2021-3-23 Meeting Notes
2021-3-23 Meeting Notes
10:00 AEDT
Meeting 31
@Michael Legg (Co-Chair)
@Andrew McIntyre (Co-Chair)
Dalisay Giffard
@Kyle Macdonald
@Nick Ferris
@Tarun Narayan
@Philip Wilford
@Vincent McCauley
@Angus Millar
@Christian Holmes
@Danielle Tavares-Rixon
@Lars Becker
@Michael Osborne
@Paul Carroll
@Roger Hill
@Robert Flatman
Review comments
Make changes to the following sections. Click links to view differences.
Reviewed comments at the bottom of each page.
Updated example content.
Outstanding Meeting actions:
- HL7OO Members review SPIA examplar comments to Vanessa Cameron
- Jared forward SPIA exemplar reports email to group.
Appendix 6 Example Messages (Informative) fix LN-LCPA LN coding system name components to be L
- Produce PDF. Send to ADHA (Kieron) for distribution as well as Brett for formal . Send to Vanessa (RCPA) for wide distribution. Nick Ferris for College of Radiologists. For public comment by 14th May, and HL7.
- Former user (Deleted) contact Former user (Deleted) regarding A10. Individual Practitioner providers FHIR profiling.
- Former user (Deleted) Delete existing comments at the bottom of the pages.
Here's an archive of the comments in case they need to be referenced - Michael invite Brett and Michael Stein
- Former user (Deleted) to ask Former user (Deleted) to create placeholder page at https://confluence.hl7australia.com/display/OOADRM20211 for new standard to be published referenced by 2 Patient Administration for Pathology MSH-21
- Next Meeting to be scheduled for 6th April 2021. 10:00-11:30 AEDT (Sydney Time). Jakub will have opportunity to present on FHIR.
- Michael invite Brett and Michael Stein