To be deleted

To be deleted


Sponsored by:

The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA)/HL7 Australia


HL7 Australia Orders and Observations Co-chairs:

Michael Legg, Michael Legg and Associates

Andrew McIntyre, Medical Objects











Questions or comments regarding this document should be directed to Michael Legg at Michael Legg michael.legg@mlanda.com.au


Copyright © 2016  Health Level Seven International ® ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The reproduction of this material in any form is strictly forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.  HL7 International and Health Level Seven are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. ((Need to check : HL7 Australia copyright statement))



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Table of Contents  ((to be developed))

Index of Tables   (( To be developed))

Table of Figures   ((To be developed))



The HL7 Version 2.4 Implementation Guide: Electronic Laboratory Ordering and Reporting, Release 1 is the version of the HL7 Lab Result Message.  The use case focuses on widely-available, well-standardized methods that will support the secure access to electronic laboratory orders and results and interpretations for clinical care by authorized parties and is driven by the need for timely electronic access to ordered, referred and historical lab results. Ordering clinicians receive lab test results as a response to an order by having the test results sent either directly to the clinician’s EHR system (local or remote) or to another clinical data system in support of the provisioning of historical results.

This document tries to provide coverage for all laboratory messaging scenarios in the Australian context including public and private entities, hospital and community and public health entities.

The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) has developed a number of policies for the use of terminology and the transmission of data.  These policies have been incorporated into this document.

1.1 Purpose

This guide contains the necessary specifications for laboratory orders and results reporting in Australian healthcare using the HL7 V2.4 protocol.   

1.2 Audience

This guide is designed for use by analysts and developers who require guidance on optional and ambiguous elements of an Australian constrained HL7 Version 2.4.  Users of this guide must be familiar with the details of HL7 message construction and processing.  This guide is not intended to be a tutorial on that subject.

1.3 Scope

This specification covers the exchange of laboratory results from an appropriate requesting provider or organisation to the testing source and the transmission of the result from the testing source to the recipient.  One of the primary features of this implementation guide is its focus on key points of broad interoperability.  These key points include the following:

  • Use of strong identifiers for key information objects – These information objects include patients, orders, providers and organizations.  A strong identifier is one that uniquely identifies the object in question in a global fashion.  This means the identifier includes enough information to remain unique when taken out of the context within which the identifier was created.  For patients, providers and organsiations this is achieved through the use of the use of the Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI), Healthcare Provider Identifier–Individual (HPI–I) and Healthcare Provider Identifier–Organisation (HPI–O).
  • Use of Vocabulary Standards ­ This guide calls for specific vocabulary standards for the exchange of laboratory information.  Use of standard vocabularies is important for a number of reasons.  Use of standard vocabularies allows broad distribution of healthcare information without the need for individual institutions to exchange master files for data such as test codes, result codes, etc.  Each institution maps its own local vocabularies to the standard code, allowing information to be shared broadly, rather than remaining isolated as a single island of information.  Standard vocabularies, particularly coded laboratory results, enable more automated decision support for patient healthcare, as well as more automated public health surveillance of populations.

1.4 Conventions

This guide adheres to the following conventions:

  • The guide is constructed assuming the implementer has access to the 2.4 version of the HL7 Standard.  Although some information from the standard is included in this implementation guide, much information from the standard has not been repeated here.

Data types have been described separately from the fields that use the data types. 


  • No conformance information is provided for optional message elements.  This includes length, usage, cardinality, value sets and descriptive information.  Implementers who want to use optional message elements should refer to the HL7 Standard to determine how these optional message elements will be used.

1.1.1 Message Element Attributes

The following table describes the various attributes used by this guide to document data type attribute tables, message structure attribute tables and segment attribute tables.  Not all attributes apply to all attribute tables.

Table 1?1. Message Element Attributes


Table 1?1. Message Element Attributes




Sequence of the elements as numbered in the HL7 message element.  The Seq attribute applies to the data type attribute table and the segment attribute table.


Three-character code for the segment and the abstract syntax (e.g., the square and curly braces).

[ XXX ]              Optional

{ XXX }              Repeating

XXX                  Required

 [{ XXX }]           Optional and Repeating

Note that for segment groups there is no segment code present, but the square and curly braces will still be present.

The Segment attribute only applies to the Message attribute table.


Maximum length of the element.  Lengths are provided only for primitive data types.

The length attribute apples to data type attribute tables and segment attribute tables.

Lengths should be considered recommendations, not absolutes.  The receiver can truncate fields, components and sub-components that are longer than the recommended length.  The receiver should continue to process a message even when a field, component, or sub-component length exceeds the maximum recommended length identified in this specification.


Data type used by this profile for HL7 element.

The data type attribute applies to data type attribute tables and segment attribute tables.


Usage of the message element for this profile.  Indicates whether the message element (segment, segment group, field, component, or subcomponent) is required, optional, or conditional in the corresponding message element.  Usage applies to the message attribute table, data type attribute table and the segment attribute table.  See section C.3.1 – Usage for documentation on how usage has been implemented in this guide.

In this implementation guide, usage has been divided by actor.  This guide documents four separate actors: ((Check this content - will need to be updated))

  • Lab Result Sender
  • ELR Receiver
  • NHSN Receiver
  • Lab to EHR Receiver

Only the ELR Receiver actor is considered “Normative” in this guide.  The other actors and the related profiles are provided as informational only.  These non-normative usage columns have a grey background.[DMc1] 

See section 3.1 ((Check cross references)) for additional information about the various actors documented in this guide.

