2017-09-06 Meeting notes

2017-09-06 Meeting notes



Discussion items


'Australian Pathology Messaging - Localisation of HL7 Version 2.4' update


Former user (Deleted)
  • HL7 Australia have updated 'Australian Pathology Messaging - Localisation of HL7 Version 2.4' and published.
  • Print layout requires to be addressed, requires a macro to be installed in Confluence. Andrew and Michael to write to Amy to get an update.

Referral profile work

Former user (Deleted)

Australian Digital Health Agency has pulled together vendors to form a technical group to work through REF messaging for patient referrals.

Jared has been working on this technical group and has updated 'Australian Pathology Messaging - Localisation of HL7 Version 2.4' accordingly. The following sections have been added:

To be done:

  • Jared to update chapters after comments from 6 Sept meeting, including checking tables against 2.9 version
  • O&O group to review the above new sections
  • next 2 meetings are on 19 Sept and 3 October.

Document defines how to use HealthCare Identifiers in various datatypes, somehow it miss explaining how for CE.

Consensus sounds to be to use CE rather than XON since we can locally extend table 0396? 
Can I suggest that we make codes at this point to cover the other Healthcare Identifier use in CE? so they are available for future uses.

Here's the list again. I propose we add the following to HL7AU's table 0396.
IHI   Individual Healthcare Identifier
HPI-I Healthcare Provider Identifier - Individual
HPI-O Healthcare Provider Identifier - Organisation
CSP  Contracted Service Provider
GSO General Supporting Organisation

See Attachments section for full discussion.

Former user (Deleted)

To be discussed in a future meeting

HL7 Table 0191 - Type of referenced data

HL7 Table 0291—Subtype of Referenced Data

I would like to add a note: in http://confluence.hl7australia.com/display/OO/3+Datatypes#id-3Datatypes-table0191

That when MIME types or subtypes values are used in the fields that they should be treated case case insensitively as per RFC 2045. 

https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2045.txt  says:

"The type, subtype, and parameter names are not case sensitive. For example, TEXT, Text, and TeXt are all equivalent top-level media types."

There is a conformance point for it under (HL7au:00044.10.2), but it probably deserves a note in the main text discussion also to help make sure this fact isn't missed. It is probably worth referencing the RFC2045.

Former user (Deleted)To be discussed in a future meeting

Action items

  • Former user (Deleted)  To write to Amy re update on the installation of new macro added to Confluence.
  • Former user (Deleted) Jared to update chapters after comments from 6 Sept meeting, including checking tables against 2.9 version