Co-chairs: Dr Michael Legg & Dr Andrew McIntyre
This group was formed as one of its first by HL7 Australia to address transmission of observation requests and reports. It mirrors the working group "Orders and Observations".
The mission of the Orders and Observation work group is to define information exchange capabilities to support the order/scheduling and clinical event management/reporting requirements between the stakeholders in healthcare organizations regarding patients, non-patients, people, other species, or inanimate objects. These information exchanges are not limited to intra-organizational transactions, but cross organizational boundaries. These information exchanges may involve messages, documents, services, profiles and other HL7 constructs.
The initial focus is pathology but as for the O&O the scope may cover general observations, findings, impressions recorded as quantitative, qualitative, codes, or narrative text. HL7 v2 is now being used for such content in Australia.
The first activity of the O&O group is to develop the 'Australian Diagnostics and Referral Messaging - Localisation of HL7 Version 2.4' with the support of the RCPA led PITUS project. Published at HL7AUSD-STD-OO-ADRM-2021.1
All Publications Listed at HL7 Australia V2 Standards Development