table 0046 - Credit rating for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0046 - Credit rating
In the Australian context users may define their own table values:
Value | Description |
---|---| PV1-24 Contract code (IS) 00154
Definition: This field identifies the type of contract entered into by the healthcare facility and the guarantor for the purpose of settling outstanding account balances. Refer to User-defined Table 0044 - Contract code for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0044 - Contract code
In the Australian context use a two character code from METeOR 270114 Contract role and METeOR 270475 Contract type:
Contract role (METeOR 270114) | Contract type (METeOR 270475) | |||
Value | Description | Value | Description | Detailed description |
A | Hospital A (Purchaser) | 1 | Contract type B | A health authority / other external purchaser contracts hospital B for admitted service which is funded outside the standard funding arrangements. |
B | Hospital B (Provider) | 2 | Contract type ABA | Patient admitted by Hospital A. Hospital A contracts Hospital B for admitted or non-admitted patient service. Patient returns to Hospital A on completion of service by Hospital B. |
3 | Contract type AB | Patient admitted by Hospital A. Hospital A contracts Hospital B for admitted or non-admitted patient service. Patient does not return to Hospital A on completion of service by Hospital B. For example, a patient has a hip replacement at Hospital A and then receives aftercare at Hospital B, under contract to Hospital A. Patient is separated from Hospital B. | ||
4 | Contract type (A)B | This contract type occurs where a Hospital A contracts Hospital B for the whole episode of care. The patient does not attend Hospital A. For example, a patient is admitted for endoscopy at Hospital B under contract to Hospital A. | ||
5 | Contract type BA | Hospital A contracts Hospital B for an admitted patient service following which the patient moves to Hospital A for remainder of care. For example, a patient is admitted to Hospital B for a gastric resection procedure under contract to Hospital A and Hospital A provides after care. | PV1-25 Contract effective date (DT) 00155
Definition: This field contains the date that the contract is to start or started. PV1-26 Contract amount (NM) 00156
Definition: This field contains the amount to be paid by the guarantor each period according to the contract. PV1-27 Contract period (NM) 00157
Definition: This field specifies the duration of the contract for user-defined periods. PV1-28 Interest code (IS) 00158
Definition: This field indicates the amount of interest that will be charged the guarantor on any outstanding amounts. Refer to User-defined Table 0073 - Interest rate code for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0073 - Interest rate code
Value | Description |
No suggested values defined | PV1-29 Transfer to bad debt code (IS) 00159
Definition: This field indicates that the account was transferred to bad debts and gives the reason. Refer to User-defined Table 0110 - Transfer to bad debt code for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0110 - Transfer to bad debt code
In the Australian context reason for bad debt include:
Value | Description |
B | Bankrupt |
D | Deceased |
L | Left address | PV1-30 Transfer to bad debt date (DT) 00160
Definition: This field contains the date that the account was transferred to a bad debt status. PV1-31 Bad debt agency code (IS) 00161
Definition: This field can be used as a ST type for backward compatibility . This field uniquely identifies the bad debt agency to which the account was transferred. This code is site defined. One possible implementation would be to edit against a table such as User-defined Table 0021 - Bad debt agency code; however, this is not required.
User-defined Table 0021 - Bad debt agency code
Value | Description |
No suggested values defined | PV1-32 Bad debt transfer amount (NM) 00162
Definition: This field contains the amount that was transferred to a bad debt status. PV1-33 Bad debt recovery amount (NM) 00163
Definition: This field contains the amount recovered from the guarantor on the account. PV1-34 Delete account indicator (IS) 00164
Definition: This field indicates that the account was deleted from the file and gives the reason. Refer to User-defined Table 0111 - Delete account code for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0111 - Delete account code
Value | Description |
No suggested values defined | PV1-35 Delete account date (DT) 00165
Definition: This field contains the date that the account was deleted from the file. PV1-36 Discharge disposition (IS) 00166
Definition: This field contains the disposition of the patient at time of discharge (i.e., discharged to home, expired, etc.). Refer to User-defined Table 0112 - Discharge disposition for suggested values. In the US, this field is used on UB92 FL22. The UB codes listed as examples are not an exhaustive or current list;refer to a UB specification for additional information.
User-defined Table 0112 - Discharge disposition
Value | Description |
01 | Discharged to home or self care (routine discharge) |
02 | Discharged/transferred to another short term general hospital for inpatient care |
03 | Discharged/transferred to skilled nursing facility (SNF) |
04 | Discharged/transferred to an intermediate care facility (ICF) |
05 | Discharged/transferred to another type of institution for inpatient care or referred for outpatient services to another institution |
06 | Discharged/transferred to home under care of organized home health service organization |
07 | Left against medical advice or discontinued care |
08 | Discharged/transferred to home under care of Home IV provider |
09 | Admitted as an inpatient to this hospital |
10 …19 | Discharge to be defined at state level, if necessary |
20 | Expired (i.e. dead) |
21 ... 29 | Expired to be defined at state level, if necessary |
30 | Still patient or expected to return for outpatient services (i.e. still a patient) |
31 …39 | Still patient to be defined at state level, if necessary (i.e. still a patient) |
40 | Expired (i.e. died) at home |
41 | Expired (i.e. died) in a medical facility; e.g., hospital, SNF, ICF, or free standing hospice |
42 | Expired (i.e. died) - place unknown |
In the Australian context refer to METeOR 270094 "Mode of Separation" and METeOR 616654 Episode end status PV1-37 Discharged to location (CM) 00167
Components: <discharge location (IS)> ^ <effective date (TS)>
Definition: This field indicates the healthcare facility to which the patient was discharged. Refer to User defined Table 0113 - Discharged to location for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0113 - Discharged to location
Value | Description |
No suggested values defined | PV1-38 Diet type (CE) 00168
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field indicates a special diet type for a patient. Refer to User-defined Table 0114 - Diet type for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0114 - Diet type
Value | Description |
No suggested values defined |
Note: In the Australian context this data element is very limited in its application to dietary systems. Diet orders are used to communicate diet type - refer to Section 4.7 of HL7 V2.4. PV1-39 Servicing facility (IS) 00169
Definition: This field is used in a multiple facility environment to indicate the healthcare facility with which this visit is associated. Refer to User-defined Table 0115 - Servicing facility for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0115 - Servicing facility
Value | Description |
No suggested values defined |
An optional sixth component, the facility ID, may be valued in each individual location field in PV1, instead of placing it here.