Legal usage values are:

R – Required. 
HL7 Definition:  A conforming sending application shall populate all “R” elements with a non-empty value.  Conforming receiving application shall process (save/print/archive/etc.) or ignore the information conveyed by required elements.  A conforming receiving application must not raise an error due to the presence of a required element, but may raise an error due to the absence of a required element.
Any element designated as required in a standard HL7 message definition shall also be required in all HL7 message profiles of that standard message.

RE – Required, but can be empty. 
HL7 Definition:  The element may be missing from the message, but must be sent by the sending application if there is relevant data.  A conforming sending application must be capable of providing all "RE" elements.  If the conforming sending application knows the required values for the element, then it must send that element.  If the conforming sending application does not know the required values, then that element will be omitted.
Receiving applications will be expected to process (save/print/archive/etc.) or ignore data contained in the element, but must be able to successfully process the message if the element is omitted (no error message should be generated because the element is missing).

O – Optional. 
HL7 Definition:  This code indicates that the Usage for this element has not yet been defined.  A usage of ‘Optional’ may not be used in ‘implementation’ profiles (no-optionality profiles).  Conformance may not be tested on an Optional field.  Narrower profiles may be defined based on this profile, and may assign any usage code to the element

C – Conditional. 
HL7 Definition:  This usage has an associated condition predicate (See section 2.B.7.6, "Condition predicate").
If the predicate is satisfied: A conformant sending application must always send the element.  A conformant receiving application must process or ignore data in the element.  It may raise an error if the element is not present.
If the predicate is NOT satisfied:  A conformant sending application must NOT send the element.  A conformant receiving application must NOT raise an error if the condition predicate is false and the element is not present, though it may raise an error if the element IS present.

CE – Conditional, but may be empty.
HL7 Definition:  This usage has an associated condition predicate (See section 2.B.7.6, "Condition predicate").
If the predicate is satisfied: If the conforming sending application knows the required values for the element, then the application must send the element.  If the conforming sending application does not know the values required for this element, then the element shall be omitted.  The conforming sending application must be capable of knowing the element (when the predicate is true) for all 'CE' elements.  If the element is present, the conformant receiving application shall process (display/print/archive/etc.) or ignore the values of that element.  If the element is not present, the conformant receiving application shall not raise an error due to the presence or absence of the element.
If the predicate is not satisfied: The conformant sending application shall not populate the element.
The conformant receiving application may raise an application error if the element is present.

X – Not used for this profile.
HL7 Definition:  For conformant sending applications, the element will not be sent.  Conformant receiving applications may ignore the element if it is sent, or may raise an application error.

- - The hyphen (-) Indicates the profile using the actor does not provide documentation of the structure containing the particular element or does not provide documentation of the particular element in the structure.  For instance in a data type specification for CE, if a profile does not provide documentation of the CE data type, then each component of the data type would have a “-“ for the usage for the actor associated with that profile.


Minimum and maximum number of times the element may appear.

[0..0]   Element never present.

[0..1]   Element may be omitted and can have, at most, one occurrence.

[1..1]   Element must have exactly one occurrence.

[0..n]   Element may be omitted or may repeat up to n times.

[1..n]   Element must appear at least once, and may repeat up to n times.

[0..*]      Element may be omitted or repeat an unlimited number of times.

[1..*]   Element must appear at least once, and may repeat unlimited number of times.

[m..n]  Element must appear at least m, and at most, n times.

Cardinality applies only to message attribute tables and segment attribute tables.

See section C.3.2 ((Check cross references))for additional information on how cardinality is handled in this guide.

Value Set

The set of coded values to be used with the field.  The value set attribute applies only to the data type attribute tables and the segment attribute tables.  The value set may equate with an entire code system part of a code system, or codes drawn from multiple code systems.

Note:  Where a table constraint is indicated, or where HL7 Version 2.6 standards are pre-adopted, the constrained or specified HL7 table is included below the data type table.


HL7 descriptor of the message element.  Name applies to the message attribute table, data type attribute table and the segment attribute table.


Context and usage for the element.  Description/Comments applies to the message attribute table, data type attribute table and the segment attribute table.


Note:  In the tables throughout this document, Yellow = This Interoperability Specification does not support the use of this item.  This corresponds with the Usage code “X”. Usage Conformance Testing Recommendations

The following table provides some recommendations for testing the various usage codes described in the previous table.

Table 1?2. Usage Conformance Testing Recommendations

Table 1?2. Usage Conformance Testing Recommendations



R Required

Required elements must be present in a message instance with the following caveats:

A required segment, which is contained within a segment group, is required only when the segment group is present in the message.  For instance if the segment group is RE, then when the segment group is present, the required segments in that group must be present.

A required field in a segment is required only when the segment itself is present in the message.  For instance if the segment is CE (conditional or empty) and the conditional predicate is satisfied, then the segment is present in the message and the required fields must be present in the segment.

A required component of a data type is required only when the field the data type is associated with is present in the message.

Testing of a required element generally involves generating both a fully populated message instance as well as a minimally populated message instance.  It may be necessary to generate specific test cases to handle separate segment groups, segments, etc. depending on the usage associated with these higher level elements within a message.

RE – Required, but can be empty

Since conformant senders must be able to show they can send this data, the primary mechanism for testing the RE usage would involve requiring the sender to transmit a “fully” populated message instance from their application.  In this case, the expectation is that the message will be generated by the application, not handcrafted.  The message would contain all data the sending application can populate in the message.  This generally means the sender would be populating in their application all data elements being tested, including those that are optional in the application.

O – Optional

Conformance testing for optional elements would not normally be performed.  If a particular implementation decides to use an optional element, it should create an implementation specific profile which further constrains this profile, making the optional element either required, required but may be empty, condition or conditional but may be empty, and then test the element in question based upon the assigned usage in that profile.

