11:00 AEST
@Andrew McIntyre (Co-Chair)
@Michael Legg (Co-Chair)
@Angus Millar
@Dalisay Giffard
@Danielle Tavares-Rixon
@Kyle Macdonald
@Michael Czapski
@Philip Wilford
@Roger Hill
@Scott Ferris
@Tony Cruice
@Vanessa Cameron (Secretariat)
@Christian Holmes
@Kieron McGuire
@Lars Becker
@Michael Osborne
@Nick Ferris
@Paul Carroll
@Roger Hill
@Robert Flatman
@Vincent McCauley
Goals: 1) Receive presentation on HL7 FHIR work progressed at ADHA by @David McKillop
2) Receive RCPAQAP Conformance activities update by @Michael Czapski
3) Address remaining HL7v2-FHIR issues not discussed in Meeting 15 Tue 11 August 2020
Discussion items (included the following):
Notes from Meeting 15 on 11 August 2020 were accepted by members in attendance
Action Item 36. @Kyle Macdonald sent email 28 August advising HealthLink executive team had reviewed the proposal for (8.1.4) to populate the user details in the MSH-3 field of the proposed READ receipt by the specific recipient who has viewed the message and withdraw their initial objections. @Vanessa Cameron forwarded email to HL7 O&O members during the meeting
Action Item 35. MSH-8 discussions 1) use case for token 2) where to put token 3) valid reasons to include token in pathology / radiology messages. @Vincent McCauley looked at existing rules and provided potential conflicts, proposed to pre-adopt 2.9 – coded with exceptions, so barcode can be placed in ID field; any system coding scheme can interpret barcode scheme. Is a repeating field, allowing multiples entries. @Jared Davison to forward MSH-8 work progressed.
@David McKillop – Update on ADHA Diagnostic Report FHIR Implementation Guide published 30 June 2020:
Existing content to be updated e.g. Discharge Summaries, Referrals etc
- New content to be added e.g. Echocardiograms, Sleep Studies, Physiology etc to be added to MyHR
- Clinical Informatics Team Profile designs being developed in FHIR; MyHR content aiming to move to FHIR at some stage
- Three main domains: 1) Pathology 2) Diagnostic Imaging 3) Other Diagnostic Reports, each with their own specific content e.g. DiagnosticReport (Atomic Pathology Report) etc
- Two main use cases for design Profiles: 1) My Health Record Content 2) Atomic Data Content
- Originally, pathology users only wanted PDFs to go to MyHR to mitigate potential data misinterpretation errors; with more requests for Atomic data, designs progressed to handle Atomic data
- CDA3 relies solely upon Atomic data; will be up to developers to determine how they wish to utilise new Atomic Data Content
- No firm plans to move away from CDA to accepting data for upload by FHIR for current Diagnostic reports
- Current standardisation is on V2, so could be converted easily to FHIR
- Presentation stopped due to poor connection – will attempt full presentation at next meeting
@Michael Czapski – Update on RCPAQAP Conformance activities:
- RCPAQAP has 12 disciplines with over 700 modules and ~ 200 programs run annually
- Conformance work being undertaken for Australian & New Zealand laboratories although NZ laboratories are working mostly with HL7 Messaging Standard v2.2 and have different terminologies
- Laboratories have requested ability to provide External Quality Assurance Program results by HL7 messages as opposed to manual data input in myQAP Portal to stop duplication of effort & reduce manual transcription errors
- Hoping to also encourage industry-wide adoption of Australian Diagnostics and Referral Messaging – Localisation of Hl7 Version 2.4 – HL7 Australia Standard for electronic exchange of pathology results + hoping to motivate Practice Management System vendors to adopt receipt of HL7AUSD-STD-OO-ADRM-2018.1, incorporating electronic results receipt
- ADHA looking at extending Secure Messaging Industry Offer to include orders and results
- Current RCPAQAP External QA Programs supporting HL7 messaging are: Chemical Pathology, Cytopathology, Haematology & Immunopathology
- Caristix Conformance software being utilised, also being used by QLD Health, Victoria etc
- @Michael Czapski is seeking validation of Conformance Profile document from HL7 O&O members, but is a 12 MB file; to be refined further before HL7 O&O work to undertake full review
- Several OBX validation error messages observed, many relating to terminology e.g. Code [LN-RCPA-00080] or similar (placeholders for result codes not yet created by LOINC); noted that many LOINC codes for structured Colorectal cancer protocol have yet to be created - validation errors expected
- Structured reporting of cancers not widely utilised at this point in time
- Other errors observed e.g. PID.7 error (Date of birth) due to timezone not being included – Standard states timezone must be specified
- Suggest trialing Conformance software using simple HL7 standards compliant Chemical Pathology message as found on HL7 site, separate out non-conformance error not relating to terminology before considering updating HL7 Standard v2.4 if necessary
Outstanding Meeting actions:
- 17. @Brett Esler - Update links to all Standards on the HL7 Australia O&O WG page – Australian Diagnostics and Referral Messaging – Localisation of HL7 v2.4 Standard is still referenced as ‘Current Draft Standard’ as per https://confluence.hl7australia.com/display/OO/Current+Draft+Standards – pending
- 32. @Kieron McGuire - Contact @Brett Esler to have pages for Profile URIs (FHIR Provider Directory) & update link for FHIR R4 Value sets to return user to correct version of HL7 Standard
- 33. @Jared Davison – create a checklist prior to final draft Standard being published
- 34. @Tony Cruice – Provide successful read message acknowledgement sample for 8.1.3 Accept vs Application Acknowledgments
New Meeting actions:
- 38. @Jared Davison to forward proposed MSH-8 work re 1) use case for token 2) where to put token 3) valid reasons to include token in pathology / radiology messages to all members
- 39. @Eric Browne to email Healthbase HL7 Interpreter link to @Michael Czapski
- 40. @Vanessa Cameron – provide @Dalisay Giffard email to @Michael Czapski re QLD Health’s use of gender and sex data elements for pathology resulting
- 41. @Angus Millar to work with @Michael Czapski on Exemplar messages; @Vanessa Cameron to work with @Michael Czapski on Colorectal messages
- 41. Next meeting agenda 1) @David McKillop to provide presentation on ADHA Diagnostic Report FHIR Implementation Guide (20 – 30 mins) 2) @Michael Czapski to present first 10 errors encountered after running HL7 messages via Medical Objects & Healthbase & with Angus
Next meeting: Tuesday 15 September 2020 10:00 – 11:00 AEST
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