In the Australian context refer to METeOR 269973 "Establishment identifier". PV1-40 Bed status (IS) 00170
Definition: This field has been retained for backward compatibility only. The information is now held in the fifth component of the PL datatype in PV1-3. This field contains the status of the bed. Refer to User-defined Table 0116 - Bed status for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0116 - Bed status
Value | Description |
C | Closed |
H | Housekeeping |
O | Occupied |
U | Unoccupied |
K | Contaminated |
I | Isolated | PV1-41 Account status (IS) 00171
Definition: This field contains the account status. Refer to User-defined Table 0117 - Account status for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0117 - Account status
Value | Description |
No suggested values defined | PV1-42 Pending location (PL) 00172
Components: <point of care (IS)> ^ <room (IS)> ^ <bed (IS)> ^ <facility (HD)> ^ <location status (IS)> ^ <person location type (IS)> ^ <building (IS)> ^ <floor (IS)> ^ <location description (ST)>
Subcomponents of facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field indicates the point of care, room, bed, healthcare facility ID, and bed status to which the patient may be moved. The first component may be the nursing station for inpatient locations, or the clinic, department, or home for locations other than inpatient. If a value exists in the fifth component (location status), it supersedes the value in PV1-40 - bed status. PV1-43 Prior temporary location (PL) 00173
Components: <point of care (IS)> ^ <room (IS)> ^ <bed (IS)> ^ <facility (HD)> ^ <location status (IS)> ^ <person location type (IS)> ^ <building (IS)> ^ <floor (IS)> ^ <location description (ST)>
Subcomponents of facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field is used to reflect the patient’s temporary location (such as the operating room/theatre or x-ray) prior to a transfer from a temporary location to an actual location, or from a temporary location to another temporary location. The first component may be the nursing station for inpatient locations, or the clinic, department, or home for locations other than inpatient. PV1-44 Admit date/time (TS) 00174
Definition: This field contains the admit date/time. It is to be used if the event date/time is different than the admit date and time, i.e., a retroactive update. This field is also used to reflect the date/time of an outpatient/emergency patient registration.
In the Australian context refer to METeOR 269967 "Admission date" and METeOR 682942 "Admission time". PV1-45 Discharge date/time (TS) 00175
Definition: This field contains the discharge date/time. It is to be used if the event date/time is different than the discharge date and time, that is, a retroactive update. This field is also used to reflect the date/time of an outpatient/emergency patient discharge.
In the Australian context refer to METeOR 270025 "Separation date" and METeOR 682919 "Separation time". PV1-46 Current patient balance (NM) 00176
Definition: This field contains the visit balance due. PV1-47 Total charges (NM) 00177
Definition: This field contains the total visit charges. PV1-48 Total adjustments (NM) 00178
Definition: This field contains the total adjustments for visit. PV1-49 Total payments (NM) 00179
Definition: This field contains the total payments for visit. PV1-50 Alternate visit ID (CX) 00180
Components: <ID (ST)> ^ <check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)> ^ < assigning authority (HD)> ^ <identifier type code (ID)> ^ < assigning facility (HD) ^ <effective date (DT)> ^ <expiration date (DT)>
Subcomponents of assigning authority: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Subcomponents of assigning facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field contains the alternative, temporary, or pending optional visit ID number to be used if needed. Refer to HL7 Table 0061 - Check digit scheme for valid values. Refer to HL7 Table 0203 - Identifier type for valid values. The assigning authority and identifier type code are strongly recommended for all CX data types. PV1-51 Visit indicator (IS) 01226
Definition: This field specifies the level on which data are being sent. It is the indicator used to send data at two levels, visit and account. HL7 recommends sending an ‘A’ or no value when the data in the message are at the account level, or ‘V’ to indicate that the data sent in the message are at the visit level. Refer to User-defined Table 0326 - Visit indicator for suggested values.
The value of this element affects the context of data sent in PV1, PV2 and any associated hierarchical segments (e.g. DB1, AL1, DG1, etc.).
User-defined Table 0326 - Visit indicator
Value | Description |
A | Account level (default) |
V | Visit level | PV1-52 Other healthcare provider (XCN) 01274
Components: <ID number (ST)> ^ <family name (ST)> ^ <given name (ST)> ^ <second and further given names or initials thereof (ST)> ^ <suffix (e.g., JR or III) (ST)> ^ <prefix (e.g., DR) (ST)> ^ <degree (e.g., MD) (IS)> ^ <source table (IS)> ^ <assigning authority (HD)> ^ <name type code (ID)> ^ <identifier check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)> ^ <identifier type code (IS)> ^ <assigning facility (HD)> ^ <name representation code (ID)> ^ <name context (CE) ^ <name validity range (DR)>
Subcomponents of family name: <family name (ST)> & <own family name prefix (ST)> & <own family name (ST)> & <family name prefix from partner/spouse (ST)> & <family name from partner/spouse (ST)>
Subcomponents of assigning authority: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Subcomponents of assigning facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field has been retained for backward compatibility only. Use the ROL-Role Segment to communicate providers not specified elsewhere. This field contains the other healthcare providers (e.g. nurse care practitioner, midwife, physician assistant). Multiple healthcare providers can be sent. Depending on local agreements, either the ID or the name may be absent from this field. Use values in User-defined Table 0010 - Physician ID for first component.