C – Conditional

Testing conditional elements generally means a special test case must be developed based upon the specific conditional rule or conditional predicate documented for the element. 

CE – Conditional, but may be empty

Testing conditional but may be empty elements generally means a special test case must be developed based upon the specific conditional rule or conditional predicate documented for the element. 

X – Not used for this profile

Testing this usage code usually involves looking at both fully populated and minimally populated messages.  Note that the sending application may collect the data element in question, but it should not communicate that data element in message instances.


1.1 Relevant Documents

1.1.1 Referenced Documents

  • HL7 V2.4                    Health Level Seven Standard Version 2.4: Health Level Seven Inc.,  Ann Arbor 2000 – www.hl7.org
  • RFC 1521                    MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies – http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/1521/
  • SNOMED CT[1]®         Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms, International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation, Copenhagen, Denmark www.ihtsdo.org

1.1.2 Key Australian Pathology Documents

[1] SNOMED CT® is a registered trademark of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation


1.1 Key Words   (( copied from V251_IG_SIF_LABRESULTS_R1_DSTUR2_2015SEP.pdf))

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 21192. The following definitions are excerpted from the RFC:
“MUST” or the terms "REQUIRED" or "SHALL", mean that the definition is an absolute requirement of the specification.
“MUST NOT” or the phrase "SHALL NOT", mean that the definition is an absolute prohibition of the specification.
“SHOULD” or the adjective "RECOMMENDED", mean that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a particular item, but the full implications must be understood and carefully weighed before choosing a different course.
“SHOULD NOT” or the phrase "NOT RECOMMENDED" mean that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances when the particular behavior is acceptable or even useful, but the full implications should be understood and the case carefully weighed before implementing any behavior described with this label.
“MAY” or the adjective "OPTIONAL", mean that an item is truly optional. One software supplier may choose to include the item to enable certain capabilities while another software supplier may omit the same item. In either case, the communication partner cannot be expected to either provide it (sender) or process it (receiver) without clear and voluntary agreement between the partners.
Any further constraining of optional segments/fields/components must be agreed to by both parties and cannot be made pre-requisite to sending/receiving messages to achieve the basic interoperability described in this guide. Therefore, a sender shall not require a receiver to accept any segments/fields/components marked as optional to successfully send a message. Likewise, a receiver shall not require a sender to send any segment/fields/components marked as optional to successfully receive such a message.


1.1 Important notes for pathology messaging

((Items 1-7 have been rewritten; however items 8 onwards need to be reviewed as they are a copy from the SA documents.))

Pathology message generators and receivers should be aware of the following important notes:

1)     Pathology Information Transfer (PIT) protocol is not to be used in pathology messaging. Guidance is provided for display formats that replace PIT including XHTML, RTF, PDF or HL7 text – refer to section.  ((Refer to appropriate appendices))

2)     Examples and details illustrating the content, context and structure relevant to Australia are detailed in section xxxx   ((to be updated)) 

3)     Compliance, Conformance and Accreditation items for pathology messaging are included in this document and are being introduced to the NPAAC Guidelines.
Conformance items are marked within a box and are bold titled.

4)     Guidance in the use of HL7 is given in the secure message delivery specification AS 5552-2013.

5)     Some standard HL7 tables are user-defined. The tables and relevant values have been migrated to be contained in this Standard and Guideline and will be reviewed and updated as appropriate by the HL7 Australia Pathology Working Group.

6)     All data is in ASCII display format (ox20 to 0x7E) with the one exception of segment terminator, which is carriage return (0x0D).  Any references to hexadecimal representations relate to the ASCII form and not EBCDIC.

7)     Important:
There is not necessarily a strict one-to-one relationship between the tests/panels that are ordered and the sets of results that are returned. Content-wise, what has been ordered is completed but this may not be so contextually. For example, if four distinct tests/panels are ordered then the results may be rationalized into only two or three sets for reporting purposes.

8)     Therefore, results messages will be generated using a standard methodology which allows for systems that require a one-for-one match between ordered panels and resulting panels. See Clause 13.22 ((will need updating)) , Sending results.

9) With the introduction of Healthcare Identifiers it is important to note that when using a HPI-O the actual testing laboratory needs to be known and not just the organisation that the testing laboratory belonged to.  It is a NATA/NPAAC guideline that the testing laboratory be indicated.

10) The example messages demonstrate the printed form of the message and are included to facilitate the reading of the document. The optimal message examples are electronic versions which can be validated in an appropriate message testing facility. Electronic versions of the messages can be more frequently updated than a complete review of this Standard and Guidelines. Therefore the example messages will be retained in the document for readability, but the source of truth for these messages will be the trusted messages stored at the Australian Healthcare Messaging Laboratory (AHML) (http://www.ahml.com.au/). Each example message that is stored at the AHML will be indicated in the text preceding the message. Refer to the electronic versions retained at AHML for updated Standard and Guidelines message examples and other example messages.   ((Check with ML as to whats happening with electronic message examples.))




1.Messaging Infrastructure

1.1 Messaging Framework

1.1.1 Overview

A HL7 V2 message has a number of logical components and rules to enable transmission of data records. The segment contains the details to describe a single type of information.  The structure of each segment type enables the different aspects of clinical information to be processed in a standardized way. For example, specific segments contain information for the patient (PID), order information (ORC) and results (OBX).

The combination of these segments in a standardized structure forms the HL7 message.

Where the essential concepts are:

(a)   Messages are comprised of segments.

(b)  Segments are comprised of fields.

(c)   Fields may be divided into components.

