2020-06-16 Meeting notes

2020-06-16 Meeting notes

Date:  11:00 AEST


Andrew McIntyre (AMc – co-Chair)

Michael Legg (MLe - co-Chair)

Angus Millar (AMi)

Brett Esler (BE)

Eric Browne (EB)

Jared Davison (JD)

Kieron McGuire (KiM)

Kyle Macdonald (KyM)

Philip Wilford (PW)

Rachel Evans (RE)

Scott Ferris (SF)

Tony Cruice (AC)

Vanessa Cameron (VC - Secretariat)


Christian Holmes (CH)

Dalisay Giffard (DG)

David McKillop (DMc)

Danielle Tavares-Rixon (DTR)

Jakub Sielewicz (JS)

Lars Becker (LB)

Liam Barnes (LB)

Michael Osborne (MO)

Paul Carroll (PC)

Robert Flatman (RF)

Vincent McCauley (VM)

Meeting purpose: To continue reviewing suggested updates to the Australian Diagnostics and Referral Messaging – Localisation of HL7 v2.4 Standard not discussed in Meeting on Tuesday 26 May 2020

Agenda items:

25. @Andrew McIntyre & @Jared Davison -  Draft re message Retrieval Codes [ MSH-8 Security (ST) 00008] not ready for distribution, requires simplification to make it implementable.

@David McKillop was an apology – no further updates from ADHA re FHIR work.

@Dalisay Giffard was an apology but brief discussion held re: QH Management of gender information in QH information systems.  MLe has previously written to RCPA on behalf of HL7.au with opinion that gender should be used in Clinical Notes if it describes things other than Administrative Sex which goes into HL7 message header and is used to inform reference intervals/ranges; Important as it is also used for Medicare rebate and to match a variety of EMRs.  eHealth management as listed in QH Fact Sheet likely to be problematic.       

Notes from Meeting on Tuesday 26 May 2020 were accepted.

Discussion items:

26. 8. Acknowledgements.  Further updates being progressed by Medical Objects, not ready for comment as yet.  References to original v2.4 International Standard removed.  Purpose expanded.  UML diagrams included.  All agreed on new term “Relay Application” to describe intermediate endpoint/software application.  

8.1.2 MSA Usage – AC to add field names & colour coding labels to assist with interpretation of ACK messaging and diagrams now included.  Current conformance points in Std should already state how to handle messages received in error; may need to work on conformance points to align both.  

8.1.4 User Read Acknowledgements – Decision to remove reference to Username AUSHPII, instead include HPI-I or HPI-O.  

8.1.5 ACK – general acknowledgment – Is read ACK necessary? Insufficient time to discuss, to be continued at next meeting.


New Meeting actions:

  • 25. @Andrew McIntyre & @Jared Davison Progress work on Draft re message Retrieval Codes [ MSH-8 Security (ST) 00008]
  • 26. @Vince McCauley & @Eric Browne specifically requested to review new Chapter 8 Acknowledgements.  @Kieron McGuire – to forward draft to ADHA’s Secure Messaging Group for feedback.
  • 27. @David McKillop – Provide further updates on ADHA’s Clinical Informatics team collaborations with @Brett Esler to progress translation of HL7 FHIR Australian Base Implementation Guide (AU Base 2): Base Diagnostic Report, Diagnostic Observation & Diagnostic Service Request Profiles from FHIR STU 3 to R4.  Ensure @Grahame Grieve & @Brett Esler are available to assist with ADHA FHIR review post 30 June 2020.
  • 28. @Vanessa Cameron – Schedule next Meeting for Tuesday 30 June 2020 11:00 AEST
  • 29. @Tony Cruice – Update 8.1.2 MSA Usage to include field names & colour coding labels

Outstanding Meeting actions:

Next meeting – Meeting 12: Tuesday 30 June 2020 @ 11:00 AEST




11:00 AEST


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Auckland NZ

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