2019-02-12 Meeting notes
2019-02-12 Meeting notes
Date 12 Feb 2019
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- @Anthony O'Neill
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- @Robert Flatman
- Former user (Deleted)
- @Christian Holmes
- @Danielle Tavares-Rixon
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- Former user (Deleted)
- @Sari McKinnon
- @Vincent McCauley
Follow up on feedback provided by Anthony on Standards (segment definitions compared to implied reference profile with all variations noted in spreadsheet): AS.4700.1.2.4-2014; AS.4700.2 – 2012; AS.4700.3 – 2005 Amendment 2 – 2006
Discussion items
- Few minor errors have been found in the draft standards (publicly available)
- Currently no active Standards Australia committee dealing with AS.4700.1, therefore no mechanism to make changes to that standard
- No current agreement with Standards Australia to develop further HL7 work, therefore a new patient admin content to be progressed under Patient Administration Group HL7 AU
- HL7 O&O wg need to understand all variations noted then plan next steps to a) put out revised Patient Administration standard b) mitigate variations or c) add selected Patient Administration for Pathology content to broader Patient Administration specification
- No committee to undertake V2 work, Patient Administration group could take this on
- Many organisations in Australia are receiving Admission, Discharge & Transfer (ADT) messages, therefore reliant on current ADT specs
- Look at fields, note variations in draft
- Believe AS 4700.3-2005/Amendment 2-2006 (Implementation of HL7 V 2.4 Electronic messages for exchange of information on drug prescriptions) has been delisted – contact Richard Brooks or Secretary to confirm
- Standards Australia is reviewing all standards developed five years or older
- David Rowlands is undertaking a consultancy for ADHA on HI Standards Development in Australia. David’s report may be a mechanism to put up a recommendation to sort out which standards are being used, where, and how in the long term
- Want to enforce all Message acknowledgments (MSH) to be Optionality-R (Required)
- Proposed changes to HL7 standards have been balloted twice and also within Standards Australia so significant agreement to changes has been previously approved
- Agreement that all vendors were to adopt V2 simplified reference specification more than 12 months ago, but there has been much passive resistance to date. To address this, need to provide vendors with a list of all differences but first must ensure HL7AUSD-STD-OO-ADRM-2018.1 Australian Diagnostics and Referral Messaging - Localisation of HL7 Version 2.4 all changes are spot on, including clarity on all definitions
- ML will progress broader pathology specifications compliance and adoption via MSIA during Stakeholder Forum 13 June 2019
Draft Recommendations approved
- Patient Referral segment RF1-7 Effective date (TS) is required by law if you want to bill for an item. Dagger added with note - Australian variation to HL7 V2.4)
- Observation Reporting segment OBR-1 Set ID 00237. Change required to Optionality – from O (Optional) to C (Conditional) as required if > one OBR segment sent
- Observation Reporting segment OBR-5 Set ID 00239. Change from Optionality X to Optionality B; This field has been deprecated. It is not used; This information is carried as the sixth components of OBR-27 quantity timing
- Observation Reporting segment OBR-6 Set ID 00240. Change from Optionality X to Optionality B; This field has been deprecated. It is not used; This information is carried as the sixth components of OBR-27 quantity timing
Next Meeting:
Action items
- Former user (Deleted) - gaining traction on SPIA promotional opportunities via HL7 AU O&O
- Former user (Deleted) - contact Richard Brooks or Standards Australia Secretary re currency of AS 4700.3-2005/Amendment 2-2006 (Implementation of HL7 V 2.4 Electronic messages for exchange of information on drug prescriptions)
- Former user (Deleted) & Former user (Deleted) - Undertake detailed review of work re variations listed in @Anthony O'Neill's spreadsheet; focus on codes that are currently used
- Former user (Deleted) - send invitations for next meeting 19 Mar 2019
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