2.2.3 PV2- patient visit - additional information segment
The PV2 segment is a continuation of information contained on the PV1 segment.
HL7 Attribute Table - PV2 – Patient visit – additional information
1 | 80 | PL | C | 00181 | Prior Pending Location | ||
2 | 250 | CE | O | 0129 | 00182 | Accommodation Code | |
3 | 250 | CE | O | 00183 | Admit Reason | ||
4 | 250 | CE | O | 00184 | Transfer Reason | ||
5 | 25 | ST | O | Y | 00185 | Patient Valuables | |
6 | 25 | ST | O | 00186 | Patient Valuables Location | ||
7 | 2 | IS | O | Y | 0130 | 00187 | Visit User Code |
8 | 26 | TS | O | 00188 | Expected Admit Date/Time | ||
9 | 26 | TS | O | 00189 | Expected Discharge Date/Time | ||
10 | 3 | NM | O | 00711 | Estimated Length of Inpatient Stay | ||
11 | 3 | NM | O | 00712 | Actual Length of Inpatient Stay | ||
12 | 50 | ST | O | 00713 | Visit Description | ||
13 | 250 | XCN | O | † | 00714 | Referral Source Code | |
14 | 8 | DT | O | 00715 | Previous Service Date | ||
15 | 1 | ID | O | 0136 | 00716 | Employment Illness Related Indicator | |
16 | 1 | IS | O | 0213 | 00717 | Purge Status Code | |
17 | 8 | DT | O | 00718 | Purge Status Date | ||
18 | 2 | IS | O | 0214 | 00719 | Special Program Code | |
19 | 1 | ID | O | 0136 | 00720 | Retention Indicator | |
20 | 1 | NM | O | 00721 | Expected Number of Insurance Plans | ||
21 | 1 | IS | O | 0215 | 00722 | Visit Publicity Code | |
22 | 1 | ID | O | 0136 | 00723 | Visit Protection Indicator | |
23 | 250 | XON | O | Y | 00724 | Clinic Organization Name | |
24 | 2 | IS | O | 0216 | 00725 | Patient Status Code | |
25 | 1 | IS | O | 0217 | 00726 | Visit Priority Code | |
26 | 8 | DT | O | 00727 | Previous Treatment Date | ||
27 | 2 | IS | O | 0112 | 00728 | Expected Discharge Disposition | |
28 | 8 | DT | O | 00729 | Signature on File Date | ||
29 | 8 | DT | O | 00730 | First Similar Illness Date | ||
30 | 250 | CE | O | 0218 | 00731 | Patient Charge Adjustment Code | |
31 | 2 | IS | O | 0219 | 00732 | Recurring Service Code | |
32 | 1 | ID | O | 0136 | 00733 | Billing Media Code | |
33 | 26 | TS | O | 00734 | Expected Surgery Date and Time | ||
34 | 1 | ID | O | 0136 | 00735 | Military Partnership Code | |
35 | 1 | ID | O | 0136 | 00736 | Military Non-Availability Code | |
36 | 1 | ID | O | 0136 | 00737 | Newborn Baby Indicator | |
37 | 1 | ID | O | 0136 | 00738 | Baby Detained Indicator | |
38 | 250 | CE | O | 0430 | 01543 | Mode of Arrival Code | |
39 | 250 | CE | Y | 0431 | 01544 | Recreational Drug Use Code | |
40 | 250 | CE | O | 0432 | 01545 | Admission Level of Care Code | |
41 | 250 | CE | O | Y | 0433 | 01546 | Precaution Code |
42 | 250 | CE | O | 0434 | 01547 | Patient Condition Code | |
43 | 2 | IS | O | 0315 | 00759 | Living Will Code | |
44 | 2 | IS | O | 0316 | 00760 | Organ Donor Code | |
45 | 250 | CE | O | Y | 0435 | 01548 | Advance Directive Code |
46 | 8 | DT | O | 01549 | Patient Status Effective Date | ||
47 | 26 | TS | C | 01550 | Expected LOA Return Date/Time |
† Australian variation to HL7 V2.4 where the component repeatability has been removed. PV2 field definitions PV2-1 Prior pending location (PL) 00181
Components: <point of care (IS)> ^ <room (IS)> ^ <bed (IS)> ^ <facility (HD)> ^ <location status (IS)> ^ <person location type (IS)> ^ <building (IS)> ^ <floor (IS)> ^ <location description (ST)>
Subcomponents of facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field is required for cancel pending transfer (A26) messages. In all other events it is optional. PV2-2 Accommodation code (CE) 00182
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field indicates the specific patient accommodations for this visit. Refer to User-defined Table 0129 - Accommodation code for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0129 - Accommodation code
Value | Description |
No suggested values defined | PV2-3 Admit reason (CE) 00183
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier
(ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field contains the short description of the reason for patient admission. PV2-4 Transfer reason (CE) 00184
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field contains the short description of the reason for a patient location change. PV2-5 Patient valuables (ST) 00185
Definition: This field contains the short description of patient valuables checked in during admission. PV2-6 Patient valuables location (ST) 00186
Definition: This field indicates the location of the patient’s valuables. PV2-7 Visit user code (IS) 00187
Definition: This field further categorizes a patient’s visit with respect to an individual institution’s needs, and is expected to be site-specific. Refer to User-defined Table 0130 - Visit user code for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0130 - Visit user code
