- 17. @Brett Esler - Update links to all Standards on the HL7 Australia O&O WG page – Australian Diagnostics and Referral Messaging – Localisation of HL7 v2.4 Standard is still referenced as ‘Current Draft Standard’ as per https://confluence.hl7australia.com/display/OO/Current+Draft+Standards – pending
- 32. @Kieron McGuire - Contact @Brett Esler to have pages for Profile URIs (FHIR Provider Directory) & update link for FHIR R4 Value sets to return user to correct version of HL7 Standard
- 33. @Jared Davison – create a checklist prior to final draft Standard being published
- 34. @Tony Cruice – Provide successful read message acknowledgement sample for 8.1.3 Accept vs Application Acknowledgments
New Meeting actions:
- 38. @Jared Davisonto forward proposed MSH-8 work re 1) use case for token 2) where to put token 3) valid reasons to include token in pathology / radiology messages to all members
- 39. @Eric Browne to email Healthbase HL7 Interpreter link to @Michael Czapski
- 40. @Vanessa Cameron – provide @Dalisay Giffard email to @Michael Czapski re QLD Health’s use of gender and sex data elements for pathology resulting
- 41. @Angus Millar to work with @Michael Czapski on Exemplar messages; @Vanessa Cameron to work with @Michael Czapski on Colorectal messages
- 41. Next meeting agenda 1) @David McKillop to provide presentation on ADHA Diagnostic Report FHIR Implementation Guide (20 – 30 mins) 2) @Michael Czapski to present first 10 errors encountered after running HL7 messages via Medical Objects & Healthbase & with Angus