2020-06-30 Meeting notes

2020-06-30 Meeting notes

Date 11:00 AEST


Andrew McIntyre (AMc – co-Chair)

Michael Legg (MLe - co-Chair)

David McKillop (DMc)

Eric Browne (EB)

Jared Davison (JD)

Kieron McGuire (KiM)

Kyle Macdonald (KyM)

Philip Wilford (PW)

Roger Hill (RH)

Scott Ferris (SF)

Tony Cruice (AC)

Vanessa Cameron (VC - Secretariat)


Angus Millar (AMi)

Brett Esler (BE)

Christian Holmes (CH)

Dalisay Giffard (DG)

Danielle Tavares-Rixon (DTR)

Jakub Sielewicz (JS)

Lars Becker (LB)

Liam Barnes (LB)

Michael Osborne (MO)

Paul Carroll (PC)

Rachel Evans (RE)

Robert Flatman (RF)

Vincent McCauley (VM)

Meeting purpose: To continue reviewing suggested updates to the Australian Diagnostics and Referral Messaging – Localisation of HL7 v2.4 Standard not discussed in Meeting 13 on 30 June 2020

Welcome to Roger Hill, HealthLink architect attending his first HL7 O&O meeting

Notes from Meeting 12 were accepted

Agenda items:

@Kieron McGuire – Unable to find definition for Payload type URI for ORU/ORM messages. Note: Clinical area of message is not the message type; should utilise OBR-24 Diagnostic serv sect ID (ID) 00257 -  This field is the section of the diagnostic service where the observation was performed. Conformance Statement HL7.au:000032.3: If the receiving system has various categories for their inbound communications in their application. eg. Letters, Radiology, then each OBR/OBX group content must be added to those by classifying the OBR/OBX group content based on OBR-24 value. PHY, LAB, RAD are the most common ones. The system must map each value in HL7 Table 0074 - Diagnostic service section ID  to the appropriate category.

Updates to Patient Administration MSH-12 Version ID (BID) 00012 –

Components: <version ID (ID)> ^ <internationalization code (CE)> ^ <internal version ID (CE)>

Definition: This field is matched by the receiving system to its own version to be sure the message will be interpreted correctly. Beginning with Version 2.3.1, it has two additional “internationalization” components, for use by HL7 international affiliates. The <internationalization code> is CE data type (using the ISO country codes where appropriate) which represents the HL7 affiliate. The <internal version ID> is used if the HL7 Affiliate has more than a single ‘local’ version associated with a single US version. The <internal version ID> has a CE data type, since the table values vary for each HL7 Affiliate. MSH-12: Add URI for FHIR – different message type resolutions are valuable for those without access to entire URI for FHIR.  In V2 message, only need identifier, not entire URI or family of identifiers. 


HL7 Table 0104_Version ID updated to include: Value 2.4 (Release 2.4) and Date: November 2000

2.4^AUS&Australia&ISO3166_1^HL7AU-OO-ORU-202006; further updates to be completed by @Jared Davison post meeting with review of changes made to HL7 Table 0104 in Meeting 14.


http://ns.hl7.org.au/hl7v2/profiles/HL7AU-OO-ORU-2020 - @Kieron McGuire to contact @Brett Esler as link to Standard currently broken.  VC to provide meeting notes to KiM/JD as reminder to email BE

4.26 Observation Reporting formatting update: Mime now includes [version] * Refer to the FHIR specification for appropriate values of the version variable e.g. “4.0”  https://www.hl7.org/fhir/versioning.html  In FHIR, Mime Type Parameter (specifies FHIR version) is important as it allows selection of correct FHIR processor.  Similarly, 4.26 Non-Displayable Supporting data, Encapsulated data has a MIME Type; version needs to be input, should be done in the same fashion. 


Updates to 3.10.2 Type of Data: MIME Types are insensitive, but normal usage is lower case but can cause trouble.  Addition of: Note that when MIME type is used in Type of data that readers must treat the values case insensitively as per RFC 2045.  Also, addition to 3.10.3 Data subtype (ID): Note that when MIME type is used in Data subtype of data that readers must treat the values case insensitively as per RFC 2045.  Also, addition to 3.10.4 Encoding (ID): Receivers must evaluate this field in a case insensitive manner.


8.1.4 User Read Acknowledgments: suggest uploading draft work done to date on HL7 O&O site.  @Kyle Macdonald doesn’t believe person’s name (at practice) should be included in MSH-3 (Sending Application) header but is appropriate elsewhere.  Perhaps better place could be found?  MSH-5 (Receiving Application) causes systems to not properly match outbound messages with inbound acknowledgements.  To be discussed further, but not at next meeting as @Kyle Macdonald will be an apology.


New Meeting actions:

  • 25. @Andrew McIntyre & @Jared Davison Progress work on Draft re message Retrieval Codes [ MSH-8 Security (ST) 00008]
  • 26. @Vince McCauley & @Eric Browne specifically requested to review new Chapter 8 Acknowledgements.  @Kieron McGuire – to forward draft to ADHA’s Secure Messaging Group for feedback.
  • 27. @David McKillop – Provide further updates on ADHA’s Clinical Informatics team collaborations with @Brett Esler to progress translation of HL7 FHIR Australian Base Implementation Guide (AU Base 2): Base Diagnostic Report, Diagnostic Observation & Diagnostic Service Request Profiles from FHIR STU 3 to R4.  Ensure @Grahame Grieve & @Brett Esler are available to assist with ADHA FHIR review post 30 June 2020.
  • 29. @Vanessa Cameron – Schedule Meeting 14
  • 30. @Tony Cruice – Update 8.1.2 MSA Usage to include field names & colour coding labels
  • 31. @Vanessa Cameron – add new agenda item to Meeting 14: Review of V2 standard changes made case sensitive (RFC says case insensitive); should be evaluated in case insensitive way as per RFC 2045

Outstanding Meeting actions:

Next meeting – Meeting 14: Tuesday 21 July 2020 @ 11:00 AEST




11:00 – 12:00 AEST


10:30 – 11:30 ACST


 09:00 – 10:00 AWST

Auckland NZ

13:00  – 14:00 NZST