Value | Description |
TE | Teaching |
HO | Home |
MO | Mobile Unit |
PH | Phone | PV2-8 Expected admit date/time (TS) 00188
Definition: This field contains the date and time that the patient is expected to be admitted. This field is also used to reflect the date/time of an outpatient/emergency patient registration. PV2-9 Expected discharge date/time (TS) 00189
Definition: This field contains the date and time that the patient is expected to be discharged. This is a non-event related date used by ancillaries to determine more accurately the projected workloads. This field is also used to reflect the anticipated discharge date/time of an outpatient/emergency patient, or an inpatient. PV2-10 Estimated length of inpatient stay (NM) 00711
Definition: This field specifies the estimated days of inpatient stays. PV2-11 Actual length of inpatient stay (NM) 00712
Definition: This field contains the actual days of inpatient stays. The actual length of the inpatient stay may not be calculated from the admission and discharge dates because of possible leaves of absence. PV2-12 Visit description (ST) 00713
Definition: This field contains a brief user-defined description of the visit. PV2-13 Referral source code (XCN) 00714
Components: <ID number (ST)> ^ <family name (ST)> ^ <given name (ST)> ^ <second and further given names or initials thereof (ST)> ^ <suffix (e.g., JR or III) (ST)> ^ <prefix (e.g., DR) (ST)> ^ <degree (e.g., MD) (IS)> ^ <source table (IS)> ^ <assigning authority (HD)> ^ <name type code (ID)> ^ <identifier check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)> ^ <identifier type code (IS)> ^ <assigning facility (HD)> ^ <name representation code (ID)> ^ <name context (CE) ^ <name validity range (DR)>
Subcomponents of family name: <family name (ST)> & <own family name prefix (ST)> & <own family name (ST)> & <family name prefix from partner/spouse (ST)> & <family name from partner/spouse (ST)>
Subcomponents of assigning authority: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Subcomponents of assigning facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field contains the name and the identification numbers of the person or organization that made the referral. This person/organization is not the same as the referring doctor. For example, Joe Smith referred me to the Clinic (or to Dr. Jones at the Clinic). PV2-14 Previous service date (DT) 00715
Definition: This field contains the date of previous service for the same recurring condition. This may be a required field for billing certain illnesses (e.g., accident related) to a third party. PV2-15 Employment illness related indicator (ID) 00716
Definition: This field specifies whether a patient’s illness was job-related. Refer to HL7 Table 0136 - Yes/no indicator for valid values. PV2-16 Purge status code (IS) 00717
Definition: This field contains the purge status code for the account. It is used by the application program to determine purge processing. Refer to User-defined Table 0213 - Purge status code for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0213 - Purge status code
Value | Description |
P | Marked for purge. User is no longer able to update the visit. |
D | The visit is marked for deletion and the user cannot enter new data against it. |
I | The visit is marked inactive and the user cannot enter new data against it. | PV2-17 Purge status date (DT) 00718
Definition: This field contains the date on which the data will be purged from the system. PV2-18 Special program code (IS) 00719
Definition: This field designates the specific health insurance program for a visit required for healthcare reimbursement. Examples include Child Health Assistance, Elective Surgery Program, Family Planning, etc. Refer to User-defined Table 0214 - Special program codes for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0214 – Special program codes
Value | Description |
No suggested values | PV2-19 Retention indicator (ID) 00720
Definition: This field allows the user to control the financial and demographic purge processes at the visit. It is used to preserve demographic and financial data on specific, high priority visits. Refer to HL7 Table 0136 - Yes/no indicator for valid values. PV2-20 Expected number of insurance plans (NM) 00721
Definition: This field contains the number of insurance plans that may provide coverage for this visit. PV2-21 Visit publicity code (IS) 00722
Definition: This field contains a user-defined code indicating what level of publicity is allowed (e.g., No Publicity, Family Only) for a specific visit. Refer to User-defined Table 0215 - Publicity code for suggested values. Refer to PD1-11 - publicity code for the patient level publicity code.
