2017-10-03 Meeting notes

2017-10-03 Meeting notes


  (started 10am, finished midday) Eastern Std time



Discussion items


General discussion on last week's Ref message connectathon





Informed group who had attended and some of the testing done at the connectathon.

Discussion about header details being disassociated with the result content ie must provide a patient header.

Discussed including patient demographic detail in the HTML.

Additional info added to HL7 Au Confluence page Appendix 2 Rendering of reports and display formats (Normative) - ie similar to "Systems should still display the patient demographics based on the PID segment as the patient names and demographics change over time."

REF msg: Displaying of PID from HTMLAndrew, VinceIt is good practice to display both patient identity from both the PID and the HTML to cover any errors that may arise. Refer to Appendix 2, the last paragraph in section "Constraints on html Profile for display segments" part 4 "HTML Structure". Plus example "skeletal" code block added.
Continuing on with A8.10JaredJared went over section A8.10 to A8.10.27
NPIO added to Chapter 6 "identifiers"Jared 
Updates to Chapter 7JaredUpdate to UPIN - re table
Discussion on "Australian End Point Payload Types"Jaredrefer to fhir.build.org - the au section (I missed the actual link on Jared's machine)
Message securityAndrew, Jared, VinceDiscussion on OAUTH and certificates.

Action items

  •  Donna -  to look at Vince's review of the Pathology Confluence specification and whether the changes have been made.  
  •  Next meeting Tuesday 31st October 11am Eastern Daylight Savings time.  (10am Eastern Standard Time)
  • Michael - Ref connectathon - 16-17 Oct 2017.  Need to ask board that V2 is included.  
  • Michael to send email to HL7 Au about issues with Confluence