2016-09-13 Meeting notes

2016-09-13 Meeting notes




  • Develop an implementation guide for standardised HL7 V2 messaging for Pathology orders and results

  • Timeline:
    • September  - Document ready for Ballot
    • October - Open for ballot
    • November - Ready to publish

Discussion items   

Discuss the current draft of the localisation standard

Former user (Deleted)

  • Richard will update the Introduction
  • Donna to update Datatypes section:
    • Remove datatypes that are not in the table
    • Renumber the section
    • Create a tag from the datatypes in the table to the relevant text for each datatype
  • Donna to followup with Jared Davison on the use of tilde in ST.
  • David will continue on his sections, including updating the appendix for the conformance points 

Consent message for the MyHealth record

Former user (Deleted)The Co-chairs received communication from Andy Bond, Chair of TSC, re the consent message for the MyHealth record. It was recommended by the co-chairs that the HL7 O&O working group complete the request and report localisation because that would be drawn on in any use for this purpose.

Andy Bond will provide the draft that has been developed in due course. This will be added to a future action item for HL7 O&O.

Amendments to TR5551Former user (Deleted)

Richard reported that there will be an amendment to SMD standard TR5551.


Status of TR5416Former user (Deleted) 

The TR5416 has now been reinstated to "Current" after being incorrectly "Withdrawn". 

There are no plans to amend, but if in future there are plans to update TR5416, then Former user (Deleted) should be involved in the discussions.

Action items