2017-11-14 Meeting notes

2017-11-14 Meeting notes


 started 10am (AEST) and finished 



Discussion items

System access
Andrew and Michael had issues logging in over the last fortnight.
Discussion of use of ORU & Medication messages
But Jared said vendors just want the one message type
Change of title

Add "and Referral" ie "Australian Diagnostics and Referral Messaging" ...
In the Introduction - add content regarding referral and clinical messaging.

By changing name to Diagnostics will need to include some diagnostic imaging specific content.

Discussed Russell McDonald's comment

Former user (Deleted) unsure of what Russell meant by his comment "ORC being the first ...". In 4700.6-2006 IT 14-6-6 created something that worked, but was not standard with HL7 International. Hence the document is following AS 4600.6-2006 for backwards compatibility. There is a history of doing these changes which has content in Australia that is significantly different to the content of HL7 International and this document is trying to standardise what is being used before moving forward. Refer to Former user (Deleted)'s responded comment to Russell's comment.

Former user (Deleted) to update content and invite Russel to next TC.

Review of Referral profile workFormer user (Deleted)

Action items

  • Former user (Deleted): to look at last AS 4700.2012 to see what Radiology specific content is missing in the new document eg LSPN's and table the differences.
  • Former user (Deleted) and Former user (Deleted) to go through Introduction to expand content out to "Pathology, Diagnostic Imaging and Referrals".   Need to make clear that it is pathology, but needs to talk about other content as well ie origins in pathology messaging which has been extended to other realms eg Diagnostic Imaging and referrals.
  • Former user (Deleted) to update content and invite Russel to next TC.