2016-07-19 Meeting notes

2016-07-19 Meeting notes





  • Develop an implementation guide for standardised HL7 V2 messaging for Pathology orders and results

  • Timeline:
    • July - Draft ready for working group meeting
    • August  - Document ready for Ballot
    • September - Open for ballot
    • November - Ready to publish

Discussion items   

Discuss inclusions to localisation standard

Former user (Deleted)

Former user (Deleted)

  • The document will be based on HL7 International document
  • ORU segment - remove Financial transaction and Clinical trial identification, make note that these have been removed. 
  • OBR table - for the fields that will be removed from this table, make a note to indicate which fields have been removed.
  • Overview section needs to include what is new to the standard such as UCUM and other APUTS work
  • Andrew - will continue on Observation ordering and reporting sections
  • David - will continue on Overview and Datatypes sections
  • Jane - will work on Overview, in particular ACK section
  • Eric - will work on Common errors section
  • Need to identify what information is in AS4700.2 and HB262 and should be added.

Action items

  • Former user (Deleted)  re. possibility of have HL7 v2 tables available in machine processable form to help implementers.