(d)  Components may be divided into sub-components.

A message segment is divided into fields with a field separator character (|)—the vertical bar (hex 7C).


1.1.2 Delimiters

This profile supports the use of the normal HL7 delimiters.  It is recommended, but not required, that implementers be able to send messages using the standard HL7 delimiters.  Receivers must be capable of receiving any legal delimiters that are sent in a particular message instance.

This table is pre-adopted from the HL7 Version 2.6, which offers information regarding best practices.  The intent has not changed from Version 2.4.  Note that this implementation guide includes additional constraints and explanations for the entries.

Table 2?1. Delimiters


Table 2?1. Delimiters


Required Value

Encoding Character Position


Segment Terminator



Terminates a segment record.  This value cannot be changed by implementers.

Additional Constraints and Explanation:

The <cr> denotes the ASCII-013 (0x0D) carriage return character.  There is a common misunderstanding that a linefeed character, or carriage return followed by a linefeed character, is allowed also.  Neither HL7 nor this profile allows either of these two as part of the segment terminator.  Only the ASCII-013 (0x0D) carriage return is allowed.

Field Separator



Separates two adjacent data fields within a segment.  It also separates the segment ID from the first data field in each segment.

Additional Constraints and Explanation:

It is recommended that senders use ASCII-124 (0x7C) , the vertical bar (|) character, as the field separator.

Component Separator



Separates adjacent components of data fields where allowed.

Additional Constraints and Explanation:

It is recommended that senders use ASCII-094 (0x5E) , the caret (^) character, as the component separator.

Repetition Separator



Separates multiple occurrences of a field where allowed.

Additional Constraints and Explanation:

It is recommended that senders use ASCII-126 (0x7E) , the tilde character (~), as the repetition separator.

Escape Character



Use the escape character with any field represented by an ST, TX or FT data type, or for use with the data (fifth) component of the ED data type.  If no escape characters are used in a message, this character may be omitted.  However, it must be present if subcomponents are used in the message.  Best practice is always to include this character.

Additional Constraints and Explanation:

It is recommended that senders use ASCII-092 (0x5C), the backslash (\) character, as the escape character. 

Subcomponent Separator



Separates adjacent subcomponents of data fields where allowed.  If there are no subcomponents, this character may be omitted.  Best practice is always to include this character.

Additional Constraints and Explanation:

It is recommended that senders use ASCII-038 (0x26), the ampersand (&) character, as the subcomponent separator. 



ALI-xx ((Conformance point number - to be updated)) Conformance item: Only the standard delimiters ‘^ ~ \ &’ MUST BE used.

((Note ALI = Australian laboratory implementation conformance point))

1.1.1 Null Values In Fields Vs. Components

In HL7, a null value for a field is indicated by paired double quotes (|""|).  The null value applies to the field as a whole, not to the components/subcomponents of the field.  A null field value indicates that the receiver of the message should delete the corresponding set of information from the data store.  For this implementation guide ((what is this document going to be referred to as?? - need to be consistent throughout document)) , null values within components and subcomponents are meaningless.  For example, |lastname^firstname^""^^^^L| would be interpreted exactly as |lastname^firstname^^^^^L|.  The components and subcomponents of a data type constitute a snapshot of the data.  The set of data represented by the data type is handled as a complete set; therefore, using the null value to indicate a missing component or subcomponent is unnecessary.

‘No data’ is sent as an empty field ||. Leave the receiving field unchanged.

Where all fields are not populated then trailing field separators are not required to be included.


1.1.1 Lengths

For HL7 V2.4 there are no restrictions on the message length (refer to section 2.4, section 2.4, 2nd (c)); however in Australia for practical reasons it has been agreed that the total message size should be less than or equal to 16 MB. For transmitted messages greater than 16 MB there should be no expectation that it will be delivered, unless there are existing trading partner agreements in place.

ALI-x ((Conformance point number - to be updated))  : Message transmitters and receivers MUST be able to transmit and accept a message of up to 16 MB.


1.1      Segment names  ((taken from section 4.4 of combined document and the edited from HL7 Intl manual)) 

The data fields are combined into logical groupings called segments. Segments are separated by segment separator characters. Each segment begins with a
three-character literal value that identifies it within a message and is terminated by a carriage return (0x0D).


Individual data fields are found in the message by their position within their associated segments. A segment contains only part of the information required for a message. Therefore a segment is only valid and only has meaning when combined with other related segments into a complete HL7 message. A new segment may have a different segment ID or the same segment ID as the previous segment with an incrementing ‘set-ID’ (read sequence) number field.

These are the HL7 segments that may be used:


Table 4?4. ((table number to be updated )) HL7 Message Segment Names





Message header



Message acknowledgment



Patient identification information



Patient visit information

(episode specific information)



(used for health insurance)



(if not the same person as the subject of care)





Common order information

(order header details, i.e. Request Order ID)


Observation request information

(request/result header (test/procedure) information)


Observation results

(result detail lines)


Error message

(convey a text message relative to the error)


NOTE: If an adverse reaction is required to be recorded an OBX segment should be used.

When messages are transmitted using files then the messages may be required to be enclosed within the following segments:


Table 4?5. ((table number to be updated )) HL7 Message Segments required for enclosing Messages Transmitted Using Files





File header

May be omitted


Batch header

May be omitted


Messages here



Batch trailer

Omitted if BHS is omitted


File trailer

Omitted if FHS is omitted


The following segments are not used:


Table 12?6 ((to be updated)). HL7 Message Segments NOT USED





Additional notes

Must not be used. Compliant systems will ignore NTE segments. Use result comments see Clause 13.37 ((to be updated)).


