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Andrew: People have implemented AS 4700.6 in HL7 2.4, but seemed to have created a profile that doesn't allow multiple OBR's. Moving to a new message type will be problematic.
Russell: SA created the standard REF-12 message where something is put in at the beginning of the message which is materially different from the standard message.
Michael: The issue is that the proposed REF-12 message is breaking good HL7 international practice.
Russell: When in IT 14-6-6 the clinicians present didn't like that the REF message didn't have the capability to handle the triggers/events the clinicians wanted.
Jared: the current work is based on AS 4700.6-2006.
Russell: suggested using the international message where not breaking (ie AS-4700.6 introduces a top ORC which is not in the International message REF-12).
Vince: Would rather not vary from the international standard.
Vince, Jared, Michael: put a flag in the OBR segment rather than the ORC.
Resolution: To delete in ORC that is illegal against the international standard and add text to the "Significant Changes" section (Appendix 7) to explain changes. Jared added text to Appendix 7 "Significant Changes" to explain the changes.
Discussion Andrew, Russell: regarding skipping "known segments". Refer to Standard section 2.11 step 2 part a).
Russell McDonnell's comment in Introduction on FT being used instead of TX.
Discussion on past history of change to FT rather than TX. Reducing to FT reduces the variability, but will cause an international company that uses TX, but not an issue for local companies that may use FT. Resolution: to retain the use of FT instead of TX.
Changes to text in Introduction.
Last sentence in the first paragraph modified by adding some examples.