2016-12-13 Meeting notes

2016-12-13 Meeting notes




  • Develop an implementation guide for standardised HL7 V2 messaging for Pathology orders and results

  • New Timeline:
    • December - Draft ready for targeted external reviewers
    • December - Document ready for Ballot
    • 13 December - Document reviewed by O&O working group and ready for TSC review and Open Ballot
    • January/February - Open for ballot
    • March - Ready to publish

Discussion items

Appendix 4Former user (Deleted)

Appendix 4 removed, and Appendix 5-8 renumbered.

Table of contents updated.

Lab renamedFormer user (Deleted)

Change all references of "QML" to "ACME"

Change all references of " Buderim" to "ABC"

Change any real names to "Joe Bloggs"

Review each sectionFormer user (Deleted)Each section was reviewed during the meeting.
Open ballot readinessFormer user (Deleted)The document is very close to completion, another meeting will be held on 20 December to determine readiness for the draft to go to Open ballot.

Action items