User defined segments

Must not be used. None are defined in this Handbook as they are not needed. A pathology provider cannot send Z segments and the receiver should ignore them to be compliant (See Conformance Statement HL7v2.4 Australian Pathology Implementation Guide Standard.20). Any message that used a Z segment would be noncompliant. Compliant systems will ignore Z segments.



Further detail on the composition and sequence of the segments is provided in the following sections.


1.1      Message format

This is a description of how segments are combined to produce a valid HL7 message.

Message segments can be required (mandatory), optional and/or repeating.








Brackets may be nested.

NOTE: ‘Optional’ means it is not mandatory for the segment to be always present. However where it is necessary to be present then it is mandatory. For example: When the subject of care services are to be billed to a medical fund then the IN1 segment must be included.

Following is an illustration of an ORM (order message) message format:


Table 4?7 ((to be updated)) . HL7 ORM (order message) Message Format





Message header



Patient identification


[ PV1 ]

Patient visit


[ IN1 ]



[ GT1 ]





(optional and repeating)


Start order group information

(repeating order group start)


Common order






Order detail



Observation/result detail

(optional and repeating)





End order group information

(repeating order group end)



  1. This is a generalized format. See Clauses 4.2 ((to be updated)) and 4.3 ((to be updated)) for a more specific definition of the segments required in particular messages.
  2. The PV1 segment is included for financial detail.


The preferred message formatting rule is:

(a)   The OBR segment relates to one discrete panel or test code. The subject of care episode may involve several discrete tests. For orders this requires an {ORC-OBR} pair for each group ordered. For results there will be one OBR per panel of results.

(b)  Each OBX segment relates to an individual analyte or component of a structured report or question/answer for each discrete panel, or in the context of orders, it will carry any clinical information required for interpretation of the result.

The ‘test results’ will contain as many OBX segments as are required to report the results. In the case of narrative-type results the complete result may be included in a single OBX segment with embedded text formatting control sequences.


  1. It is recommended that separate episodes be transmitted as separate HL7 messages.
  2. As part of the control mechanism of HL7 a unique ‘message control number’ is sent as part of the MSH segment. If several subject of cares or different subject of care episodes are included within a single message and one is rejected then by definition all must be rejected as there is a single ‘message control number’ for that transmission.

For orders that require a subject of care-specific interpretation of the pathology results by a knowledgebase, test results and order information for previous results may be provided in the same HL7 order message as supporting information.

This implies that one message will contain the orders/results for one subject of care. If there are several sets of orders to request or results to report which originate from a single visit for a subject of care then they can all appear in the same message. Conversely if the same subject of care has other results to be reported from a different visit then use a new message as the Filler Order Number will be different.

1.2      Field length

The recommended maximum length of a field is stated in AS 4700.2.


1.1      Data Types

1.1.1     Introduction

((DMc note:  change all instances of the term "Clause" to the term "Section" as per HL7 rather than SA)) Clauses 4.2 to 4.30 ((to be updated)) define each of the field data types used in message segments. These are the main data types required and their use should conform to these rules.

The rules are generally standard HL7 with formatting/content as per AS 4700.1.2.4—2014.  ((need to refer to HL7 V2.4 international))

HL7 protocols are maintained with exceptions based on:

(a)   HL7 protocol allows user definition or ‘agreement between parties’; and

(b)  AS 4700.X variations.

All components are defined but trailing ‘not used’ components are truncated.

Where examples are shown, lower case may be used for readability.

Field values may be upper case, lower case or sentence case.

1.1.2     CD – Channel definition

This data type is used for labelling of digital waveform data e.g. graphs, echo cardiographs.


Table 4?8((to be updated)). Channel Definition (CD) Data type Components

Component Number

Component Name

Component Data Type



Channel identifier


Identifies the channel, consisting of a channel number and a channel name (optional).


Waveform source


Identifies the source of the waveform connected to the channel.


Channel sensitivity/units


Defines the channel sensitivity (gain) and the units in which it is measured.


Channel calibration parameters


Consists of three optional sub-components, which define corrections to channel sensitivity, baseline, and channel time skew which may be derived from a calibration procedure.


Sampling frequency


The sampling frequency in hertz of the channel


Minimum/maximum data values


The minimum and maximum data values which can occur in this channel in the digital waveform data



The CD data type defines a recording channel which is associated with one of the values in each time sample of waveform data.  Each channel has a number (which generally defines its position in a multichannel display) and an optional name or label (also used in displays). One or two named waveform sources may also be associated with a channel (providing for the use of differential amplifiers with two inputs).

1.1.3     CE – Coded element

This data type transmits codes and text associated with the code.


Table 4?9((to be updated)). Coded Element (CE) Data type Components

Component Number

Component Name

Component Data Type





The code for the item




Item description


Name of coding system


Coding system being used


Alternate identifier


An alternative code


Alternate text


An alternative description


Alternate coding system


An alternative coding system



The CE data type is generally used in areas like item level analyte descriptions.

Name of coding system must identify the source of the coding system. Use of 'L' is insufficient in this instance as the same item could be coded identically by different sources. The required format is:


The version number is optional.


Where x{xxx} is the NATA number for the laboratory and n{nnn} is the version number of the item.

Both xxxx and nnnn are variable length and need only contain significant digits.

The ‘-’ (dash) separator delimits the items.

Example: NATA2184-3 version 3

Example of CE data type:


NOTE: NATA1234-007 denoting Local coding system, LN denoting LOINC coding system.

1.1.4     CM – Composite

This data type is a combination of other data types. It is used for MSH-9 Message Type and OBR-15 Specimen Source only.

