2020-10-06 Meeting Notes

2020-10-06 Meeting Notes



@Andrew McIntyre (Co-Chair)

@Michael Legg (Co-Chair)

@Dalisay Giffard

@David McKillop

@Eric Browne

@Jared Davison 

@Kyle Macdonald

@Michael Czapski

@Tony Cruice

@Vincent McCauley

@Vanessa Cameron (Secretariat)


@Angus Millar

@Brett Esler

@Christian Holmes

@Danielle Tavares-Rixon

@Jakub Sielewicz

@Kieron McGuire

@Lars Becker

@Liam Barnes

@Michael Osborne

@Nick Ferris

@Paul Carroll

@Philip Wilford

@Roger Hill

@Robert Flatman

@Scott Ferris

Goals:   1) Address remaining HL7v2-FHIR issues not discussed in Meeting 17 Tue 15 Sept 2020

               2) Discuss when to publish draft standard


Discussion items (included the following):

Notes from Meeting 17 on 15 September 2020 were accepted by members in attendance although @Jared Davison noted that HL7 Table 0104 had reverted to Table XXXX in draft Standard, has since been corrected

Noted: HealthLink withdrew their objection to proposed solution to use MSH-3 field in user Acknowledgements READ receipt to be populated with recipient who had viewed the message

Noted: Retrieval token for orders (CE value) & HL7 Attribute Table - @Vincent McCauley’s proposal to pre-adopt MSH-8 updates for HL7 Attribute Table as per V2.9 was accepted by all members in attendance e.g. updated information to be in three new MSH fields MSH-26, MSH-27 and MSH-28 rather than overburdening MSH-8

All in attendance agreed to dedicate remaining HL7 O&O meetings for 2020 to review and resolve existing comments logged in Confluence.  Propose releasing draft by end November / early December for two-month public comment period December 2020 - January 2021, with aim to produce and publish annual updates beginning in 2021

@Dalisay Giffard – would like to discuss LIS and CIS use of gender identifiers as QH are drafting solutions to the issue in the absence of a standard.  Current state: Administrative Sex should be handled via PID; Gender should be handled via Clinical History or OBXs, need to take patient privacy into account.  Telstra Health to collaborate with WA Department of Health & Australian Bureau of Statistics to progress for cancer screening.   All in attendance agreed to postpone this discussion until 2021, ensuring MSIA vendors are also engaged

draft Standard work completed during meeting:

  • 4. Observation Reporting OBR-3 Filler order number (EI) 00217.  Change application id to site id and add space to ‘third-party’
  • 4. Observation Reporting OBR-3 Filler order number (EI) 00217. Clarifying conditionality of filler order number - technically, orders for pathology = referrals.  Also, addition of: Messages other than order messages must have the filler order number present and must use the site identifier of the authoring organisation which allows for the unique identification of the document. The filler order number includes the site identifier of the organisation that generates the document/result/referral and the entity identifier (generated by the clinical application) which must be unique to each document/result/referral, within the same filler site, over time. This should allow for corrected documents to be issued (using the same OBR-3 Filler Order number (EI) as the original document)
  • 4. Observation Reporting OBR-25 Result status (ID) 00258.  Definition updated: This field is the status of results for this order. This conditional field is required whenever the OBR is contained in a report or referral message. It is not required as part of an initial order. It is not required as part of an initial order
  • 4. Observation Reporting OBR-13 Relevant clinical information (ST) 00247. Comment for resolution: “Could we either consider changing this field to FT or making \.br\ valid for the ST datatype. If there are multiple separate additional clinical information points in this field it will make it easier to read if they are on separate lines”. Unable to resolve during meeting, members asked to consider options for resolution in time for next meeting on Tuesday 20 October


Outstanding Meeting actions:

  • 17. @Brett Esler  - Update links to all Standards on the HL7 Australia O&O WG page – Australian Diagnostics and Referral Messaging – Localisation of HL7 v2.4 Standard is still referenced as ‘Current Draft Standard’ as per  https://confluence.hl7australia.com/display/OO/Current+Draft+Standardspending
  •  32. @Kieron McGuire - Contact @Brett Esler to have pages for Profile URIs (FHIR Provider Directory) & update link for FHIR R4 Value sets to return user to correct version of HL7 Standard
  •  33. @Jared Davison – create a checklist prior to final draft Standard being published
  •  41. @David McKillop to provide presentation on ADHA Diagnostic Report FHIR Implementation Guide (20 – 30 mins) after 06 October meeting

 New Meeting actions:

  • 43. @Jared Davison to review draft Standard to ensure no other reversions have occurred
  • 44. @Jared Davison to update draft with proposed changes to HL7 Attribute table noted above
  • 45. @Jared Davison to prepare PDF of draft Standard
  • 46. @Vincent McCauley to forward information regarding Transgender work being progressed by Telstra Health
  • 47. @Dalisay Giffard to share authorised outcomes of Queensland Health meeting discussions on gender identification
  • 48. @Vanessa Cameron to request updates from RCPA on Transgender work being progressed


Next meeting: Tuesday 20 October 2020 10:00 – 11:30 AEDT