FHIR IG Publication Process

FHIR IG Publication Process

Draft process for publication

Publication Types

  1. Constant Integration Build - is published with the current main trunk content for an implementation guide; this will change and may be inconsistent or unavailable. 
  2. QA Preview/Connectathon -  dated snapshot made for review at a connectathon or a point in time; this has no specific plan to be balloted or registered as a standard package version
  3. Standard For Trial Use - the maturity of artefacts may be raised to a standard for trial use level and balloted at that level; see Balloting section for process on ballot resolution
  4. Normative - production usage is demonstrated; and balloted at that level


  1. IG Static Publication of a version for review
  2. 4 weeks balloting period for raising issues
  3. 1 week end of ballot triage and planning
  4. 1 day virtual (optionally face-to-face) ballot resolution meeting for each working group
  5. 2 weeks publication finalisation 
  6. Final publication

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