2016-05-31 Meeting notes

2016-05-31 Meeting notes


10am-11am AEST



  • Simon Winter
  • Paul Frosdick
  • Michael Osborne
  • Mike Penny


  • Develop an implementation guide for standardised HL7 V2 messaging for Pathology orders and results

Discussion items

Communication to all working group membersFormer user (Deleted) 

HipChat is up and working.  In the interim, any messages for the working group, send to Former user (Deleted) to circulate.

JIRA is up and working. Let Former user (Deleted) know if you have any issues logging into JIRA.

Confluence is up and working for minutes and draft document that Former user (Deleted) is currently editing. Both co-chairs do not have a login as yet.

Example de-identified HL7 messages Mike PennyFour example messages received, more to follow.
Timeline Former user (Deleted) 
  • July - Draft ready for working group meeting
  • August  - Draft version of the standard ready for Ballot by August 2016
  • September - Open for ballot
  • November - Ready to publish
Discuss progress of draft localisation standard Former user (Deleted)
  • Document name is 'Australian Pathology Messaging- Localization of the HL7 international V2 pathology'
  • Current document needs to sectioning for easy navigation. Andre McIntyre offered assistance for formatting the document.
  • Need advice on copyright statement
  • Conformance point number - follow HL7 International convention

 Action items


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