User-defined Table 0215 - Publicity code
Value | Description |
No suggested values | PV2-22 Visit protection indicator (ID) 00723
Definition: This field identifies the person’s protection that determines, in turn, whether access to information about this person should be kept from users who do not have adequate authority for a specific visit. Refer to HL7 Table 0136 - Yes/no indicator for valid values. Refer to PD1-12 - protection indicator for the patient level protection indicator. PV2-23 Clinic organization name (XON) 00724
Components: <organization name (ST)> ^ <organization name type code (ID)> ^ <ID number (ID)> ^ <check digit (NM)> ^ < check digit scheme (ID)> ^ <assigning authority (HD)> ^ <identifier type code (ID)> ^ <assigning facility (HD)> ^ <name representation code (ID)>
Subcomponents of assigning authority: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Subcomponents of assigning facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field contains the organization name or sub-unit and identifier that is associated with the (visit) episode of care. For example, the Allergy or Oncology Clinic within the healthcare facility might be named. PV2-24 Patient status code (IS) 00725
Definition: This field indicates the status of the episode of care: for instance, Active Inpatient, Discharged Inpatient. Refer to User-defined Table 0216 - Patient status for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0216 – Patient status
Value | Description |
No suggested values defined | PV2-25 Visit priority code (IS) 00726
Definition: This field contains the priority of the visit. Refer to User-defined Table 0217 - Visit priority code for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0217 - Visit priority code
Value | Description |
1 | Emergency |
2 | Urgent |
3 | Elective | PV2-26 Previous treatment date (DT) 00727
Definition: This field contains the date that the patient last had treatment for any condition prior to this visit. In the case of a prior hospital visit, it is likely to be the previous discharge date. PV2-27 Expected discharge disposition (IS) 00728
Definition: This field describes what the patient’s disposition is expected to be at the end of the visit. Refer to User-defined Table 0112 - Discharge disposition for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0112 - Discharge disposition
Value | Description |
01 | Discharged to home or self care (routine discharge) |
02 | Discharged/transferred to another short term general hospital for inpatient care |
03 | Discharged/transferred to skilled nursing facility (SNF) |
04 | Discharged/transferred to an intermediate care facility (ICF) |
05 | Discharged/transferred to another type of institution for inpatient care or referred for outpatient services to another institution |
06 | Discharged/transferred to home under care of organized home health service organization |
07 | Left against medical advice or discontinued care |
08 | Discharged/transferred to home under care of Home IV provider |
09 | Admitted as an inpatient to this hospital |
10 …19 | Discharge to be defined at state level, if necessary |
20 | Expired (i.e. dead) |
21 ... 29 | Expired to be defined at state level, if necessary |
30 | Still patient or expected to return for outpatient services (i.e. still a patient) |
31 … 39 | Still patient to be defined at state level, if necessary (i.e. still a patient) |
40 | Expired (i.e. died) at home |
41 | Expired (i.e. died) in a medical facility; e.g., hospital, SNF, ICF, or free standing hospice |
42 | Expired (i.e. died) - place unknown | PV2-28 Signature on file date (DT) 00729
Definition: This field contains the date on which a signature was obtained for insurance billing purposes. PV2-29 First similar illness date (DT) 00730
Definition: This field is used to determine if the patient has a pre-existing condition. PV2-30 Patient charge adjustment code (CE) 00731
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field contains a user-defined code that indicates which adjustments should be made to this patient’s charges. Refer to User-defined Table 0218 - Charge adjustment for suggested values. This field is the same as GT1-26 - guarantor charge adjustment code . PV2-31 Recurring service code (IS) 00732
Definition: This field indicates whether the treatment is continuous. Refer to User-defined Table 0219 - Recurring service for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0219 – Recurring service
Value | Description |
No selected values | PV2-32 Billing media code (ID) 00733
Definition: This field indicates if the account is to be rejected from tape billing. Refer to HL7 Table 0136 - Yes/no indicator for valid values. PV2-33 Expected surgery date and time (TS) 00734
Definition: This field contains the date and time on which the surgery is expected to occur. PV2-34 Military partnership code (ID) 00735
Definition: This field indicates that a military healthcare facility has contracted with a non-military healthcare facility for the use of its services. Refer to HL7 Table 0136 - Yes/no indicator for valid values. PV2-35 Military non-availability code (ID) 00736
Definition: This field indicates whether a patient has permission to use a non-military healthcare facility for treatment. Refer to HL7 Table 0136 - Yes/no indicator for valid values. PV2-36 Newborn baby indicator (ID) 00737
Definition: This field indicates whether the patient is a baby. Refer to HL7 Table 0136 - Yes/no indicator for valid values. PV2-37 Baby detained indicator (ID) 00738
Definition: This field indicates if the baby is detained after the mother’s discharge. Refer to HL7 Table 0136 - Yes/no indicator for valid values. PV2-38 Mode of arrival code (CE) 01543
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: Identifies how the patient was brought to the healthcare facility. Refer to User-defined Table 0430 - Mode of arrival code for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0430 - Mode of arrival code
Value | Description |
A | Ambulance |
C | Car |
F | On foot |
H | Helicopter |
P | Public Transport |
O | Other |
U | Unknown | PV2-39 Recreational drug use code (CE) 01544
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field indicates what recreational drugs the patient uses. It is used for the purpose of room assignment. Refer to User-defined Table 0431 - Recreational drug use code for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0431 - Recreational drug use code
Value | Description |
A | Alcohol |
K | Kava |
M | Marijuana |
T | Tobacco - smoked |
C | Tobacco - chewed |
O | Other |
U | Unknown | PV2-40 Admission level of care code (CE) 01545
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field indicates the acuity level assigned to the patient at the time of admission. Refer to User-defined Table 0432 - Admission level of care code for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0432 - Admission level of care code
Value | Description |
AC | Acute |
CH | Chronic |
CO | Comatose |
CR | Critical |
IM | Improved |
MO | Moribund | PV2-41 Precaution code (CE) 01546
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field indicates non-clinical precautions that need to be taken with the patient. Refer to User-defined Table 0433 - Precaution code for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0433 - Precaution code
Value | Description |
A | Aggressive |
B | Blind |
C | Confused |
D | Deaf |
I | On IV |
N | "No-code" (i.e. Do not resuscitate) |
P | Paraplegic |
O | Other |
U | Unknown | PV2-42 Patient condition code (CE) 01547
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field indicates the patient’s current medical condition for the purpose of communicating to non-medical outside parties, e.g. family, employer, religious minister, media, etc,. Refer to User-defined Table 0434 - Patient condition code for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0434 - Patient condition code
Value | Description |
A | Satisfactory |
C | Critical |
P | Poor |
S | Stable |
O | Other |
U | Unknown | PV2-43 Living will code (IS) 00759
Definition: This field indicates whether or not the patient has a living will and, if so, whether a copy of the living will is on file at the healthcare facility. If the patient does not have a living will, the value of this field indicates whether the patient was provided information on living wills. Refer to User-defined Table 0315 - Living will code for suggested values. See also PD1-7 - Living will code.
