2019-08-09 Meeting notes

2019-08-09 Meeting notes


 14:00 AEST



Draft recommendations to anomalies found in Australian Diagnostics and Referral Messaging – Localisation of HL7 Version 2.4; 3.3.3 Name of coding system (IS) + Vocabulary Table 0396 (Coding Systems) does not include MIMS, PBS etc.  Feedback requested by Friday 16 August  2019 to assist ADHA to meet project timelines


ADHA’s Secure Messaging Industry Offer (released 27 March 2019) developed to accelerate the adoption of the aggregated provider searching across multiple directories and standardisation of message payloads to support referrals.  ADHA also recognised the need to develop an HL7 V2 Conformance Profiler with prime purpose of validating HL7 V2 messages etc in the Offer.  Four message types outlined in the Offer:

  1. Patient Referral Message (REF- I12)
  2. Patient Referral Response Message (RRI-I12)
  3. Master Data Management Message (MDM-T02)
  4. Master Data Management Acknowledgement Message (ACK-T02)

ADHA has developed a Toolkit consisting of an XML Conformance Profile outlining specific HL7 V2 message structures & accompanying code tables to be used as a technical specification for validation (machine readable translation of confluence information) available on GitHub.  Jakub used Example Referral 1 messages & ran it against XML Conformance Profile & statements which produced some anomalies, specifically surrounding Coding systems in HL7 0396 Vocabulary Table.  References to MIMS, AMT etc did not feature in Coding systems, producing warnings.  Meeting organised to determine a way forward to manage coding systems in Table 0396.

Discussion items

Appendix 4 HL7 Code Table does not mention AMT nor MIMS; but Chapter 7 Patient Referral does mention mims-codes, MIMS-UNITS, MIMS-FORM, MIMS-GENCODE, TGA, PBS, EAN and AMT, all normative, which implies their use.  Currently, local systems are not included in Table 0396, mostly international codes listed.

AMT V2 is listed in Online table, but is outdated, should be AMT V3.


Table 0396 now includes references to mims-codes, MIMS-UNITS, MIMS-FORM, MIMS-GENCODE, TGA, PBS, EAN and AMT with NOTE 2: HL7 message validation tools should raise a warning when a code from a coding system above cannot be resolved from their respective terminology data source. Similarly, code systems encountered not found in this table should also raise a warning.

Further comments

Additional comment 1) A process to deal with localisation of code tables for Australia is needed. There are fhir coding system tables. What is the source of truth?

Additional comment 2) There needs further discussion to guide a user toward recommended coding systems such as AMT, SCT, LN, vs MIMS, PBS etc, although they are allowed for.

Additional comment 3) For medications, generally AMT is recommended where available and it is expected to be understood by receivers, and this should be validated.

See http://build.fhir.org/terminologies-systems.html


Jakub happy to progress his project based on the recommendations outlined above and noted at https://confluence.hl7australia.com/display/OO/3+Datatypes#id-3Datatypes-table0396

Next meeting - Meeting 7: TBA

-        Agenda to include discussion on comments generated/logged in Confluence from 09 August meeting along with outstanding actions from previous HL7 O&O meetings.

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