 No new CMs are allowed after HL7 version 2.2. The CM data type is maintained strictly for backward compatibility and may not be used for the definition of new fields.

1.1.5     CX – Extended composite ID with check digit

This data type is used for a complex identification number requiring certification.


Table 4?10((to be updated)). Extended Compostite (CX) Data type Components

Component Number

Component Name

Component Data Type





Primary ID


Check digit


Check digit


Check digit scheme


Check digit scheme. See HL7 Table 0061


Assigning authority




Identifier type code


Indicates what the value represents.

See HL7 Table 0203


Assigning facility




This data type is used in PID and PV1 segments where some subject of care identification such as Pension Card Number or Health Card number is used.

Refer to Clause 13.11 ((to be updated)) Patient identifiers for a complete discussion.  ((query include the HB 262 blurb here))



A subject of care identifier of unknown origin


Internal Surgery Reference ID for subject of care


Check Digit via Modulus 10


Medicare Number

Include the card number as part of the primary ID.


Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI)


1.1.6     DT – Date

Format: YYYY[MM[DD]]

In prior versions of HL7, this data type was always specified to be in the format YYYYMMDD.  In the v2.4 and future versions, the precision of a date may be expressed by limiting the number of digits used with the format specification YYYY[MM[DD]].



1.1.7     ED – Encapsulated data

This data type transmits encapsulated data from a source system to a destination system.  It contains the identity of the source system, the type of data, the encoding method of the data, and the data itself.


Table x-xx ((to be updated)). Coded Element (CE) Data type Components

Component Number

Component Name

Component Data Type



Source application


A unique name that identifies the system which was the source of the data (may be left blank)


Type of data


An ID data type that declares the general type of data.


Data subtype


An ID data type declaring the format for the data of sub-component <main type>.




The type of encoding used to represent successive octets of binary data as displayable ASCII characters.  See HL7 Table 0299




The data, using legal characters of the ST data type, encoded according to the method specified in component #4



The ED data type is used to convey images (see Clause 13.16) ((to be updated & include content here)) and display formats for reports (see Clause 13.15 and Appendices D and E) ((to be updated)).  Refer to Appendix F ((to be updated)) for an example XHTML display segment using an ED datatype.

1.1.8     EI – Entity identifier

The entity identifier defines a given entity within a specified series of identifiers. The specified series, the assigning authority, is defined by components 2 through 4. The assigning authority is of the hierarchic designator (HD) data type (highlighted in bold) ((query delete the highlighted in bold)), but it is defined as three separate components in the EI data type, rather than as a single component as would normally be the case. This is in order to maintain backward compatibility with the EI’s use as a component in several existing data fields.


Table x-xx ((to be updated)). Entity Identifier(EI) Data type Components

Component Number

Component Name

Component Data Type



Entity identifier


The first component, <entity identifier>, is usually defined to be unique within the series of identifiers created by the <assigning authority>, defined by a hierarchic designator, represented by components 2 through 4.  (See Section 2.9.21, “HD - hierarchic designator”.)


namespace ID


The assigning authority is a unique identifier of the system (or organization or agency or department) that creates the data.  User-defined Table 0363 – Assigning authority is used as the HL7 identifier for the user-defined table of values for this component.


universal ID


The HD’s second component, <universal ID> (UID), is a string formatted according to the scheme defined by the third component, <universal ID type> (UID type).  The UID is intended to be unique over time within the UID type.  It is rigorously defined.  Each UID must belong to one of the specifically enumerated schemes for constructing UIDs (defined by the UID type).  The UID (second component) must follow the syntactic rules of the particular universal identifier scheme (defined by the third component).


universal ID type


The HD's third component governs the interpretation of the second component of the HD.  If the third component is a known UID refer to HL7 Table 0301 - Universal ID type for valid values, then the second component is a universal ID of that type.

 ((?? how to remove this bottom row))  


Conformance Guide: Entity Identifier

HL7v2.4 Australian Pathology Conformance Statement Standard Date.XX: When used as a result or request identifier the NamespaceID and/or Universal ID MUST be populated (in addition to the Entity Identifier) to ensure uniqueness of the complete EI instance across organizations.





Most likely used in Placer and Filler Order Number|

1.1.9     FC—Financial class

This data type indicates a classification for billing purposes. It is used for PV1-20 Financial Class field only.


Table 4?12((to be updated)). Financial CLass (FC) Data type Components

Component Number

Component Name

Component Data Type



Financial Class


Look up on user Table 0064

2Effective dateTS

Contains the effective date/time of the person’s assignment to the financial class specified in the first component.



1.1.10  FT—Formatted text

This is derived from the string data type with embedded formatting codes.

For further information on use of FT, consult Appendix D and Clause 13.15 ((to be updated)), Display format of results.

1.1.11  HD—Hierarchic designator.

This data type is a multi-level field definition composed of three parts.


Table 4?13((to be updated)). Hierarchic designator (HD) Data type Components

Component Number

Component Name

Component Data Type



Namespace ID


Some code or identifier.


Universal ID


A description of the identifier or source of the identifier.


Universal ID type


Authority who assigned this code to this description. Refer to HL7 Table 0301 - Universal ID type ((query remove link)) for valid values



The first component can exist by itself.

If the second exists then the third must exist—and vice-versa.

One use is placer/filler site identification.



NOTE: Be aware that ‘This means that if all components of the HD are valued, the entity identified by the first component is the same as the entity identified by components two and three taken together. However, implementers may choose, by site agreement, to specify that if all three components of the HD are valued, the first component defines a member in the set defined by the second and third components.’— HL7 V2.4, Section 2.9.21.