User-defined Table 0315 - Living will code
Value | Description |
Y | Yes, patient has a living will |
F | Yes, patient has a living will but it is not on file |
N | No, patient does not have a living will and no information was provided |
I | No, patient does not have a living will but information was provided |
U | Unknown | PV2-44 Organ donor code (IS) 00760
Definition: This field indicate whether the patient wants to donate his/her organs and whether an organ donor card or similar documentation is on file with the healthcare organization. Refer to User-defined Table 0316 - Organ donor code for suggested values. See also PD1-8 - Organ donor.
User-defined Table 0316 - Organ donor code
Value | Description |
Y | Yes, patient is a documented donor and documentation is on file |
F | Yes, patient is a documented donor, but documentation is not on file |
N | No, patient has not agreed to be a donor |
I | No, patient is not a documented donor, but information was provided |
R | Patient leaves organ donation decision to relatives |
P | Patient leaves organ donation decision to a specific person |
U | Unknown | PV2-45 Advance directive code (CE) 01548
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field indicates the patient’s instructions to the healthcare facility. Refer to User-defined Table 0435 - Advance directive code for suggested values. See also PD1-15 - Advance directive code.
User-defined Table 0435 - Advance directive code
Value | Description |
DNR | Do not resuscitate | PV2-46 Patient status effective date (DT) 01549
Definition: This field indicates the effective date for PV2-24 - Patient Status . PV2-47 Expected LOA return date/time (TS) 01550
Definition: This field is conditionally required for A21 - Patient goes on LOA. It may be populated in A22 - Patient returns from LOA as well as in the A53 - Cancel LOA for a patient and the A54 - Cancel patient returns from LOA triggers. This field contains the date/time that the patient is expected to return from LOA.
2.2.4 AL1 - Patient allergy information segment
The AL1 segment contains patient allergy information of various types. Most of this information will be derived from user-defined tables. Each AL1 segment describes a single patient allergy.
HL7 Attribute Table - AL1 – Patient allergy information
1 | 4† | SI † | R | 00203 | Set ID - AL1 | ||
2 | 250 | CE | O | 0127 | 00204 | Allergen Type Code | |
3 | 250 | CE | R | 00205 | Allergen Code/Mnemonic/Description | ||
4 | 250 | CE | O | 0128 | 00206 | Allergy Severity Code | |
5 | 15 | ST | O | Y | 00207 | Allergy Reaction Code | |
6 | 8 | DT | B | 00208 | Identification Date |
† Typographical error in HL7 V2.4 where the CE data type is incorrect and should be a SI data type of length 4.
See 5.2 ORM - general order message (event O01), and 7 Patient Referral for usage of this segment. AL1 field definitions AL1-1 Set ID - AL1 (CE) 00203
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field contains the number that identifies this transaction. For the first occurrence of the segment, the sequence number shall be one, for the second occurrence, the sequence number shall be two, etc. AL1-2 Allergen type code (CE) 00204
Definition: This field indicates a general allergy category (drug, food, pollen, etc.). Refer to User-defined Table 0127 - Allergen type for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0127 - Allergen type
Value | Description |
DA | Drug allergy |
FA | Food allergy |
MA | Miscellaneous allergy |
MC | Miscellaneous contraindication |
EA | Environmental Allergy |
AA | Animal Allergy |
PA | Plant Allergy |
LA | Pollen Allergy |
AD | Administrative Alert † |
† Australian Variance to HL7 International. AL1-3 Allergen code/mnemonic/description (CE) 00205
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field uniquely identifies a particular allergen. This element may conform to some external, standard coding system (that must be identified), or it may conform to local, largely textual or mnemonic descriptions. AL1-4 Allergy severity code (CE) 00206
Definition: This field indicates the general severity of the allergy. Refer to User-defined Table 0128 - Allergy severity for suggested values.
User-defined Table 0128 - Allergy severity
Value | Description |
SV | Severe |
MO | Moderate |
MI | Mild |
U | Unknown | AL1-5 Allergy reaction code (ST) 00207
Definition: This field identifies the specific allergic reaction that was documented. This element may conform to some external, standard coding system, or it may conform to a local, largely textual or mnemonic descriptions (e.g., convulsions, sneeze, rash, etc.). AL1-6 Identification date (DT) 00208
Definition: this field contains the date that the allergy was identified.
2.2.5 QRD - original-style query definition segment
The QRD segment is used to define a query.
HL7 Attribute Table – QRD - Original-Style Query Definition
1 | 26 | TS | R | 00025 | Query Date/Time | ||
2 | 1 | ID | R | 0106 | 00026 | Query Format Code | |
3 | 1 | ID | R | 0091 | 00027 | Query Priority | |
4 | 10 | ST | R | 00028 | Query ID | ||
5 | 1 | ID | O | 00030 | Deferred Response Type | ||
6 | 26 | TS | O | 0107 | 00029 | Deferred Response Date/Time | |
7 | 10 | CQ | R | 0126 | 00031 | Quantity Limited Request | |
8 | 250 | XCN | R | Y | 00032 | Who Subject Filter | |
9 | 250 | CE | R | Y | 0048 | 00033 | What Subject Filter |
10 | 250 | CE | R | Y | 00034 | What Department Data Code | |
11 | 20 | CM | O | Y | 00035 | What Data Code Value Qual. | |
12 | 1 | ID | O | 0108 | 00036 | Query Results Level |
See 5.3 OSQ/OSR- query response for order status (event Q06) for usage of this segment. QRD field definitions QRD-1 Query date/time (TS) 00025
Definition: This field contains the date the query was generated by the application program. QRD-2 Query format code (ID) 00026
Definition: This field refers to HL7 Table 0106 - Query/response format code for valid values.
