HL7 Australia Document Management Convention

This is a proposal for structure document naming conventions for HL7 Australia work products. 

Document Types

  • HL7AUSD - HL7 Australia Standard Document
  • HL7AUHB - HL7 Australia Handbook
  • HL7AUIG - HL7 Australia Implementation Guide

Publishing Status

  • CID - Continuous Integration Document - this is a live document subject to change at any time
  • DFC - Draft for Comment or QA Review - review version only not intended for release
  • STU - Standard for Trial Use - suitable for use in systems
  • STD - Normative Standard - ballot approved standard 
  • IUD - Informative Use Document - informative material

Document Designation

Examples - scope of interest group; project or other - allocated by sponsors of project - working group, board, project or other

  • OO - orders and obsevation


  • optional - none for constant integration
  • <month>.<year> (IG style snapshot)
  • <major>.<minor> (IG STU/Normative release)
  • or <year>.<revision> (classic HL7 V2 specification style)


  • Worded Title - full title text e.g. Australian Diagnostics and Referral Messaging - Localisation of HL7 Version 2.4
  • Short Reference - document designator chosen for this document family; e.g. ADRM

Formal Naming

  • Document Type - short code for document scope of interest
  • Publishing Status - short code for status
  • Document Designation - short code for document scope of interest
  • Short Reference  - document family short reference name
  • Version - optional one of the version options


  • HL7AUSD-DFC-OO-ADRM-2018.1    release of OO AU diagnostics and referral messaging, draft for comment
  • HL7AUIG-CIB-FHIR-BASE    release of the constant integration build of FHIR base IG
  • HL7AUIG-DFC-FHIR-BASE-MAR.2018   snapshot release of the FHIR base IG for march 2018
  • HL7AUIG-STU-FHIR-BASE-1.0   STU release for the FHIR base IG v1.0
  • HL7AUIG-STU-FHIR-PD-1.0  STU release of the FHIR Provider Directory IG v1.0

Publication Formats

  • PDF
  • HTML (Wiki workspace snapshot)
  • HTML (Static site publication)

Title Text

  • Document Title should include 
    • Worded Title 
    • Optional document Version
    • Option Recommend Month of Publication
    • Option Recommend Year of Publication
  • Subtitle shall be 
    • Standard Type (full wording)
    • Publishing Status (full wording)


Australian Diagnostics and Referral Messaging - Localisation of HL7 Version 2.4 2018

HL7 Australia Standard Document - Draft for Comment

Australian Base Profiles Implementation Guide

HL7 Australia Implementation Guide - Continuous Integration Build

Footer Text

  • Formal Naming Reference e.g. 
    • HL7AUSD-DFC-OO-ADRM-2018.1