1.1.12  ID—Coded values for HL7 tables

This is a ST data type field used as an index to valid values from a standard HL7 defined table.

See Clause 14 ((to be updated or modified if the HL7 tables are removed or moved to another source)), Identified tables and occurrences for Sex Table 0001.


1     ID can only be used for HL7 defined tables.

2     Refer IS data type for user-defined tables.

1.1.13  IS—Coded values for user-defined tables

This is a ST data type field used as an index to valid values from a user-defined table.

See Clause 14, Identified tables and occurrences for Patient location Table 0260.

1.1.14  NA—Numeric array

This data type is used to represent a series (array) of numeric values, each one having a data type of NM, e.g. graph points from an echo cardiograph.  A field of this type may contain a one-dimensional array (vector or row) of numbers.  Also, by allowing the field to repeat, a two-dimensional array (table) of numbers may be transmitted using this format, with each row of the table represented as one repetition of the field.  Arrays which have one or more values not present may be transmitted using this data type. ‘Not present’ values are represented as two adjacent component delimiters.  If the absent values occur at the end of a row, the trailing component delimiters may be omitted.  If an entire row of a table has no values, no component delimiters are necessary (in this case, there will be two adjacent repetition delimiters).  The maximum number of values in one repetition of an NA format field is determined by the maximum field length.



vector of 8 numbers


3 x 3 array of numbers


5 x 4 array of numbers with the values in positions (1,1), (2,2), (2,3), (3,3), (3,4), (4,1), (4,2), (4,3), and (4,4) not present

1.1.15  NM—Numeric

This data type is a number represented by a string of digits with leading +/- and an optional decimal point. No other non-numeric characters are allowed.


|123|, |-12|, |156.7248|, |1.0|, |0.27|, |0.0001|


1     A value like >1000 or <10 is not numeric type.

2     Use SN (structured numeric) data type in this situation (see Clause 10.19).

3     Do not use ST.

4     Used for OBX segments where the data is numeric.

5     See NM (HL7 V2.4, Section 2.9.28).

1.1.16  PL—Person location

This specifies a subject of care location within a healthcare institution.

There is one reference in segment PV1 where it is used to indicate the ward/bed for an inpatient.

It is peculiar to a hospital environment and may require user-defined tables (IS type) if used in this context.


Table 4?14((to be updated)). Person location (PL) Data type Components

Component Number

Component Name

Component Data Type



Point of care


Ward Code




Room Identifier




Bed Number




Facility Code


Location status


if required


Person location type


if required




if required




if required


Location Description


Hospital Name



Currently, there is no single Australian register of healthcare locations. Work on a register is underway and currently there are various identifiers such as the government provider numbers for private hospitals that may be used.

This item will have to be determined on a site-negotiated basis as different formats will most likely be used.



1.1.17  RP—Reference pointer

This data type transmits information about data stored on another system.  It contains a reference pointer that uniquely identifies the data on the other system, the identity of the other system, and the type of data.


Table 4?15((to be updated)). Reference pointer (RP) Data type Components

Component Number

Component Name

Component Data Type





A unique key assigned by the system that stores the data.


Application ID


A unique designator of the system that stores the data


Type of data


An ID data type that declares the general type of data.




An ID data type declaring the format for the data of subcomponent <main type>.


NOTE: See also HL7 V2.4, Section 2.9.37.

Usage Note:

When using RP with a URI/URL, the address is broken into two parts, an ‘application ID’ which is the portion of the address that identifies the application, and the ‘pointer’ which identifies the particular data. These parts are placed in component 2 and component 1 respectively. In general, the address is composed of scheme | server | path | query; the scheme and server are part of the application ID, and the query is part of the pointer. The path may be part of either. In practice, it doesn’t matter, as the full address is simply component 2 + component 1. The following two examples (from HL7 V2.7 Section 2.A.65.2) illustrate this:

Example 1:

A CDA document accessed by FTP at




Example 2:

An image on a web server at:


|?path=/All%20Studies/AccessionNumber=2011F0001000-1^ http://test/synapsestudy.asp&URI^IMAGE^JPEG|

1.1.18  SI—Sequence ID

This data type is a non-negative number in the form of a numeric (NM) field.

This item is used in the ‘Set-ID’ fields of PID/PV1/IN1/GT1/OBR/OBX segments.

1.1.19  SN—Structured numeric

This data type is used to express qualified numeric values. This type allows receiving systems to store the components separately—allowing the use of numeric fields in a database.

It is used for results that are below or above a cut-off point or a ratio or a range:



Below (or above) a critical point






Values are inclusive: 100–200 means including 100 and including 200.


Table 4?16((to be updated)). Structured numeric (SN) Data type Components

Component Number

Component Name

Component Data Type





>   or   >=   or   <   or   <=   or   =   or   <>.

The default is ‘=’.




Mandatory number




-   or   +   or   /   or   .   or   :




Number or null






greater than 100


equal to range of 100 through 200


ratio of 1 to 128, e.g., the results of a serological test


categorical response, e.g., occult blood positivity

1       The separator value ‘.’ is not recommended for use as it implies a decimal point.NOTES:  

2       No examples can be found of its use in this context.  ((query if this item can be deleted))

3       The use of 1.2:3.5 is ambiguous as both . and : can be separators.

4       Only single occurrences of the separator can be accommodated within the specification.

5       Reference Range (Item #575) is not data type SN.  ((what is "item #575"??))

6       Results which are date and time are not SN.

7       See HL7 V2.4, Section for other discussion.

1.1.20  ST—String

This data type is a left justified string of characters—no leading or trailing spaces.