HL7 Table 0106 - Query/response format code
Value | Description |
D | Response is in display format |
R | Response is in record-oriented format |
T | Response is in tabular format | QRD-3 Query priority (ID) 00027
Definition: This field contains the time frame in which the response is expected. Refer HL7 Table 0091 - Query priority for valid values. Table values and subsequent fields specify time frames for response.
HL7 Table 0091 - Query priority
Value | Description |
D | Deferred |
I | Immediate | QRD-4 Query ID (ST) 00028
Definition: This field contains a unique identifier for the query. Assigned by the querying application. Returned intact by the responding application. QRD-5 Deferred response type (ID) 00029
Definition: This field refers to HL7 Table 0107 - Deferred response type for valid entries.
HL7 Table 0107 - Deferred response type
Value | Description |
B | Before the Date/Time specified |
L | Later than the Date/Time specified | QRD-6 Deferred response date/time (TS) 00030
Definition: This field contains the date/time before or after which to send a deferred response. If not present, the response can be sent when it is available. (See QRD-5-Deferred response type above). QRD-7 Quantity limited request (CQ) 00031
Components: <quantity (NM)> ^ <units (CE)>
Definition: This field contains the maximum length of the response that can be accepted by the requesting system. Valid responses are numerical values (in the first component) given in the units specified in the second component. Refer to HL7 Table 0126 - Quantity limited request for valid entries for the second component. Default is LI (lines).
HL7 Table 0126 - Quantity limited request
Value | Description |
CH | Characters |
LI | Lines |
PG | Pages |
RD | Records |
ZO | Locally defined | QRD-8 Who subject filter (XCN) 00032
Components: <ID number (ST)> ^ <family name (FN)> ^ <given name (ST)> ^ <second and further given names or initials thereof (ST)> ^ <suffix (e.g., JR or III) (ST)> ^ <prefix (e.g., DR) (ST)> ^ <degree (e.g., MD) (IS)> ^ <source table (IS)> ^ <assigning authority (HD)> ^ <name type code (ID)> ^ <identifier check digit (ST)> ^ <code identifying the check digit scheme employed (ID)> ^ <identifier type code (IS)> ^ <assigning facility (HD)> ^ <name representation code (ID)> ^ <name context (CE)> ^ <name validity range (DR)> ^ < name assembly order (ID)>
Subcomponents of assigning authority: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)> Subcomponents of assigning facility: <namespace ID (IS)> & <universal ID (ST)> & <universal ID type (ID)>
Definition: This field identifies the subject, or who the inquiry is about.
Note: This field should not have been a required field. However, for backwards compatibility it remains a required field. There are some queries in the standard that have not required this field. QRD-9 What subject filter (CE) 00033
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field describes the kind of information that is required to satisfy the request. Valid values define the type of transaction inquiry and may be extended locally during implementation.
HL7 Table 0048 - What subject filter
Value | Description |
ADV | Advice/diagnosis |
ANU | Nursing unit lookup (returns patients in beds, excluding empty beds) |
APN | Patient name lookup |
APP | Physician lookup |
ARN | Nursing unit lookup (returns patients in beds, including empty beds) |
APM | Medical record number query, returns visits for a medical record number |
APA | Account number query, return matching visit |
CAN | Cancel. Used to cancel a query |
DEM | Demographics |
FIN | Financial |
GID | Generate new identifier |
GOL | Goals |
MRI | Most recent inpatient |
MRO | Most recent outpatient |
NCK | Network clock |
NSC | Network status change |
NST | Network statistic |
ORD | Order |
OTH | Other |
PRB | Problems |
PRO | Procedure |
RES | Result |
RAR | Pharmacy administration information |
RER | Pharmacy encoded order information |
RDR | Pharmacy dispense information |
RGR | Pharmacy give information |
ROR | Pharmacy prescription information |
SAL | All schedule related information, including open slots, booked slots, blocked slots |
SBK | Booked slots on the identified schedule |
SBL | Blocked slots on the identified schedule |
SOF | First open slot on the identified schedule after the start date/time |
SOP | Open slots on the identified schedule |
SSA | Time slots available for a single appointment |
SSR | Time slots available for a recurring appointment |
STA | Status |
VXI | Vaccine Information |
XID | Get cross-referenced identifiers |
See the HL7 Implementation Guide for detailed examples of use of various query filter fields. QRD-10 What department data code (CE) 00034
Components: <identifier (ST)> ^ <text (ST)> ^ <name of coding system (IS)> ^ <alternate identifier (ST)> ^ <alternate text (ST)> ^ <name of alternate coding system (IS)>
Definition: This field contains the possible contents including test number, procedure number, drug code, item number, order number, etc. The contents of this field are determined by the contents of the previous field. This field could contain multiple occurrences separated by repetition delimiters.
