2017-06-13 Meeting notes

2017-06-13 Meeting notes



Discussion items


Discuss Indication of Consent

Former user (Deleted)
  • Toby to check SNOMED codes used in the document to check they are correct;
  • LOINC codes to be requested as required;
  • Walked through example archetype and HL7 message. Example sent to Angus to be included in the draft document.

Some values in table 301 *maybe* shouldn't be there but at least they need to be defined in table 300 instead.

Also, table 0396 has no local coding systems such as 'L' which might be needed for some implementations.

Also 'EN 13606' should be added.

Former user (Deleted)Ran out of time to discuss in this meeting. Jared will document the issues ready for next meeting.

Action items