All data is in ASCII display format (0x20–0x7E)

It is used for small fields (<200 characters). Use FT for longer strings.


|this is can be any string data|

1.1.21  TM—Time

Time conforms to HL7 protocol: HH[MM[SS[.SSSS]]][±ZZZZ])









1.1.22  TQ—Timing quantity

This data type is most likely used for indicating when a service was performed.

It is used in the ORC and OBR segments to hold the date, time and priority of a diagnostics order (request).

See HL7 V2.4, Section 4.3.

This is a complex data type that has been reduced to the minimum format for the Australian situation.


Table 4?17((to be updated)). Timing quantity (TQ) Data type Components

Component Number

Component Name

Component Data Type



Not used




Not used




Not used




Date and Time




Not used






R—routine             (default)

S—stat                  (urgent)






1.1.23  TS—Time stamp







Time Stamp:






















Tenths, hundredths, thousandths, ten-thousandths of seconds



Time zone of sender relative to GMT



NOTE: Some TS fields may only require the date.


Date and Time of Birth where ‘Time of Birth’ is not known: YYYYMMDD

Date of Birth where ‘Day of Birth’ is unknown: YYYYMM

Date of Birth where ‘Day of Birth’ and ‘Month of Birth’ are not known: YYYY

It is highly recommended that the time zone be included in date references. Systems will need to make allowance for daylight saving and cross-time-zone operations.

The HL7 protocol specifies fractions of seconds (to ten-thousandth) for precision and time zones relative to Universal Coordinated Time (previously GMT).

NOTE: All HL7 systems are required to accept the time zone offset. However, its implementation is application specific. The HL7 protocol allows conversion to a common representation for clinical systems where sender and receiver are in different time zones and where daylight saving is in effect.

±ZZZZ is the time zone of sender relative to GMT.

If used then use the time zone value of the sending system.


199708081430+1000 is 2:30 pm AEST.

In Australia there is a complexity of variations in time standards and time zones within and across the country. Therefore, differences within zones between standard and summer time and across zones are implicit. Sending/Receiving applications may require processes for time zone processing or they can be detected and ignored.

1.1.24  TX—Text


Conformance Guide: Text

HL7v2.4 Australian Pathology Conformance Statement Standard Date.XX: The TX data type MUST NOT be used.

1.1.25  VID—Version identifier

This data type specifies the HL7 Version being used.

It comprises added definition for country and any variation to the standard version.


Table 4?18 ((to be updated)). Version identifier (VID) Data type Components

Component Number

Component Name

Component Data Type



Version ID


from Table 0104


Internationalization Code


AUS— see HL7 table 0399 for the 3-character codes as defined by
ISO 3166-1:2006 (adopted as AS/NZS 2632.1:2008)


International Version ID


Current international version base for this implementation.





This would be interpreted as a US HL7 V2.4 implementation.


The standard Australian implementation of HL7 V2.4


Coding System

It is presumed that all Australian implementations are AS 4700 compliant and therefore the |2.4^AUS^ISO3166-1| format should be used.  ((query retain complaiance to AS 4700??))

1.1.26  XAD—Extended address  

This data type is used for subject of care and doctor address.


Table 4?19((to be updated)). Extended address (XAD) Data type Components

Component Number

Component Name

Component Data Type



Street address




Other designation












Post code








Address type


HL7 Table 0190


Other geographic destination

Not used routinely



County/parish code

Not used



Census tract

Not used





|26 Lower Terrace^^Eastern Heights^QLD^4123^AUS|

|Coral Reef Hotel^^Rocky Point^Longreach^QLD^4730^AUS^H|

NOTE: Country is specified in HL7 as data type ID and that it should be a three-character code from ISO 3166 (identical to AS/NZS 2632). HL7 V2.4 may be at variance with AS 4590—2006. The HL7 standard usage is preferred.

1.1.27  XCN—Extended composite ID number and name for persons

This data type is used for representing doctor names.


Table 4?20((to be updated)). Extended composite id number and name for persons (XCN) Data type Components

Component Number

Component Name

Component Data Type



Identifier number


Provider Number


Family name




Given name




Middle initial






e.g. Jnr/Snr




e.g. Mr/Dr






Source table




Assigning authority




Name type code


See Table 0200. If not used legal name is assumed.


Identifier check digit




Code identifying the check digit scheme employed




Identifier type code




Assigning facility




Name representation code


Not used





HPI-I      |8003619900015717^Smith^John^S^^DR^MD^^AUSHIC^^^^NPI|

1.1.28  XON—Extended organization name

This data type provides a composite name and identification number for organizations eg ORC-21.


Table 4?21((to be updated)). Extended organization name (XON) Data type Components

Component Number

Component Name

Component Data Type



Organization name




Organization name type code


Legal name, display name – use Table 0204 for suggested values


Identifier number




Check digit




Check digit scheme




Assigning authority




Identifier type code




Assigning facility ID






|XYZ Medical Fund^^1234567|



| XYZ Organisation^L^8003621566684455^^^AUSHIC^NOI|

1.1.29  XPN—Extended person name

This data type is used for representing individual’s names.


Table 4?22((to be updated)). Extended Person name (XPN) Data type Components

Component Number

Component Name

Component Data Type



Family name




First name




Middle initial/name






e.g. Jnr/Snr




e.g. Mr/Dr






Name type


Not used. Always presumed to be Legal name. See Table 0200.


Name representation code


Not used






1.1.30  XTN—Extended telecommunications number

This data type is used for representing the standard format for all telephone numbers.

NOTE:This is standard HL7.


Table 4?23. Extended telecommunications number (XTN) Data type Components

Component Number

Component Name

Component Data Type