Note: This field should not have been a required field. However, for backwards compatibility it remains a required field. There are some queries in the standard that have not required this field. QRD-11 What data code value qual (CM) 00035
Components: <first data code value (ST)> ^ <last data code value (ST)>
Definition: This field contains start and stop values separated by a component separator. These values constitute a window or range to further refine the inquiry. QRD-12 Query results level (ID) 00036
Definition: This field is used to control level of detail in results. Refer to HL7 Table 0108 - Query results level for valid values. See section 4 and 5.
HL7 Table 0108 - Query results level
Value | Description |
O | Order plus order status |
R | Results without bulk text |
S | Status only |
T | Full results |
2.2.6 QRF - original style query filter segment
The QRF segment is used with the QRD segment to further refine the content of an original style query.
HL7 Attribute Table – QRF – Original style query filter
1 | 20 | ST | R | Y | 00037 | Where Subject Filter | |
2 | 26 | TS | B | 00038 | When Data Start Date/Time | ||
3 | 26 | TS | B | 00039 | When Data End Date/Time | ||
4 | 60 | ST | O | Y | 00040 | What User Qualifier | |
5 | 60 | ST | O | Y | 00041 | Other QRY Subject Filter | |
6 | 12 | ID | O | Y | 0156 | 00042 | Which Date/Time Qualifier |
7 | 12 | ID | O | Y | 0157 | 00043 | Which Date/Time Status Qualifier |
8 | 12 | ID | O | Y | 0158 | 00044 | Date/Time Selection Qualifier |
9 | 60 | TQ | O | 00694 | When Quantity/Timing Qualifier | ||
10 | 10 | NM | O | 01442 | Search Confidence Threshold |
See 5.3 OSQ/OSR- query response for order status (event Q06) for usage of this segment. QRF field definitions QRF-1 Where subject filter (ST) 00037
Definition: This field identifies the department, system, or subsystem to which the query pertains. This field may repeat as in LAB~HEMO, etc. QRF-2 When data start date/time (TS) 00038
Definition: This field has been retained for backward compatibility only. It is recommended to use QRF-9 – When quantity/timing qualifier. When used for backward compatibility, this field contains the dates and times equal to or after which this value should be included. QRF-3 When data end date/time (TS) 00039
Definition: This field has been retained for backward compatibility only. It is recommended to use QRF-9 – When quantity/timing qualifier. When used for backward compatibility, this field contains the dates and times equal to or before which this date should be included. This field contains the dates and times equal to or before which this date should be included. QRF-4 What user qualifier (ST) 00040
Definition: This field contains an identifier to further define characteristics of the data of interest. QRF-5 Other QRY subject filter (ST) 00041
Definition: This field contains a filter defined locally for use between two systems. This filter uses codes and field definitions that have specific meaning only to the applications and/or site involved. QRF-6 Which date/time qualifier (ID) 00042
Definition: This field specifies the type of date referred to in QRF-2-When data start date/time and QRF-3-When data end date/time.
HL7 Table 0156 - Which date/time qualifier
Value | Description |
ANY | Any date/time within a range |
COL | Collection date/time, equivalent to film or sample collection date/time |
ORD | Order date/time |
RCT | Specimen receipt date/time, receipt of specimen in filling ancillary (Lab) |
REP | Report date/time, report date/time at filing ancillary (i.e., Lab) |
SCHED | Schedule date/time | QRF-7 Which date/time status qualifier (ID) 00043
Definition: This field specifies the status type of objects selected in date range defined by QRF-2-When data start date/time and QRF-3-When data end date/time.
HL7 Table 0157 - Which date/time status qualifier
Value | Description |
ANY | Any status |
CFN | Current final value, whether final or corrected |
COR | Corrected only (no final with corrections) |
FIN | Final only (no corrections) |
PRE | Preliminary |
REP | Report completion date/time | QRF-8 Date/time selection qualifier (ID) 00044
Definition: This field allows the specification of certain types of values within the date/time range.
HL7 Table 0158 - Date/time selection qualifier
Value | Description |
1ST | First value within range |
ALL | All values within the range |
LST | Last value within the range |
REV | All values within the range returned in reverse chronological order (This is the default if not otherwise specified.) | QRF-9 When quantity/timing qualifier (TQ) 00694
Components: <quantity (CQ)> ^ <interval (CM)> ^ <duration (CM)> ^ <start date/time (TS)> ^ <end date/time (TS)> ^ <priority (ST)> ^ <condition (ID)> ^ <text (TX)> ^ <conjunction (ID)> ^ <order sequencing (CM)> ^ <occurrence duration (CE)> ^ <total occurrences (NM)>
Definition: This field allows an interval definition to be used for specifying multiple responses to a query. With the addition of this filter, new query specifications should no longer use QRF-2-When data start date/time and QRF-3-When data end date/time in future implementations. QRF-10 Search confidence threshold (NM) 01442
Definition: This field contains a numeric value used to establish the minimum threshold match. The value instructs the responding system to return no records for patients whose “match weight” on the look-up was lower than this user-defined value.
Example: |0.50| or |8.25|
One use of this optional field is in Patient Look-up transactions where the searching system employs a numeric algorithm for determining potential matches to patient/person lookups.
2.3 Localisation Details
2.3.1 Billing
Generally this information will be supplied by the Placer in the Order Request with the following factors to be considered:
- The pricing scale that is to be applied to the order - sent in PV1-21 Charge Price Indicator.
- The person to be billed for the tests. In most cases the patient is responsible for the payment of the request; however if the patient is a child the invoice must be sent to a parent/guardian or other responsible party and this is indicated in the GT1 segment.
- For billing applicable to a health fund use the IN1 segment.
- For the funding source refer to PV1-20 Financial Class.