2018-08-07 Meeting Notes

2018-08-07 Meeting Notes





Discussion items





3pmReviewing the changes agreed to from last TC 27/7/2018.Jared
  • Clarification of codes "L" rather than "LN" in the anatomical pathology examples and the use of the code in the spreadsheet. Jared made the changes on-line from eg "LN-RCPA-0096"Extent^LN" to "LN-RCPA-0096"Extent^L".
  • Jared went over presentation changes to Prostate Cancer pdf document.
  • Updated the Prostate cancer message example presentation on-line.
  • Jared's spreadsheet comments: many occurrences of "(see page 0)" where the links were no linger resolvable. Made table 6, 0189, 0172 & 0212 plus others were unlinked. Added table 0136 "Yes/No Indicator" to the list of tables.
  • Looked at pink text for "Batch" HL7au:000022.3 and was validated by c'tee.
  • Looked at pink text for "Batch" HL7au:000022.4 and was validated by c'tee with tweaked wording.
  • Table in 4.22 - table layout: doesn't seem to work for this table. C'tee OK wiht as is.
  • Went through DMc's spreadsheet and made changes as required.
  • Reviewed Brett's feedback and confirmed changes.

Distributed updated PDF document via email to interested parties on the c'tee.

Meeting finished at 5pm

Action items
